Retired Prof Claims She Was Doxed And Threatened For Opposing Cancel Culture
“an anonymous Twitter account, began using Sullivan’s street address as its username”

The left has thrown cancel culture into overdrive. Much of this is being fueled by the election.
Campus Reform reports:
EXCLUSIVE: Retired prof says she was doxed, threatened for opposing cancel culture
A Twitter account revealed the home address and personal details of a retired professor and University of Georgia alumna after she voiced her disapproval of the university’s decision to review the names of campus buildings, the professor has told Campus Reform.
Retired professor and University of Georgia alumna Catherine Sullivan commented on a tweet announcing the university’s new advisory group that will “review and study the names of buildings and colleges on all [University System of Georgia] campuses.”
Sullivan commented on the tweet multiple times expressing her disapproval of the initiative.
“I’m glad I have yet to write my yearly check to you!!!!! As a UGA Alumna, I am disgusted!!!” wrote Sullivan.
Sullivan told Campus Reform that her comments reflected her belief in preserving history. “Plaques could be put up explaining the person’s life and history. Good and bad! We need to know history or we are going to repeat the sins of the past,” she said.
After Sullivan received multiple hostile responses, she reminded those attacking her that potential employers look at social media history.
Later that night, an anonymous Twitter account, began using Sullivan’s street address as its username. The account’s bio read, “Catherine J Sullivan Macclenny FL” and her zip code. The first post by the account tagged Sullivan’s personal Twitter account and threatened, “I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable in your house with your 2007 Honda Convertible.” The account included two pictures from Google Street View of her home and the precise pin drop location. The account has since been removed from Twitter.
“I was scared to death!,” Sullivan told Campus Reform.
The following day, Sullivan noticed a “troll account” was set up to mock her personal Twitter account. The troll account’s pinned tweet claims that Sullivan is “very racist and got what she deserved.”

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More of that never ending hope and change from the left.
The professor needs to 1. Move. 2. Buy a better car and 3. Buy some guns.
4. Tell the pussy doxxer to come get a face full of lead.
I thought doxxing someone got them banned–what’s Jack got to say about that?
It’s against the rules yes, but not an automatic ban. Besides, banning an account solely created to doxx someone doesn’t affect the person behind the doxxing.
The answer is obvious and simple. Publish the name and address of every individual found complicit in doxxing.