Conservative UNC-Wilmington Professor Mike Adams Found Dead in His Home
Adams was a tireless defender of free speech, and famously fought back (and won) against UNC-W’s attempts to deny him tenure in 2006.

Some unfortunate news to report tonight.
Professor Mike Adams, who taught sociology and criminology at UNC-Wilmington, was found dead in his home earlier today by New Hanover County sheriff’s deputies:
According to the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Mike Adams was found dead at his residence today.
Deputies responded to a wellness check at Adams’ home address and found him deceased. NHCSO is investigating the death, but has not released any additional information, and could not confirm cause of death or if foul play was suspected.
The longtime professor of criminology and sociology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) was set to retire next week as part of a $500,000 settlement.
His forced “retirement” was announced just a few weeks ago. It came after UNC-W students and faculty launched a campaign to have Adams fired after supposedly “insensitive” and “polarizing” tweets he posted earlier this year:
Adams, the embattled professor who teaches sociology and criminology at UNCW and works as a columnist for The Daily Wire and Town Hall, has made national headlines before for his polarizing statements involving race, gender, and sexual orientation, but his comments on the COVID-19 shut down in North Carolina and violent protests over George Floyd’s death outraged many and amplified calls for his ouster.
In a May 29 Twitter post, Adams wrote, “This evening, I ate pizza and drank beer with six guys at a six seat table top. I almost felt like a free man who was not living in the slave state of North Carolina. Massa Cooper, let my people go!”
Many saw the use of the racially insensitive slave master term as offensive and demanded that he be fired by the university.
Adams previously defended his post to WECT, saying the slave master analogy he was making had to do with the Governor’s oppression during the shutdown, not race.
Professor Adams, a staunch conservative, was a frequent target of cancel campaigns on campus by university colleagues and students alike. The most recent campaign saw Hollywood celebrities and professors and graduate students from other universities join in calling for a boycott of UNC-W until Adams was let go.
Adams was a tireless defender of free speech, and famously fought back (and won) against UNC-W’s attempt to deny him tenure in 2006:
The university attempted to deny Adams tenure in 2006, but ended up getting sued for discriminating against Adams’ protected speech. They ultimately lost the lawsuit and gave Adams the promotion in question. The lawsuit cost UNCW hundreds of thousands of dollars.
As news of Adams’s death hit social media earlier tonight, here’s how leftists – including one of his fellow professors, reacted:
Typical of how Professor Mike Adams was treated and lied about by his UNC-W colleagues. The man was found dead today and this is what a fellow professor has to say about it??????#ncpol #nced
— Sister Toldjah Le Pew ? (@sistertoldjah) July 23, 2020
We put this sticker on the “Fire Mike Adams” rock at uncw an hour before it happened?
— alex (@alex_lagan) July 23, 2020
2020 accomplishment: outlived Mike Adams ?
— Gloria
(@gloriashd) July 23, 2020
Wilmington "healthcare executive" comments on Mike Adams' death ????#ncpol
— Sister Toldjah Le Pew ? (@sistertoldjah) July 23, 2020
More celebrating of Mike Adams' death by "COEXIST" leftists ???? #Ncpol #Nced
— Sister Toldjah Le Pew ? (@sistertoldjah) July 24, 2020
An actual "attorney" wrote this about Mike Adams: #ncpol
— Sister Toldjah Le Pew ? (@sistertoldjah) July 24, 2020
An actual “human” wrote this about me! Because I said the world is better off for Mike Adams not being in it. ??????
— Jamie Paulen she/her (@jamiepaulen) July 24, 2020
There are many more where that came from, but you get the picture. Please note that some of the Twitter users I quoted here rushed to limit who can see their tweets after I embarrassed them.
Here’s how one local news outlet reported on Adams’s death:
This is how Raleigh/Durham's @ABC11_WTVD
news "reported" on Prof. Mike Adams' death: #ncpol #nced— Sister Toldjah Le Pew ? (@sistertoldjah) July 24, 2020
When you get the chance, search “Professor Mike Adams” on YouTube. You’ll find many videos where he talked about the importance of the First Amendment and conservatives standing up for themselves even at systemically anti-conservative higher ed institutions that are known for forcing out conservatives for WrongThink.
