Flashback: That Time Kamala Harris Said She Believed Biden’s Accusers
“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it”

There was a point in the primary, sometime in the last 2,982,092,094 years where Biden’s penchant for making women horrendously uncomfortable with unwanted touching, along with some more serious allegations, were a thing of headlines.
Somewhere in there, when she too was vying for the top spot on the ticket, Sen. Harris (newly minted at Biden’s VP pick) said she believed Biden’s accusers.
From The Hill:
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that she believes women who say they felt uncomfortable after receiving unwanted touching from former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada.
The California senator added that Biden will need to decide for himself whether to run for president.
“He’s going to have to make that decision for himself. I wouldn’t tell him what to do,” Harris said.
In recent days, several women have come forward to allege that Biden has touched them inappropriately.
Former Nevada state lawmaker Lucy Flores, a Democrat, made the first accusation last week in an essay in New York magazine’s The Cut. On Monday, Amy Lappos told the Hartford Courant that Biden also touched her inappropriately at a 2009 fundraiser in Connecticut.
Two additional women, Caitlyn Caruso and D. J. Hill, came forward Tuesday, sharing their experiences with The New York Times.
Biden, who is considering running for president and has led a number of polls of Democrats, has not commented publicly on the accusations since Sunday, when in response to Flores’s allegation he said in a statement that he has “offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort.”
Harris also suggested Biden supported racists on national television, but I guess we’re supposed to forget that, too.

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Mzzz Harris: Joe only picked you because you appear to be clean, artkculate, well-dressed, and groomed.
And, according to Willie Brown, she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
she passed the sniff test
The Kamel-Toe pick proves the DEMS know they are going to lose no matter how much they cheat.
Just think how many here did predict it would be this non-black “American” with a Willie…….
Okay BLM, her family got their wealth because they owned slaves! Okay #MeToo she believed Biden’s victims, but now she doesn’t. Okay those of you from outside of CA who are celebrating her being a VP candidate, she blew her way to the top using her assets more than her brains.
What do I hear? … crickets.
It’s for the women’s vote, and they’ve got a women’s vote talking point patter worked out. A happy family makeover.
Contrasts with what she said before will be read as republican meanness, putting off those same happy family women from republicans.
It’s poisoned fruit.
Joe Blow 2020
Hidey Ho 2020
Pick your slogan.
Well, she does seem to perfectly embody the D-party’s take: advanced by workin her other assets, token symbol, n scourge to otber women.
Kamala Harris whored her way to the top. Literally.
She really is as trashy as Hillary Clinton, though smarter than moooochelle obama. (Who isn’t?)
All we’re going to hear from her is anger and hate. And seeing her slap away biden’s groping hands.
“All we’re going to hear from her is anger and hate”
I think that’s exactly why they picked her. Whatever her ethnic mix, Harris is 100% “Mean Gurrrrrl” or (channeling Ashley Judd channeling a demon from Hell) “Nasty Woman” …
#MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed
She believed theme when it was beneficial now she doesn’t when it’s beneficial. She will do ANYTHING to advance her position.