Student Leaders and Professors at Emory U. Have Discussion on Abolishing Police
“Anti-black racism lies at the center of our country’s DNA”
For years, we’ve been told that college campuses are hotbeds of rape and other crimes, but now we’re told these same places don’t need police.
Campus Reform reports:
Emory profs, students lead conversation on ‘abolition’ of police
A presentation by Emory University professors and student leaders warned students of the “racism” at “the center of our country’s DNA” and how to “check” one’s “impulse” before calling the police, to make sure one isn’t doing so for racist reasons.
The Emory student organizations Asian, Desi and Pacific-Islander Asian Activism (ADPIAA) and Students for Prison Education, Activism, and Resistance (SPEAR) co-hosted a virtual event on Zoom titled “Alternatives to Policing” on June 17, featuring Emory history faculty members as speakers in response to the current social climate heightened by the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Rayshard Brooks.
The event consisted of two brief presentations from Emory history professors Carl Suddler and Chris Suh.
Following the speeches, SPEAR President Liza Cobey led a slideshow highlighting hypothetical scenarios and proposed responses that the community should undertake. The remaining time was set aside for a Q&A.
“Anti-black racism lies at the center of our country’s DNA,” Suddler, who recently published his book on race, Presumed Criminal: Black Youth and the Justice System in Postwar New York, stated in his introductory speech. Suddler mentioned the 1967 Kerner Commission, launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson in an effort to analyze the motives behind the prevalent riots that occurred throughout Detroit, Harlem, and other major cities during the summer of 1967, and proposed policies and other communal solutions.
Suddler agreed with some of these listed solutions and urged the audience to look toward the Kerner Commission as an example of assessing possible alternatives to the police force and reminded them of the purpose of the event.
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You just don’t understand.
The Police are useless for combating the heinous ills of things like rape culture, and speech violence and hate crimes like banana peels on trees.
The Police practice white supremacist policies like requiring evidence, legal representation, and the ability to confront one’s accusers.
Those racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, arachnophobic policies have no place on peaceful, safe space havens for rape culture and hate crimes like college campuses.
The results of eliminating the police will be more crime and sane people carrying concealed weapons ie pistols. They will use these weapons to kill criminals.
Yes, do that. Then when a rape or other crime occurs you can call out the snowflake patrol.
Sure, get rid of the police. Then issue each student a laptop computer and case with a Glock 17 compartment.
Isn’t Emory the home of Arthur “43 times more likely to shoot yourself” Kellerman, and Michael “the colonists didn’t own guns” Bellesiles?
I frankly don’t care what Emory wants to do.