Here’s a short video clip that speaks volumes about how committed he was to the fight, and how he tried to instill it in his students:
Also, make sure to listen to a great letter Adams wrote that Rush Limbaugh once read on his radio program:
Rest in peace, Professor Adams. You may be gone, but your passion for defending the First Amendment will live on.
WAJ adds: I’m not sure if I ever spoke with Mike Adams. For some reason, I think I did long ago, but regardless, he served as a source of strength for so many conservatives in academia under attack. Many readers recently have told me I really needed to contact him, but I didn’t. I now understand the pain of working with people who want to damage you personally and professionally, and I can only imagine how that stress affected him over many years. Rest in peace, Mike, you fought the good fight.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Oh G_d, I’m speechless. Mike Adams was a great man and a great firebrand. He will be missed.
Why not type God out?
Probably to show reverence, as opposed to others who think the names of the Deity are just funny cuss words. But surely, you knew that.
For conservative and orthodox Jews, the writing out of the name of God (either “God” or any form of “Jehovah”) is forbidden, in order not to profane His name, intentionally or unintentionally. Some Christians also do so, as a point of respect for those beliefs.
Well, that’s a tough one. If you type out Jehovah but omit the vowels, you get JHVH, the Tetragrammaton. Which doesn’t exactly make things better.
This is a sad story. There are two things that bother me about the death of this man. The first is that so many conservatives have to fight alone. Any group, such as American Renaissance, which tries to provide an organized forum for conservatives is relentlessly attacked by Washington. To be a conservative in America is to accused of racism, extremism, and hatred. But that’s not conservatism. A conservative has a collection of positive ideas about what life should be. That brings me to the second point. There really isn’t a clear definition of the conservative position. As a result, there’s a lot of confusion as to what conservatives stand for. The conservative platform needs a talking paper. A list of what conservatives think is important.
Here are a few points that I would include.
1. No country in the world allows foreign people to enter illegally, and then ask for public support. America shouldn’t do that either. All foreign people should be sent home.
2. American children need an education grounded in Western civilization. The English language, Common Law, Citizenship, Art, Psychology, Taxation, Music, and Philosophy. The schools are supposed to be a reflection of what parents and tax-payers want. They are not permitted to pursue a politically independent agenda. But they will never comply, so they must be closed.
3. Happiness is the number one goal of each person, and it should be possible to pursue happiness with the least possible intrusion of the government. Propaganda and Gaslighting in America causes a great deal of unhappiness. So all print media must be approved beforehand, and most importantly, the producers of subliminal communist advertising must be held criminally responsible for what they do.
4. Our electronic media is not supposed to be a political machine. But right now, it’s being used to destroy our society. Since we can’t control it, we’ll have to turn it off. All of it. No more T.V. no more movies, and no more internet. Then, we will analyze how the story of the human race should be told, and put together a new package. A happy and interesting drama that the kids will love. The Anglo Saxon educational tradition, and identity, and heritage is by far the best in the world. Ninety percent of the current library books will have to removed from circulation. That’s easy, because we don’t need public libraries.
5. Say it: Anglo Saxons are great! They are smart, funny, hard-working, and they created a wonderful civilization. Being white is not something to defend. It’s a way of saying that the world is a good place. Everybody wants to live in an Anglo Saxon country. So we have to break the taboo on positivity. We need to teach our kids that there are thousands of important Anglo Saxons who transformed the world, and its fun to talk about them! Africans and Mestizos are envious. We can’t help them. All we can do is celebrate what our own forefathers achieved. A Lot! So be white and proud. That’s fine. We need t-shirts which display a dozen different Anglo Saxon historical progressions. Which twenty men developed the Opera? That would be a fun graphic.
