Students See Spike in Reported Violent Crime After U. Minnesota Cuts Ties to Minneapolis Police
“students received multiple systemwide public safety alert messages, telling them to be cautious on and near campus due to various reported violent crimes”

Who could have seen this coming, other than everyone but these students?
Campus Reform reports:
Students see spike in reported violent crime after University of Minnesota cuts ties with Minneapolis Police Department
Students saw an increase in reported violence just weeks after the University of Minnesota announced that it would cut ties with the Minneapolis Police Department after the death of George Floyd.
In the weeks following the University of Minnesota’s announcement that it would cut ties with the Minneapolis Police Department, students received multiple systemwide public safety alert messages, telling them to be cautious on and near campus due to various reported violent crimes. This is a substantial increase in safety notifications for Minnesota students, given that prior to the announcement, only seven such announcements with only two emergencies were made in a six month period.
The university made its announcement on May 27. On June 16, students were alerted of both a robbery and an attempted robbery. On June 18, an alert warned students that an individual had been assaulted and four male suspects had stolen his car. The alert said that this incident “may be related to a second robbery.” Yet another robbery was reported on June 20, this time at gunpoint.
On July 2, students received alerts about a robbery of a business by a female suspect during which “a gun was seen.”
On Thursday, students learned via the alert system that five males used a Ford SUV to knock a woman off her bike, in what was described as yet another “attempted robbery,” although the assailants reportedly left the scene without taking any property.
After the publication of this article, two additional violent crimes were reported, both occurring on August 3. The first involved an individual shooting a victim and then fleeing. UMN said it was not a student. The second incident involved five armed suspects who robbed at least two other individuals.

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Well, no one saw that coming.
When they get rid of the police, it becomes the Wild West, just like in Seattle’s CHAZ-CHOP zone and in the Portland nightly riots. All faculty members and all students will have to provide their own security, meaning bodyguards or guns.
I dread the thought of all these untrained and poorly trained academics being forced to carry guns. It’s probably illegal on their campus to carry a gun, but who is going to take it away from you?
Not even the Wild West was the Wild West. During its wildest days Dodge City had occasional gun fights and knifings but it also had picnics, band concerts, and professional theatre. Our frontier stories stir the imagination but they do not paint a true picture of the time. The frontier period in any location lasted about five and at most ten years; only in Texas did it hang on longer.
I’ve read that on a crime-per-capita basis, the so-called “Wild West” was actually safer than most large cities today.
College is where you go to learn stuff.
At least they’re learning something practical.
They certainly are. For one thing: no, not everyone is the same, and not every culture is equal.
There must be a lot of racism and oppression of black people for them to commit so many crimes. Every student should be required to attend one of those hate whitie classes.
I don’t understand why a university has “ties” to the police, or what it means for it to “cut” them. Surely if it is in Minneapolis the police have the same authority there that they do everywhere else in the city. Can a homeowner or business also “cut ties” with the police?!
I’ve also never understood why some universities have their own “police” instead of being protected by the real police like everyone else.