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Tuberville trounces Sessions in Alabama Senate Republican Runoff

Tuberville trounces Sessions in Alabama Senate Republican Runoff

Barring a scandal, Tuberville should easily beat Doug Jones in November for a Republican pick-up, making it harder for Democrats to re-take the Senate.

The Alabama Republican Senate Runoff election has been called for Trump-endorsed Tommy Tuberville over Jeff Sessions.

It wasn’t close.

At this writing, with 42% reporting, Tuberville was ahead by 25 points.

Tommy Tuberville 125,030 62.7%
Jeff Sessions 74,390 37.3

Hopefully there aren’t any shoes to drop on Tuberville.

Unless there is a scandal, he should easily beat Doug Jones, for a Republican pick-up. That will make it more difficult, but not impossible, for Democrats to retake the Senate.

It’s the end of Jeff Sessions’ political career.

I know there’s a lot of hostility towards him for the way he handled what ended up being Mueller-gate, but he was solid on so many of the issues and fought a good fight for decades. He also was the first Republican Senator to endorse Trump at a time the establishment was still laughing.


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MattLauersNob | July 14, 2020 at 9:40 pm

Sessions should never have pushed for the AG job if he didn’t have the stones to face down the progressive mob.

Sessions knew he hadn’t been involved in collusion with Russia but he stepped down anyway and let the swamp run amuck.

Now that Trump is ripping Sessions there was always the chance of a back stab if Sessions got back in the Senate.

Doug Jones knows he’s a goner.

    stevewhitemd in reply to MattLauersNob. | July 14, 2020 at 10:29 pm

    Never did quite understand why Sessions wanted to be AG. He had a job for life in the Senate and enough clout there to make things happen. Whereas the DOJ is about the worst of the swamp. Sessions never seemed to get that; never seemed like he wanted to clean up the FBI or the Washington DOJ (not that Barr is any great shakes on either). Why take the job if you aren’t going to do something with it?

      Olinser in reply to stevewhitemd. | July 14, 2020 at 10:51 pm

      Because he had in his mind that he was going to do EXACTLY what he tried to do.

      Putz around as AG for a few years, dick around with drug sentencing, maybe legalize some pot, then ‘retire’ in time for the next election, and back to the Senate and spend the rest of his time there, leveraging his ‘experience’ as AG to lord it over the Judiciary committee until he permanently retired or died in office.

      And if he hadn’t been such an absolutely catastrophic failure as AG, it probably would have worked.

      And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling Trump!!!

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Olinser. | July 14, 2020 at 11:59 pm

        Hear. Hear.

        Sessions was a deep state plant. Sessions did exactly what he wad supposed to do for the Deep State. Never doubt that for a split-second!

        The Deep State uni party is always doing stuff early early on to make sure oh, one might say as an insurance policy, that they get their greedy selfish evil ways. For example if a popular up-and-coming politician that might be a real threat to the uniparty and deep state is on their way, then they do something to ruin them such as McCain picking Sarah Palin. Alaska really that was going to be helpful in winning the 2008 election? Open your eyes – it’s right in front of your nose to see. Stop overanalyzing everything peoples.

      CorkyAgain in reply to stevewhitemd. | July 14, 2020 at 10:58 pm

      The answer is simple: he loved the law and the opportunity to serve in the Department of Justice was irresistable.

      His punctilious reverence for the law was also the reason for what many of you see as his failings as attorney general.

      Tuberville has the scent of a Never-Trumper RINO and I suspect the day will come when we regret today’s election result.

        Exiliado in reply to CorkyAgain. | July 14, 2020 at 11:35 pm

        If he loved the law so much, he should have moved heavens and earth to stop the corrupt and illegal abuses of power, a.k.a. attempted coup, perpetrated against the President of the United States.

          Barry in reply to Exiliado. | July 15, 2020 at 12:46 am

          No kidding.

          Making excuses for Sessions is ignorance squared.

          He is either stupid, incompetent, or corrupt. I’m guessing stupid and incompetent but I don’t rule out corrupt.

    Milhouse in reply to MattLauersNob. | July 14, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    He had plenty of stones. He did what he believed was his legal duty, and the law comes first. He did not recuse himself from doing his job; he recused himself from personally supervising this one case, because it was investigating a campaign of which he had personally been a member.

