Tucker Carlson Exposes Extremist Side of Democratic National Convention
“We’re talking about abolishing the police, we’re talking about abolishing ICE, we’re talking about abolishing prisons.”
If you’ve been watching the Democratic National Convention each night this week, you have probably heard some far-out ideas and claims.
Yet none of that can even compare with what they’re not showing on prime time television.
Some of the daytime sessions, which aren’t getting much attention, are focusing on the most extreme elements of the party. Tucker Carlson highlighted some of them on his show.
Transcript from FOX News:
Tucker reveals the DNC party leaders don’t want you to see, where extremism and anti-Americanism come out
“You might not know this, but most of the actual convention events take place during daytime hours,” the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host explained. “The networks don’t cover them. You have no idea they ever happen. There’s a reason for that, obviously, but what a loss for the viewing public.”
At one event, Pastor Frederick Haynes III of Texas castigated President Trump and his supporters during a fiery opening prayer.
“You had the nerve to build a wall while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York a Statue of Liberty … Jesus will say, ‘America, if you don’t get your act together, you may well go to Hell,'” said Haynes at one point…
Carlson then introduced J Mai, a graduate assistant at Wake Forest University’s LGBT Center whose biography describes them as a “Black Vietnamese transgender non-binary gender-transcendent mermaid queenking currently living out their ever-evolving truths in Winston-Salem.”
“Why can’t folks imagine a world without the cops, why can’t folks imagine a world without prisons, why can’t people expand their imaginations to include community care, to include an abolitionist future?” Mai said in the clip. “I’m talking about for real-for real abolition, not just the watered-down DNC version of abolition. We’re talking about abolishing the police, we’re talking about abolishing ICE, we’re talking about abolishing prisons.”
Tucker notes that some of these agenda items are regularly denied by members of the media and the Democratic party.
Watch the whole thing below:
Bonchie of RedState sums it up perfectly:
Why is none of this on TV? Because this is what the Democrats don’t want you to see. This is who they really are. It’s not the 78 year old Joe Biden that’s setting the course here. He’s simply their barely alive puppet. It’s the young “activists” that are quickly overtaking the party. While some may want to delude themselves into thinking it’ll all be OK with “slow and steady” Joe at the helm, the truth is, a vote for Biden is simply empowering what you see in the above video. Vote wisely.
The Democrats are no longer just out of step with average American people, they are in outer space.
It’s amazing how quickly this happened.
Featured image via YouTube.
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So with no prison cops or laws. when someone says puts a bullet in your head whats the repercussions? Asking for a friend.
Only recoil and a very loud percussion, it would seem.
Exactly. Careful what you wish for, radicals. There are a lot of pissed off people out here and your dream of a “purge” may not turn out as you expect.
No guns to worry about either. When you abolish reality, a while new world is open to you. As for our mermaid friend in Winston-Salem (two cigarette brand names by the way) I have one suggestion…Haldol.
Wake Forrest has some strange people working there, but I never knew they had any mermaids. Too far inland. It’s a damn expensive private school, and I can’t imagine paying that kind of money to be influenced by people like this.
We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. And btw you’re a racist and a hater.
That’s what Teddy told Mary Jo.
…and what Robin DiAngelo told every white person, ever.
You will have to ask the local dictator, who will be making rules up as the whim hits him/her, as we have the first inklings of now.
Abolish prisons. And here I thought they wanted Derek Chauvin in prison.
Misunderstanding on your part. Extermination camps aren’t prisons.
Consistency isn’t their strong suit, but don’t bother telling them that.
I encourage the Dhimmi-crat loons to keep up their lunacy. With every additional bit of radical, totalitarian craziness that they proffer, these idiots ensure POTUS’s re-election, by a comfortable margin.
The race will not be close, at all.
Here’s some more then.
DNC Panelist: Under Biden’s Climate Plan, ‘There Should Be 10 Solyndras’…
AOC Calls Felon Disenfranchisement a Legacy of Slavery
I want to be a mermaid
Well, I used to want to meet a mermaid, but if I ever do I guess I’ll need to do a background check.
Never believe the age on their fishing licenses.
