Tucker Carlson Exposes Extremist Side of Democratic National Convention

If you’ve been watching the Democratic National Convention each night this week, you have probably heard some far-out ideas and claims.

Yet none of that can even compare with what they’re not showing on prime time television.

Some of the daytime sessions, which aren’t getting much attention, are focusing on the most extreme elements of the party. Tucker Carlson highlighted some of them on his show.

Transcript from FOX News:

Tucker reveals the DNC party leaders don’t want you to see, where extremism and anti-Americanism come out“You might not know this, but most of the actual convention events take place during daytime hours,” the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host explained. “The networks don’t cover them. You have no idea they ever happen. There’s a reason for that, obviously, but what a loss for the viewing public.”At one event, Pastor Frederick Haynes III of Texas castigated President Trump and his supporters during a fiery opening prayer.”You had the nerve to build a wall while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York a Statue of Liberty … Jesus will say, ‘America, if you don’t get your act together, you may well go to Hell,'” said Haynes at one point…Carlson then introduced J Mai, a graduate assistant at Wake Forest University’s LGBT Center whose biography describes them as a “Black Vietnamese transgender non-binary gender-transcendent mermaid queenking currently living out their ever-evolving truths in Winston-Salem.””Why can’t folks imagine a world without the cops, why can’t folks imagine a world without prisons, why can’t people expand their imaginations to include community care, to include an abolitionist future?” Mai said in the clip. “I’m talking about for real-for real abolition, not just the watered-down DNC version of abolition. We’re talking about abolishing the police, we’re talking about abolishing ICE, we’re talking about abolishing prisons.”

Tucker notes that some of these agenda items are regularly denied by members of the media and the Democratic party.

Watch the whole thing below:

Bonchie of RedState sums it up perfectly:

Why is none of this on TV? Because this is what the Democrats don’t want you to see. This is who they really are. It’s not the 78 year old Joe Biden that’s setting the course here. He’s simply their barely alive puppet. It’s the young “activists” that are quickly overtaking the party. While some may want to delude themselves into thinking it’ll all be OK with “slow and steady” Joe at the helm, the truth is, a vote for Biden is simply empowering what you see in the above video. Vote wisely.

The Democrats are no longer just out of step with average American people, they are in outer space.

It’s amazing how quickly this happened.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats, DNC, Tucker Carlson