Duke U. Students Demand End to Campus Policing, Saying it’s Rooted in ‘Slave Patrols’

The same people on the left who have told us for years that campuses are hotbeds of rape and other violent crimes, are now telling us they don’t want police.

The College Fix reports:

Saying policing is rooted in ‘slave patrols,’ Duke students demand all campus policing be abolishedDuke University’s Black Coalition Against Policing is demanding that Duke abolishes the university’s police department, arguing that all policing is “inherently rooted in white supremacy.”The coalition sent a nine-page letter to the administration and board of trustees on July 8 calling for the abolition of the Duke University police department.The letter was signed by over 50 groups, including the Asian American Alliance, the Black Law Students Association, the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the Pre-Veterinary Society. An accompanying petition in support of the demands has nearly 1,000 signatures from alumni, students and community members.“Let us state this unequivocally: originating in slave patrols, policing is inherently rooted in white supremacy and cannot be reformed,” the letter states in its introduction. “Now, we must imagine a world beyond police and prisons, one that seeks to heal and rebuild our communities from generations of systemic violence.”The coalition called on the university to sever all “ties to all systems predicated on policing and imprisonment.”This includes disclosing any financial ties to organizations associated with the “military and prison-industrial complex,” including relationships with the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.Black Coalition Against Policing also demands that the university sever ties with the Durham Police Department and Allied Universal, a private security contractor working on Duke’s campus since 2005. BCAP also requests that Duke end its ties with any other police and surveillance agencies.

Tags: College Insurrection, North Carolina