    Some people here seem to imagine that that one case was his job. It wasn’t even half a percent of it. And when he was confirmed, and promised the senate that he would do this, nobody had any idea what it would turn into. Comey hadn’t been sacked yet, so the idea of a special counsel wasn’t even on the horizon. Nobody could have known then that Rosenstein would decide to appoint a special counsel.

      Barry in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 12:48 am


      There has never been an AG more incompetent than Sessions. he allowed the DOJ to be run by a corrupt cabal of coup plotters.

        mailman in reply to Barry. | July 15, 2020 at 6:26 am

        He was the wrong guy at the wrong time. The AG needed stones the size of Mount Rushmore to get in a clean shop. What America got was someone 30 years too late.

      great unknown in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 7:54 am

      What about that investigation of the Hillary Papers issue? IIRC, Sessions appointed Huber to investigate – and then for two years said nothing and did nothing while Huber also did nothing. It is now almost four years since Huber “started investigating”. Anybody hear about any reports? There was no reason for Sessions recusing himself from this.

      As for “a love of the law”; what Sessions actually had, as a former prosecutor, was a love of the legal profession. And that is too often antithetical to a love of the law.

      stl in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 10:24 am

      Seems cabinet members think they shouldn’t consult with the President before they make such consequential decisions. Being one of 100 is not good training for a departmental leadership role and thinking his decisions wouldn’t be considered political means he wasn’t prepared and shouldn’t have taken the job. Same problem has surfaced with Durham.

      CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 12:15 pm


      Agreed. Sessions is a gentleman of the old school. Yes he was an experienced D.C. player but he expected that some issues were too important for dirty pool politics to be played. If he can be faulted it is for his belief that even in today’s climate that no one would be capable of the kind of dishonesty and naked partisanship the uniparty displayed in the Russian collusion witch hunt.

      He served his State and Nation faithfully. He was undone by those who did not.

great unknown | July 14, 2020 at 9:41 pm

Sessions was solid on many issues, indeed, but he refused to attack the establishment. After all, he was part of it.

    Olinser in reply to great unknown. | July 14, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    I would be willing to forgive him, if, and ONLY IF, he would admit that his recusal was a poor decision.

    Which is exactly what I said earlier this week. I still think he would have lost anyway, but Trump’s tweet about him served the purpose of making him publicly declare that he STILL THINKS he did absolutely nothing wrong, and declared his recusal was ‘required by law’.

    I honestly think that statement cost him 5-10% in this election. I mean he’s getting slaughtered anyway, but that was absolutely the nail in the coffin for him.

    Trump is extraordinarily good at goading people into revealing themselves.

Hmmm. 63 to 37; the electoral equivalent of the battle of Lepanto. Did any of the polls or pundits come close to predicting it?

great unknown | July 14, 2020 at 9:58 pm

It will be interesting to see, in the run-up to November, just how solid Sessions is. Will he support the GOP presidential nominee, stay neutral, or actively become a never-Trumper, making the rounds of Mainstream Sedition Media?

Sessions did this to himself. As AG he had the chance of a lifetime. He turned out to be too weak to make use of it.

    oldgoat36 in reply to irv. | July 14, 2020 at 11:16 pm

    It was worse than that. Sessions handed over the DOJ to his hand picked Rosenstein who was part of Team Mueller. Team Mueller, which is really the 17 leftist lawyers as Mueller didn’t even know what was in the report he supposedly put together. Mueller lent his name to it, but Weissman was the ring leader. They ran the DOJ in the effort to effect a coup against President Trump.

    I don’t know if Sessions was stupid, gullible, or part of the cabal, but it was his stepping aside truly weak reasons right after getting the title that opened it up to Mueller’s team to try enacting that “insurance policy” of the lovers.

    At least Sessions is calling for support for Tuberville. Sessions defeat at the polls shows people are paying at least some attention.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to oldgoat36. | July 15, 2020 at 12:16 am

      Sessions did all according to the Deep state plan.

      That’s my opinion, and I’m sticking to it.

Sessions should have handed in his resignation along with his recusal. Trump could have accepted it or rejected it.

