Seattle Trains White Employees to Recognize Their ‘Complicity in the System of White Supremacy’

It’s official: Human resources departments have become the latest front in the left’s identity politics culture wars.

Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, a liberal who was mugged by reality in February after she attended a Trump campaign rally in New Hampshire, first reported a few weeks ago that the City of Seattle was holding a training session on “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness:”

Along with announcing it on Twitter, she included a copy of an email from someone who works for the city who received an invite to participate in a whites-only session in which attendees would “examine our complicity in the system of white supremacy … and begin to cultivate practices that enable us to … show up more fully as allies and accomplices for racial justice.” Read the full email below:

Dr. Borysenko also posted a 30-minute video last month in which she detailed the training documents she’d gotten her hands on. Watch below:

In response, the Discovery Institute’s Wealth and Poverty Center director and City Journal contributing editor Chris Rufo requested public records to find out more about the training presentation. Once he got his hands on the documentation, he posted an eye-opening Twitter thread on some of the specifics that should alarm everyone regardless of political affiliation:

If white employees speak too much, that was a sign of racism:

Next up for white employees was practicing “self-talk” to convince themselves of their alleged “complicity in racism” – to “undo your own whiteness:”

Then there was the supposed need to “let go” of certain things like “guaranteed physical safety” and “social status” and the “certainty of your job:”

Next was the flow chart:

What happened if an employee didn’t “identify” as white but was not black? Too bad – they were still considered white and privileged, according to the group’s “Assimilation into Whiteness” datasheet:

Here are the metrics for gauging “training” effectiveness:

Rufo went on to note that “the City of Seattle has refused to provide the names of the diversity trainers, the budget for the program, or the video of the session” because apparently city leaders consider transparency and accountability as optional things.

He ended his thread by advising people to reject and expose this type of cult-like indoctrination anytime they saw it:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Cancel Culture, Democrats, Racism, Washington State