Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious

Portland BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious

These aren’t protesters, they’re a violent mob.

In Portland, the Black Lives Matters mob caused a truck to crash. The driver was drug out of the car, beaten unconscious while his wife was attacked, punched, and tackled to the ground. The mob called the driver the N-word, while beating him.

According to recent reports, the driver remains unconscious.

From the New York Post:

A mob of Portland Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants forced a white man to crash his truck, then punched and kicked him unconscious, disturbing footage shows.A series of clips on social media shows the victim being surrounded in his white truck at 10:30 p.m. Sunday as others attacked his wife, who was punched and even tackled to the ground during the violent melee.“He didn’t do nothing!” someone could be heard calling as others punched the driver as he sat in his truck, which was also repeatedly kicked.The unidentified driver eventually sped off, with the mob chasing him — with some heard loudly laughing when he crashed into a light pole, according to the clips.He was dragged from the truck and tackled to the ground — getting repeatedly punched as he tried to call his wife while also pleading with his attackers as he sat on the ground, the videos show.“I ain’t tryna hurt no one,” he told them, with the only unexplained accusation heard in the clips being that “COVID is real.”“I was trying to get out the way,” he insisted of crashing his truck, as several of the group punched him in the face and repeatedly called the white driver the N-word.As the mob dispersed to watch another fight, the main offender circled back around — kicking the defenseless driver in the face from behind, instantly knocking him out with his head cracking on the road.“What the f–k is you talkin’ about, n—er!” the attacker screamed after the thud of his victim’s head hitting the ground.The victim was then shown bleeding from a large wound in the back of his head as he appeared unconscious throughout another almost 2½-minute clip. His wife was shown sobbing nearby as the mob held her back and appeared to rifle through his truck.Police in riot gear had to assist ambulance crews helping him as they were confronted by “a hostile crowd,” Portland police said in a release.

Watch, but be warned this is horrific and violent:

Update on the driver:

And the rhetoric these people are preaching:

This is so messed up:

Incomprehensible that this is happening in our country and being condoned by leaders.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Oregon