6. Black violence is not justified, and can only result in the removal of blacks from society. White people would never tolerate Jewish violence, or Asian violence, but black people are suffering under the delusion that white men are weak, and they can be assaulted until they surrender. I watch black men on T.V. walking around with rifles. Blacks intend to start killing white people, as a result, the only option is to hunt down and kill as many armed blacks as possible. There’s no reason to pretend that peace is an option. It’s not. American streets will not be safe until all of the blacks are gone. Blacks think that they’re strong, but they don’t know even know what strong looks like.
7. America is the homeland of the White race. So is Western Europe. And there can’t be any compromise. Every non-Anglo Saxon country in the world is a disaster. Russia, China, India, Mexico. The list is endless. Only Anglo Saxons know how to run a country.
For that reason, America, working in cooperation with Western Europe, will have to politically remake the entire globe. And the first order of business will be reducing human population. It’s not the fault of white people that blacks and Indians and Asians have too many children. So don’t don’t misdirect blame onto the only responsible group. Ask the minority women why they’re destroying the world with overpopulation.
8. Go ahead and tell people the truth. There are other forms of life in the universe. We should tell them because people from other planets are trying to buy the Earth. If they do, then our own children will become slaves. So any existing land or intellectual property claims from Alien governments must be put on the table. And put Europa on the table, too. Let our citizens decide what to do with those claims. Personally, I would throw them straight into the trash can. This is our home. It will be difficult, I know. But it has to be done, because most people don’t understand what we’re up against. Washington D.C. works for Beijing, and Europa.
9. The approaching conflict is portrayed as being between the rich people and the poor people. But really, it’s between the young people and the old people. Even if the blacks, and communists, and feminists are removed, we will still need a mechanism for deciding when its time for an old person to be euthanized. This is tough, because many of them are already taking life-extending drugs. So a conservative, in addition to being dedicated to enlarging and expanding Christian Anglo Saxon culture, must also be a man with the guts to say: The ratio of old people to young people must be controlled. The average age of Americans should be around twenty-five. And no child should become a caretaker. Most “conservative” men don’t have the moral courage to make that statement. A true conservative keeps an eye towards the future.
10. There are two forces in the universe: Masculine and Feminine. One can’t exist without the other. So young girls must grow up to become ladies. Not attorneys, or engineers, or politicians. We want beautiful charming young women who are easy to love; and who can participate fully in the joy of life, and of marriage, and of motherhood. The girls can’t do that right now, because they are under attack from every direction. Black feminists, Jews, Mexican Communists; the sickness is everywhere. So if we want our country to survive, we’ll have to be merciless in cutting-out the cancer.
That’s a partial list. But there is one more item: All Anglo Saxon men must develop an absolute, unbreakable commitment to saving the the human race; and the Earth. Not a promise to “do one’s best”. That means nothing. Every man will have to take personal responsibility for achieving the only possible outcome: Total Anglo Saxon control of planet Earth, which will be inhabited by three billion people, or less.
This is way too convenient, was Hillary mad at him?
Extremely convenient.
Yeah, I went there too.
It has come to this: when an inconvenient scholar was most likely simply driven to his grave by harrassment, ostracism n abuse, it’s not crazy to speculate that he was more directly silenced.
Unlikely, but not crazy. One of Bernie’s bros did shoot up a congressional softball practice. Senator Rand Paul eventually needed surgeyr after his assault – just a neighbor dispute we’re told. Tbe deluge of death threats thrown at a simple wrongthinking stuxent at S U. Etc.
If I had to bet……..
Josh Caplan
WSJ: FBI probing Chinese researchers suspected of being secret People’s Liberation Army members in over 25 U.S. cities
Wonder if they do murder for hire also…..
FBI Warns ‘Secret’ PLA Members Are Doing Scientific Research In 25 US Cities
It’s no secret that US colleges and researchers have accepted billions of dollars in financing via programs like Beijing’s “thousand talents” program. A Harvard professor has been indicted for failing to disclose some of the money.
“Arkancide”. He was in the South.
I have a dim memory of reading him a lot long ago because of his sense of humor. A political sense of humor ought to be protective against suicide. Just saying.
There aren’t enough fighters like he was.
Awful news.
