University of Pennsylvania Hires a Second Diversity Administrator
“bringing diverse groups of students, faculty, and staff together to build out and support the University’s culture of inclusive understanding and social impact”

The person hired for the job just happens to be the current campus chaplain, but don’t call social justice a religion.
Campus Reform reports:
Despite financial woes, Ivy League school hires SECOND diversity czar
The University of Pennsylvania announced earlier this summer plans to establish a new senior administrative position: the “Vice President for Social Equity and Community.”
According to a university announcement emailed to students, Charles “Chaz” Howard — the university’s current chaplain — will assume the new role August 1. He will focus on “bringing diverse groups of students, faculty, and staff together to build out and support the University’s culture of inclusive understanding and social impact while also working to help overcome historical and structural barriers to advancing that mission.”
Howard will work closely with the school’s “Chief Diversity Officer” — another senior administrative position that the Ivy League school employs to focus on social justice. He will direct the university’s Projects for Progress: “a new fund intended to encourage students, faculty, and staff to design and implement pilot projects based on innovative research that will advance Penn’s aim of a more inclusive university and community.”
According to Penn’s IRS filings, the university’s inaugural Chief Diversity Officer Joann Mitchell earned more than $580,000 in total compensation for the fiscal year ending June 2018.
Mitchell’s appointment was announced in March 2017. It is unclear whether the new Vice President for Social Equity will earn a comparable salary, but other vice presidents earned between $300,000 and $800,000 during the same fiscal year.

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everybody needs a good wingman
Diversity is the new Democrat Party / Leftist word
for pedophile methinks……
Why do you think that?
This is why we were wrong for so many years, when we laughed at people who majored in various “studies” fields. We said, “Wait until they get to the real world! That degree will hurt more than help when they try to get jobs!”
These jobs pay very well. Plus, the people in them are always looking to bring on more like-minded folks. The eventual goal is for everyone to be beholden to the diversity bureaucracy. They are well on the way.
They could’ve saved a lot of money and been much more efficient just by throwing 10 grand at the chaplain to keep tabs on the diversity of the first guy.
Forget Churchill; that era’s long over.
Embrace now Equity Equanimity, for
Never before in the course of Intellectual endeavor have so many
Wastes of woken neuroplasm
Done so little good for so many.
Why I no longer send money to my undergraduate alma mater. (Or my graduate alma mater either, which is becoming more and more guilty of the same sort of SJW nonsense.) They are betraying the whole cause of liberal education. Six or more full professors’ salaries in order to impose more ideological conformity on a university!
I imagine how happy must be the families to see where their tuition fees go.