    Milhouse in reply to lichau. | July 14, 2020 at 11:59 pm

    That’s ridiculous. He was still fully capable of functioning as AG. He was only recused from this one case. He had to promise during his confirmation hearings that he would recuse himself from any case into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia. Nobody knew at the time that it would blow up into this huge investigation.

      Voyager in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 1:00 am

      After recusal, he was not. Yes, it was ‘one case among many’ but it was also the one case that nearly brought down the US government.

      He proved neither able to rise to that challenge, nor able to get out of the way.

      Ulysses in reply to Milhouse. | July 15, 2020 at 5:38 am

      You and Sessions would make quite a pair.


I guess all that Crimson Tide “Will never vote for Tuberville “, just didn’t pan out!

Trump is thicker than NCAA

We know what is at stake and football is at the bottom of the list

As a sports maniac …. I’m done

    BEdwards in reply to gonzotx. | July 15, 2020 at 7:49 am

    I posted yesterday that I believed Tide fans would never, ever, ever support Tuberville and I am shocked this morning, but thinking much better of my fellow Alabamians! LOL My spouse and I happily voted for Tuberville but we couldn’t care less about football. 🙂

buckeyeminuteman | July 14, 2020 at 10:34 pm

I always liked Sessions as a Senator. As the AG, not so much.

What phony scandal will the Communists come up with to sink Tuberville and return Jones to the Senate? My money is on something racial: bringing up former players/coaches who will swear Tuberville made racial slurs (with no witnesses, natch).

Regardless, Tuberville needs to start fighting back NOW. He needs to point out the Communists will try to Kavanaugh him in order to divert public attention away from their support of murdering, rioting, raping, looting, and burning.

    I expect they’ll try to slime him with sexual abuse allegations like they’ve done to Jim Jordan for years.

      Maybe. But the race war shtick is hot right now, and Communists luv to appear trendy.

      Besides: the accusations against Kavanaugh (in addition to being pure Looney Tunes) came much too soon after the successful takedown of Roy Moore. The Communists will have to wait a bit and let the public forget before playing that Stalinist song again.

    I think everyone’s onto them now. They really blew their wad.

    Scandal, singular? No, scandals in vast array, created out of the fertile imagination of every Democrat strategist and blown into massive piles of dung by the media. By the time the election hits, he will be the second coming of the devil.

      Personally I doubt it. I think the Communists will settle on one scandal theme (race) and bring forth multiple individuals all basically making the same unsubstantiated allegations. That was the template used against Moore and Kavanaugh. But a host of different scandals (race, financial, sexual) run the risk of stepping on each other and looking contrived.

      Trump has been hit with everything under the sun (Russia, Ukraine, sexual, financial, racial, etc), and I think it is not as effective as one unprovable scandal repeated endlessly.

      CKYoung in reply to georgfelis. | July 15, 2020 at 4:12 am

      Georgefelis: The democrats died on the Kavanaugh hill. When they realized they were going to lose and Judge Kavanaugh would become Justice Kavanaugh, they trotted out ‘Ole Reliable,’ a woman victim. We got hippocampus talk, double door BS, rape-gang allegations, spiked punch innuendos, devils triangle smears and even boofer references in one epic democrat meltdown fail. To say they overplayed their hand is understatement. Now they have to buck ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ effect. I suspect there are a fair amount of Alabama voters who regret buying into the dirt shoveled onto Roy Moore and are looking forward to kicking doug jones to the curb.

I never saw any public figure run for cover faster than Sessions did away from PDJT. It was sickening.

Tuberville’s victory must be a great feeling for PDJT.

Upon re-election, job one for PDJT: dump AG Barr and get a non-swamp warrior in there.

Tuberville will be smeared seven ways to Sunday. He hasn’t been vetted at all.

Coaches are like conservative talk radio hosts – they say a lot of provocative stuff. They are also celebrities – they attract a lot of questionable hanger ons.

Get ready for the storm. He should win, but we will find out if he is ready and if Bama repubs fall for the same tricks twice.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to PrincetonAl. | July 14, 2020 at 11:02 pm

    Some ball player will step forward and use the racist trope. Count on it.

      I agree, although if Sessions had won he would face similar accusations.

