White House video of America’s Frontline Doctors gets full cancel culture treatment

There have been some troubling developments related to the now heavily censored video of medical professionals touting the effects of hydroxychloroquine treatment on patients suffering from COVID-19. In fact, those involved in the making or promoting of the video are getting the full cancel-culture treatment.

The fact that the video presented a strong case for physicians to consider using hydroxychloroquine as part of the course of treatment was effective can be ascertained by the aftermath of the conference. To begin with, under the false flag of “Fake News”, the social media giants took down the video. Prior to the shut-down, the video had 18 million views.

The next phase was punishing the video’s promoters. For example, Michael Flynn’s lead attorney Sidney Powell was partially suspended for the crime of promoting the information presented in the video in her feed, as was President Donald Trump’s son.

Powell confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Tuesday that her account was partially suspended.”Needless to say, that is an outrage,” she told the Washington Examiner. “Twitter should not be deciding what information is allowed. My tweet was based on information from numerous doctors. Congress must revoke the protections afforded these tech titans who must be required to allow free speech. CNN and others are pushing pure propaganda against hydroxychloroquine. It’s really astonishing to see such censorship against the president and others in what is supposed to be a free society.”Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, was hit with the same penalty from Twitter for posting a video that also promoted hydroxychloroquine.

The following phase of cancelling effort occurred when the media’s progressive army scoured the files of the charismatic Nigerian physician Stella Immanneul.

…Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens.

Now, Dr, Simone Gold, a medical doctor who is well-respected with over 31 years of emergency room experience, has been fired from her job.

Dr. Simone Gold, a board certified emergency physician who appeared in the hydroxychloroquine viral video and led “America’s Frontline Doctors,” lost her job, according to a report by Fox News on July 30.Dr. Simone, 54, graduated from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine Science, The Chicago Medical School in 1989. She has worked in Emergency Rooms across Los Angeles, treating Covid-19 patients since the pandemic outbreak. She is currently registered with Providence Hospital located at 501 South Buena Vista Street in Burbank.Simon stated she was fired from her job because of media slander, after her employer found out about the viral video where she claimed her patients have received positive results from using the drug to treat COVID-19. She is the founder of the newly created group called “America’s Frontline Doctors.Dr. Simone has created many reviews after speaking up on her experiences with the treatment of Covid-19 patients. She began getting reviews online for the last 8 weeks from non-patients. The reviews are showing strong opposition or support of her testimony, either personally attacking her or commending her based on taking a stand.

Gold appeared on FNC’s Tucker Carlson show, and indicated the doctors were hiring some serious legal help, in the form of the lawyer who helped young Nicholas Sandmann win a substantive settlement against CNN.

“It seems like five minutes ago I was considered a hero,” she said. “My own website was taken down and it has been interesting since.””A lot of people are saying negative things about me,” she said. “We’ve hired Lin Wood to represent us in this matter, and I hope that puts to rest anything people might want to say that is defamatory.”Lin Wood is the lawyer who just won “Covington kid” Nick Sandmann’s suit against the Washington Post.

Some food for thought: Hydroxychlorquine is part of a treatment regimen that has helped quell the outbreak in the densely populated slum-areas of Mumbai, India. Why does the press and certain political leaders want to give Americans fewer choices and poorer care than those living in India’s slums?

Tags: Cancel Culture, Nicholas Sandmann, Sidney Powell, Wuhan Coronavirus