How convenient…
The report just says “found dead” and gives no other details. If I had to guess, the cause of death was not apparent so they’re trying to figure out what happened.
I will say the out pouring of gouls for his death is not all that surprising. Reducing my belief in humanity, yes, but surprising? Not at all.
I am extremely sad at this as well, I used to read him, and cheered his fights against his oppressors as he related them.
There is one class of death where it is always immediately obvious what happened, but it will never be stated until after an official pronouncement. You and me and everyone else knows what that is.
Men who are good at comedy often the most prone to self doubt and depression – just look at the record. Adams was one of the best anti-Woke voices on the net, he was one of us, he thought like us, he spoke like we wished we had the cleverness to do. My great fear is that they finally broke him; that all the hatred, plus finally being pushed out of the job he loved, was in the end just too much for him to bear.
AS suicide is viewed by many as a sin, why speculate on his cause of death? You may be correct, even though you are guessing without any facts other than a negative – no cause of death announced immediately. OTOH there are some causes of death where the cause is not immediately obvious to a local Sheriff’s Deputy. Suicidal thoughts are not the only reason for people to request a wellness check, failure to show up for work by a person who has been absolutely reliable is one. Given the contentious decades, it isn’t exactly a mystery why the SO would conduct at least a perfunctory investigation.
Yes. It could easily have been a stroke of a brain aneurysm. If he lived alone, and didn’t have daily classes, it could have easily been an couple of days before he was found, at which point, you’re going to need to do some work to figure out what actually happened.
This is doubly true in the days of covid where everyone is locked in their cell for months at a time.
The very same ghoulish people who deify drug addicted felons and other thug life wannabes (Trayvon and Little Michael) as martyrs.
Pro Life
Pro Free Speech
Pro 2nd Amendment
Not knowing what happened, I won’t speculate, but please be careful Professor Jacobson
The other side of these things play for keeps
While there are, for sure, too many deaths these days, this is still one too many.
RIP, Professor. You earned your place in the pantheon of First- Amendment Agonists.
Fought the good fight, but your time has passed. May your judgment be swift and fair. #PrinciplesMatter
Dr. L J Randolph, Jr. and Jamie Paulen have failed a test of decency. By their own logic, they should be fired.
I have great respect for academics who stand up for free speech in the midst of academic mobbing. I have no respect for the cowards who participate in mobbing (such as the Cornell Dirty 21). I doubt that the mobbers would have an iota of remorse if they drove someone to suicide. Their twitter comments confirm that, as they gloat over the dead body.
I suspect that Mike Adams’ pseudo-colleagues have plenty of expertise on how to murder someone and make it look like suicide. If I were an investigator working on this case, I would presume murder until and unless there were multiple items of firm evidence that the death was from suicide or natural causes.
I say cancel liberal Arts degrees. That will force 100 K to retreat to their parents basements. Then open the flood gates of cheap labor. The parents will never be liberal again, because they will never get their kids out of the house.
As for Prof. Adams. I hope it was natural causes. It appears they were threatening him at the rock. Maybe someone acted on it.
A better plan would be to hire truly intelligent and educated profs to teach traditional liberal arts classes. We could make vacancies for the real professors by using aimed rifle fire.
Two comments:
We need to have all public funding of non-stem higher education end immediately! Tomorrow! There is absolutely no reason for my tax dollars to be spent supporting the Marxist indoctrination of impressionable young minds with grievance studies and similar bulls**t for even another day. If they can’t survive in a free market, such programs shouldn’t exist at all.
Also, when are the sensible people in this country finally going to be driven to the point where they start taking direct action?
“Conservatives should be pushing home-school curriculum. This is the single greatest opportunity to change the direction of schooling for generations of kids to come….”
I have done the next best thing. I have taken my boys around the country visiting Civil Wars sites as well as historical locations that teach about the history of the USA. I also include programs on world history as well as Youtube videos that teach about history.
I also introduce them to people like Dinish D’Souza, Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager, and many more.
So much do I teach them about history and current events that they often know more than the teacher.
In a paraphrase of Lou Costello — I’m a baaaadddd dad.