      In fact, Sessions already did – twice. Once in 1986 when Reagan nominated him for a Federal judgeship (enough GOPe senators defected to sink the nomination). The other happened when he was nominated to become Attorney General.

      So this is an old trick.

Well can’t be any worse than Moore.

This is no surprise – Neocon lover here:

Ann Coulter
“Now that the polls are closed, I’ll admit, this was always going to be a tough race for Sessions, thanks to the disloyal, narcissistic, blame-shifting ignoramus in the White House.”

I think her time has passed too. Maybe she need to spend more time with her Penthouse Mag. connected lover Bob Guccione Jr. or her other ex-lover Bill Maher.

I can’t believe I actually bought one of her books.

As for Michell Malkin:

Michelle Malkin
Another loss for #AmericaFirst.

Another #ConInc #OpenBordersInc tool added to the Senate Republican GOP toolshed.

God bless @jeffsessions
. God help America.

I am one of the first and last to defend Sessions, but he did not deliver. If he is really a good guy he will help Tuberville not become another Moore.

    Olinser in reply to MarkSmith. | July 14, 2020 at 11:27 pm

    “If he is really a good guy he will help Tuberville not become another Moore.”

    What, he’s going to help him not become the victim of absolutely laughable and provably false allegations that disappear after the election?

It’s the end of Jeff Sessions’ political career.

As it should be.
He had his chance and he blew it.
He was a coward when we most needed someone with cojones.

Sara Gideon won easily in Maine, Susan Collins may be in for the fight of her life trying to hold that seat.

    DrewCWSJ in reply to buck61. | July 15, 2020 at 12:33 am

    Getting rid of the worst RINO in the senate would be a positive

      Barry in reply to DrewCWSJ. | July 15, 2020 at 12:53 am

      Not really, only by primary. Once the general is at hand vote for the damn rino.

        CorkyAgain in reply to Barry. | July 15, 2020 at 1:08 am

        But if we only maintain control of the Senate thanks to a single RINO, or a handful of RINOs, history has shown that the effect is practically the same as if the Dems had taken control.

        No truly conservative legislation will get passed and any conservatives nominated for service in the Executive branch or Judiciary will have a hard time getting confirmed.

          txvet2 in reply to CorkyAgain. | July 15, 2020 at 1:58 am

          That simply and obviously is untrue. McConnell has gotten dozens of judges through the Senate without significant pushback from RINO senators, who had more than enough votes to stop any or all of them. As for legislation, it really doesn’t matter because the Dems still will have the filibuster and nothing worthwhile is going to get through the House anyway except in the unlikely event that Republicans actually win back a few seats in California.

          Barry in reply to CorkyAgain. | July 15, 2020 at 8:31 pm

          Tex has answered.

Tuberville will be a much more formidable candidate than Sessions. There is no telling, but if Sessions won the Primary, he might have had to recuse himself from the General Election.

everyone on here claiming the DEM fake accusation route is going to bring Tuberville down, well its going to be hard in a Red state like Alabama during a presidential election year

Doug Jones, the benefactor of the above scheme in 2017, won with 673,896 votes cast over Moore’s 651,972

and that was despite the RNC not supporting the republican candidate and heavy outside influence supporting the DNC in that special election

in the 2016 election – Donald Trump won the state with 1,318,255 over the pantsuit’s 729,547

a near 22,000 margin vs a near 600,000


the Republicans are going to win this seat back come November

probably the safest one on the map

This is an important election because it, plus Ron Jackson’s win in Texas, show that Trump has apron strings. Squishy re-incumbents hoping to be re-elected now must seek Trump’s endorsement. They may win without it but if the GOP wins the House, their careers will take a hit.

Let me put this as succinctly as possible:

Tommy owes Donny


IMO, the selection of Tuberville may be a short term win, he does still have to defeat an incumbent US Senator in Jones.
That isn’t assured. There are folks in Alabama who will vote against Tuberville on the principle that ‘nothing good comes from Auburn University’. I tend to hold that view myself.

Even if he wins the general election, he is, IMO, a McConnell stooge vs a true PDJT believer. His policy preferences are fairly undefined and unknown at this stage. I hope that I am wrong but I fear that I am correct.

