Biden spokesman refuses to answer whether Biden reads teleprompter during interviews

Joe Biden’s basement and highly-controlled press interviews have had slip-ups that certainly make it appear that Biden is reading from a teleprompter for the answers.

Here are are some examples:

So, does Joe read not only prearranged statements (we know he can do that) from the teleprompter, but also his answers to questions and his dialogue with people?

Bret Baier interviewed TJ Ducklo, Biden’s National Press Secretary. Before we get to substance, Ducklo comes across as a caricature of a smug political operative, the type of guy who is why Trump was elected in the first place.

Ducklo refused to answer a straighforward question about whether Biden ever has used a teleprompter during an interview. He ducked and changed the subject, and pretty much came across as the smug punk he apparently is.

So I guess that answer is Yes.

Just to get you even more furious, here’s Ducklo refusing to say what Biden would have done differently with regard to the pandemic, and whether Biden supported the China travel ban.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Fox News, Joe Biden