Singing a different tuna now?
Don’t be envious of or manipulated by what these self-important creatures feel is their calm and assured insight into a better condition for all, or what they’re sure is their higher intelligence and awareness of truer, superior social patterns not intuited by the deplorable, irredeemable masses.
These wild-eyed, dream-addled seers of sorts are arriving at their distinctly unrealistic mental states by the intoxicating effects of drugs — probably along the lines of any mixture of MDMA (ecstasy), meth/coke, and morphine-like narcotics, including heroin; and an ample background of THC, for sure.
They’re clearly ill because of how much “medication” they need to maintain an even keel. Take away their crutch, their substitute for a moral, responsibility-based existence, and they’ll be howling for help or looking to hurt others, like any other emotionally disturbed, entitled, and depraved soul.
Just my informed guess, no more.
Sarcasm… it’s a form of humor
But I will say in my defense, I have had to watch endless movies and cartoon series on girls turning into mermaids or just being a mermaid to begin with.. my granddaughters favs…
With pink hair, sometimes blonde with pink or aqua stripes
It’s a girl thing… just saying and for your information
I think Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides kind of ruined mermaid attractiveness for a lot of guys. Just sayin’
It’s amazing how quickly this happened.
Not really … and it didn’t happen all that quickly. It really started, in earnest, with the 2008 Precedential campaign of Barky, who was ineligible for the position and, on top of that, held one of the biggest campaign rallies in AMerican history (perhaps the biggest) in a friggin foreign land … for friggin foreigners … funded in part by a friggin foreign government … That was the mark, right there.
Once Barky slimed into office he brought in a junta comprised of about half unabashed, self-proclaimed Maoists and proceeded to start taking America apart piece by piece. That was the real start. And with the leftists noticing, to their utter amazement and joy, that they were able, in the space of a few days and with the help of a second rate virus with a kill rate of less than 0.26% that was used in a bio attack by the communist Chinese on us, to turn much of America into petit dictatorships ruled by the whim of one retarded executive on some ephemeral “emergency” statuses that go one and on and on.
Getting the overt insurrectionists into the streets to burn the country down was just the cherry on top for them, but they have more planned.
Hear Hear.
“Black Vietnamese transgender non-binary gender-transcendent mermaid queenking …”
Remember. Far more liberals report suffering from mental illness than the general population.
That’s surprising actually. Because it implies they would tell the truth.
Or had any actual self awareness.
But they’ll tell the truth about that, because defects are like merit badges. In fact, you have to stop them from claiming more than they actually have (are you with me, Rachel Dolezal and Liz Warren?)
“Carlson then introduced J Mai, a graduate assistant at Wake Forest University’s LGBT Center whose biography describes them as a ‘Black Vietnamese transgender non-binary gender-transcendent mermaid queenking currently living out their ever-evolving truths in Winston-Salem.’”
The Wake Forest Demon Deacons will soon be known as the Woke Forest Dreamin’ Bleepin’s.
Them Deacons have been falling down on the job.
Look I try hard to live and let live, but if you claim to be either a mermaid or royalty, much less both, you are in need of psychological help in an institution. The nice folks there will keep the thorzine in you IV drip and things will be less threatening for you.
Inclusiveness is one thing, sheer bloody lunacy is another.
“Why can’t folks imagine a world without the cops, why can’t folks imagine a world without prisons, why can’t people expand their imaginations to include community care, to include an abolitionist future?” Mai said in the clip. “I’m talking about for real-for real abolition, not just the watered-down DNC version of abolition. We’re talking about abolishing the police, we’re talking about abolishing ICE, we’re talking about abolishing prisons.”
It’s easy if you try.
Imagine Nuevo Laredo.
Because she’s another Jeffrey Epstein.
by John Lennon
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Thus, “Lennonism” (Stanley Kurtz)
I imagine a world where the color of one’s skin is irrelevant and where all lives matter, from conception to natural death. I have a dream.
Neptune (in the morning meeting) to his staff after viewing the video: ” who moved the damned rock? no way i’m taking the wrap for this goofy bytch. tell jupiter him/her/it is his fvcking problem. good riddance. “