    Barry in reply to CommoChief. | July 15, 2020 at 8:57 pm

    “There are folks in Alabama who will vote against Tuberville on the principle that ‘nothing good comes from Auburn University’.”

    Yesterday you could get away with saying that and not look like a complete fool.

    Today? It was an ass stomping across the board. Ass Stomping – 60 to 40. There are only a handful of such idiots in Alabama and none of them will vote for the incumbent democrap.

      CommoChief in reply to Barry. | July 15, 2020 at 10:00 pm


      Maybe you are correct that ‘none of them will vote for’;Jones.
      I hope you are correct.

      However, you made an absolutist statement of prediction to the effect that not one person will vote against Tuberville based upon his ties to Auburn University.

      I believe that some voters will do so. That’s based upon my life experience in the State from birth until my first enlistment. I voted in every election in Alabama from 1988 until I changed my legal residence to TX in 2011.

      I went to college at Bama, worked for statewide and local campaigns, have friends and family in the State. I believe I still have a pretty good handle on politics in Alabama.

      As you haven’t shared your firsthand experience of living, working, campaigning and voting in Alabama I can’t speak to your qualifications or lack thereof to make informed comments.

      I will say that the first thing taught in introductory logic or a debate class is not to make absolute statements because they are easily disproved. In this case only one vote disproves your argument.

      As to the ass stomping as you describe it.
      1. Alabama is an open primary State; all registered voters regardless of party affiliation may cast a ballot in either party primary.
      2. A bit less than 17.5% of registered voters cast a ballot.
      3. Of those who did over 200,000 cast a vote for Sessions.

      I would bet very good money that at least one of those votes against Tuberville was influenced by his affiliation with Auburn University.

      Look, for all I know you are from Alabama, but your insistence that no one will vote against the former HC of Auburn for that reason alone in a statewide race in Alabama leads me to believe you ain’t.

        Barry in reply to CommoChief. | July 16, 2020 at 12:18 am

        Chief, one of my 40+ year friends says pretty often “Ain’t nothing worth a damn ever come out of Auburn Alabama”.

        He voted for Tuberville.

        I think your reaching to find something to pick at. There are always exceptions, so yea some damn fool Alabamian is going to vote for the commie Jones just because Tuberville once coached at Auburn University.

        I’m not going to bother looking it up, but Trump trounced clinton in the state of Alabama even worse than Tuberville trounced Sessions. 28% maybe?

        Jones is toast. It will not be close. I don’t need to live in or be from Alabama to know the history of Alabama politics. For the record, I live in and am from North Carolina.

          CommoChief in reply to Barry. | July 16, 2020 at 1:35 pm


          Thank you for admitting the possibility that you might be wrong. Seriously, too many folks hide behind their keyboard, make outlandish statements and get pissy when called on them.

          As to Tuberville should be win the general, maybe he has sterling MAGA beliefs and will vote that way, independent of pressure or influence from McConnell or Chamber of commerce or the other r-lite pro-uniparty DC powers. I hope so.

          My issue isn’t specifically with Tuberville. It is with the national party apparatus and officials weighing in on primary elections. This has a record of disastrous results. Mississippi got Thad Cochran shoved down their throats instead of the younger tea party candidate several years ago. Alabama went to the d in the Senate due to pushing Roy Moore in the primary.

          My point is let the party provide $50K to every primary candidate and then another round of funding after winnowing the field.

          Better yet, the r national party could provide funds to help push for the elimination of open primaries. If that means state r party must pay the freight for primary elections costs then help them do so. That would, IMO, be a worthwhile use of our of state funding and resources vs the current system of anointing a primary candidate who may not fit the needs of the State.

          Seriously though, I respect your opinion and your willingness to admit that you could be wrong. That’s why I am responding. If you had insisted that you were infallible I would have ignored you.

Katy L. Stamper | July 15, 2020 at 12:50 pm

Major loss for Americans. Tuberville is pro-immigration, including illegal.

Sessions constantly fought against amnesty, etc.

That’s why Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Michele Malkin and Ann Coulter supported Sessions over Tuberville. Immigration.

Big loss for Americans, HUGE loss for young Americans entering our job market.