This teacher has no history of being overtly political and is liked by parents and students. What exactly is the firing offense here?
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Michigan School Fires Popular Teacher For Saying ‘Trump Is Our President’A Michigan school district fired a popular high school teacher and coach after he pointed out that “Trump is our president” on social media.Varsity baseball coach and social studies teacher Justin Kucera said Walled Lake school district officials hauled him into a closed-door meeting after he indicated his support for President Trump’s speech to reopen schools. He told the Washington Free Beacon the Walled Lake Western principal and district superintendent gave him an ultimatum: be fired or resign.”I was required to meet with [human resources], the superintendent, and my principal [on July 10]. They initially took my statement on why I tweeted those tweets and they told me they would have a decision about my future employment in the upcoming days. When they completed the meeting, I was told I had the option to either be fired or resign.” Kucera said.Neither the school district nor the principal responded to requests for comment.