Nick Sandmann at RNC: “I would not be cancelled… and I won a personal victory”
Sandmann experienced the full wrath of a national cancellation campaign perpetrated by the media, celebrities, and even higher education.

Nick Sandmann, the Covington High School teenager who was smeared by mainstream media outlets after he stood toe to toe with a professional protester during the march for life, was asked to speak at last night’s RNC.
Sandmann experienced the full wrath of a national cancellation campaign perpetrated by the media, celebrities, and even higher education.
During his spot at the RNC, Sandmann discussed his side of the story, one which the media never sought out, and explained that the same attempt to cancel him is happening to people all over the country. “The truth was not important,” said Sandmann, “Advancing their anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Donald Trump narrative was all that mattered.”
Sandmann sued CNN and the Washington Post for defamation and recently settled with both for an undisclosed sum of money.
The money shot:
After his RNC spot aired, CNN’s Joe Lockhart called Sandmann a “snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky,” learning nothing from the defamation suit, apparently.
For our previous coverage of the Sandmann cancellation attempt, see here and here.

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Contrast his treatment with that of David Hogg.
CNN is going to get hit with another defamation lawsuit.
CNN’s Clintonista looking to have the network get another law suit against them. Still going after kids.
Bette Midler Is A Racist, Mocks Melania Trump
I remember in the early days of her career, she was known for crude jokes. She made some elephant tampon joke and I knew this women will never be funny to me. She is just as crude today as she was back then. It was not an act, she is pretty disgusting.
Bette Midler is a xenophobe.
Unbridled anger and hatred lurks behind the tissue thin facade of virtually every leftist.
Cancel Culture Psychopaths
Now it all makes sense.
Dystopia, you left out the unassailable Saint of the Socialist Religion of Climate Change – St. Greta Thunberg. Time Magazines Person of the Year. No one can criticize her.
This was particularly satisfying because of all of the lawyers here to argued almost to a man that Sandman couldn’t win. He did and isn’t done yet.
It would be a shame for CNN to get dinged for the same bone-headed mistake twice. /sarc
True justice would be if the “reporters” who make these comments get fired and then blacklisted like any reporter who says anything which offends the progressive establishment.
Nick’s appearance at the RNC convention may get him classified as a public figure, which means that he could not sue CNN for their comments about that appearance.
His speech was accurate, humble and inspirational.
Glad he won. I hope all the bakeries and florists come out with equally justified victories.
Compare to the snaggletooth idiot who is the personification of the left.
What a good kid. His parents should be very proud. His banker should be prouder.
Should have flashed up endorsement paid for by CNN
Enter the Sandmann. He protested the wicked solution. He raised his voice in solidarity with the babies who are denied a voice, arms, legs to stand for their lives. #PrinciplesMatter
The Sandmann will not be cancelled, he will not be Planned. He’s not alone.
So glad for him. I hope he got a big settlement from CNN.
It would be fitting to see Nicholas Sandmann become an attorney and take up after L. Lin Wood. Keep after them. Also keep up the fight for the unborn. Very proud of this young man, his RNC speech was powerful.
Note to Nick:
Use the money to get continuing education at a non-leftist university and start your own fraternity. You’ll have a blast.
For your facebook pleasure, here’s Nick putting on his hat. Overlaid with “This hat paid for by cnn”.
Scroll down to the “Hotlink for forums:”, at the right side is a smaller box, click on that and you should be able to post it to your FB, IG, twitter or whatever.
Pretty sure you’ll get a reaction.
Nick Sandman is a courageous and credible young man. He rose to the occasion then and now, even though they continue to slander and mock him.
What the Media and Left bullies don’t get” is that we all are witnessing these media thugs harm a child relentlessly….viciously…and this will bring on another lawsuit that Sandman will win.
I so hope. I hope.
The private school Sandman once attended had to completely shutdown and close due to constant bomb threats from the media’s coverage attacks on Nick.
I hope the School also sues.