Good for you.
One last thing- never, ever send them to anything other than a rock solid conservative university if they go to college. Thoroughly vet the school. I was naive, even a decade ago when things weren’t so in your face.
So, you ARE homeschooling! (Just not full-time.)
Keep it up!
I hope this story is a hoax, and he’s found a good way to get off the grid.
We need to have all public funding of non-stem higher education end immediately!
STEM is not immune. The walls were breached decades ago. But that assault was via gender-based AA, rather than today’s more fashionable race-based version.
I’ve been reading the (now late) Professor Adams throughout his career. Brilliant, pointed commentary on topics ranging from what passes for Academia to his favorite shotguns. He will be missed.
When are we going to fill the gap his death leaves???
“Embattled,” “controversial”, “polarizing,” these are all terms the media uses to characterize their seething hatred for independent critical thinking and the courage to express it. And this is how they try to destroy you even after death.
Living in North Carolina, I have followed
Mike since his fight for tenure at UNC-Wilmington. I am absolutely crushed by this news. I don’t want to speculate at this time, but I don’t think his death was ‘natural.’
I totally despise the way the media here in NC lied and mischaracterized things Mike said or wrote about. The bit about NC Governor is a great example. Mike’s comment using “Massa Cooper” is not a racist comment, nor racially charged. It’s no different than telling Black citizens to leave the Democratic Party plantation. It’s just easier to paint anything said by conservatives as racist.
Rest In Peace, Professor. While living, you fought the good fight to expose your enemies as the amoral anti-intellectual fascists that they are.
I was going to say much the same thing. One of my sons was at UNCW during the tenure denial time.
Mike Adams was a beacon pf Freedom and Liberty. I will not speculate on the reason of his death other than to remark that it is a tragic loss for all of those that value freedom of speech and thought.
And last, the left is making it clear, they do not value life, any life. They only mouth the words when it suits them for political reasons. The left is an enemy of freedom and liberty. Mike fought the battles, the rest of us need to fight battles and win the war.
So nice to read the entirely predictable VILE responses from leftists. Loathsome human beings.
It figures the tolerant, compassionate Left is once again dancing on the grave of someone whom they hate simply because they didn’t like him or his opinions. Typical.
The outpouring of nastiness from the left in celebration of his passing is, to me, the utmost compliment that can be paid to Professor Adams. He was such a stand up and influential man that they can’t help showing their collective asses on Twitter.
I didn’t know Mike Adams, not even by reputation. His photo shows a consrvatively dressed, seemingly mild mannered man. Yet he had the spine so lacking in today’s academia. This story literally makes me sick. As does the video of the UNC-W students gigglig at the death of another human being, one who undoubtedly had more character than they’re ever likely to develop. This is what these cretins are going to college for? To take offense over a mild post that made fun of the covid-19 lockdown? No. Someone has been targeting him and using whatever came their way as to bludgeon a strong-minded man. Those idiot students don’t even recognize moral courage when they see it. They are disgusting.
If I had a kid in UNC-W right now, I’d whip them out on the spot. Cut off any parental support. Slap them silly for being the vacuous, superficial creatures they are.
Someone tell those P.E.D.O.* students that giggling is exactly what Hitler used to do.
*Perverted, Evil, Dictator, Offal.
The lack of compassion is truly disgusting, and yet they are the first to complain about people not considering their feelings. I was particularly impressed by the attorney who was responding to comments about her vile comments–OK Boomer must pass for critical arguments among attorneys in North Carolina these days.
The number one personality trait people leave behind when they embrace leftism is empathy.
I can’t remember what it was about, but many years ago I emailed Mike Adams a question about something. I really didn’t think he would respond, but he did. All I can remember is he actually replied with a fairly long and friendly email.
I bought one of his books. I’ll have to find it.
I’m always amazed and disgusted at the inhuman hatred people on the left reveal when someone with whom they disagree passes away. I pray I never become like that.
Rest in Peace, Professor Adams.
Professor Adams was a must read for me for many years and influenced and polished my conservatism. RIP, sir.