Vermont School Principal Placed on Leave for Criticism of Black Lives Matter
“We do not intend to hire her back,” board Chair Elizabeth Burrows said. “We wanted to make sure we acted as quickly as we possibly could.”
Tiffany Riley, the principal of Windsor High School in Vermont, has been laced on leave for a comment she made on social media about the Black Lives Matter movement. Riley’s Facebook post prompted an emergency meeting of the local school board which was “uniformly appalled.”
Professor Jonathan Turley writes at his blog:
Vermont Principal Put On Leave For Not Agreeing With Black Lives Matters
We have yet another teacher suspended or put on leave for merely expressing her opinion of Black Lives Matter on her personal Facebook page. After Tiffany Riley wrote that she does not agree with the BLM, the Mount Ascutney School Board held an emergency meeting to declare that it is “uniformly appalled” by the exercise of free speech and Superintendent David Baker assured the public that they would be working on “mutually agreed upon severance package.” The case magnifies concerns over the free speech rights of teachers on social media or in their private lives…
So what is the act that uniformly appalled the school board? Riley wrote:
“I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist (sic).”
Turley contends that this is not about Black Lives Matter, but rather about free speech and the private lives of educators.
The statement from the school board is something to behold.
From the Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union website:
Mt. Ascutney School Board Statement
Jun 12 2020
Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Staff,
The Mount Ascutney School District Board was uniformly appalled by Principal Tiffany Riley’s recent Facebook post, which stated:
“I firmly believe that Black Lives Matter, but I DO NOT agree with the coercive measures taken to get to this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point. While I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist [sic]”
The ignorance, prejudice, and lack of judgement in these statements are utterly contrary to the values we espouse as a school board and district. However, these statements were not alone. They were followed later by a follow up Facebook post, which acknowledged no culpability, expressed no specific contrition or empathy, and showed no humility. Because of this glaring miscomprehension of the situation, we feel unanimously that Ms. Riley’s continued role as our school leader damages the school and its students.
Katy Savage of the VT Digger has more:
“We do not intend to hire her back,” board Chair Elizabeth Burrows said. “We wanted to make sure we acted as quickly as we possibly could.”…
The post was quickly reposted and widely circulated within the school and wider community.
“It was a terrible misjudgement on her part to have posted that at all — that’s what we were responding to besides our individual feelings about the nature of the post,” Burrows said…
Superintendent David Baker said he was made aware of Riley’s Facebook post through a series of emails from parents the next morning.
“When the first parent sent me her FB post I thought her account had been hacked because the post was so insensitive to the recent plight of our minority community,” Baker said. “I called her and was shocked to hear that it was actually her post.”
This hysterical overreaction looks like a mixture of virtue-signaling and religion. The religion is progressivism, and all heretics will be purged.
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“It was a terrible misjudgement on her part to think the First Amendment is valid.”
I kinda fixed it for them.
If anything you say offends anyone your free speech is history. That is where we are in 2020.
Not so! Feel free to offend Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters as much as you want. In fact, it’s required!
Don’t forget that Israel is a major target as well.
Apparently my rights DO end where their feelings or fears begin. And what delicate quaking masss of feeling puddles they are.
BLM is doing for American blacks what MeToo did for women in business. The risks of dealing with them are high, far higher than the benefits. There’s entirely too much “falling on swords” going on over anything which might impede the ascendancy of a fringe movement.
Personally, I won’t have anything to do with a blatantly supremacist movement such as BLM. But I don’t suffer from Social Media Disease, so have no masochistic urge to advertise it.
It’s like colorizing old black and white pictures of China’s Red Guards in action.
That’s a great way to frame that (apt) analogy!
Racial thought purity.
Note the board’s response is true to “the cause” .. no forgiveness and no redemption possible Any deviation from the Party line is complete removal as an unperson. possible
Swift actions breeds fear…which is exactly how totalitarian cultures thrive. The Left defended Clinton ‘s private life of sexual misconduct as having no bearing on public service.
Only time until what one buys or owns will be in the crosshairs. 666 anyone?
If only they had a gulag available to send her to. The circle would then be complete. Maybe next year?
We need a class action ASAP.
This is well beyond ridiculous at this point.
Get woke or we’ll make sure you go broke
I hope she sues the bastards.
Sure, and they’ll settle, using the money of the citizens. No skin off their collective noses.
All she has to do is reframe the issue as a matter of sex identification – Black Lives Matter criticism as a sexual orientation – and, according to SCOTUS, she has a right not to be fired over it.
Instant win!
Until and unless we, the average Americans, join this fight we will continue to see our rights and freedom erode.
The citizens of this Vermont school district need to speak up and threaten the employment of those that wish to control them.
And I doubt we’ll here a squeak from them.
What I worry about is the people not being involved until it results in widespread and extreme violence in order to correct the problem (leading to greater problems).
There’s a good chance the residents of that school district think just like the thought crimes unit running that school board.
Du kannst den scheiß nicht erfinden!
My guess: You can’t make this sh*t up!
“They were followed later by a follow up Facebook post, which acknowledged no culpability, expressed no specific contrition or empathy, and showed no humility.”
No culpability? No specific contrition? Really? This Vermont school principal should express her own culpability and specific contrition for . . . what, exactly? For slavery? For Jim Crow? For wrongs done by people long dead to people long dead? Or is she just responsible for the recent actions of some rogue cops in Minneapolis?
These people are beyond idiotic. Just because they choose to grovel and debase themselves before blacks doesn’t mean that the rest of us have to go along with their lunacy.
In a nutshell, the school board did not want to face the prospect of having an angry mob standing outside their homes, screaming insults and threats, possibly breaking windows and throwing firebombs. You must adhere to The Narrative, and only speak Within The Narrative. Step one foot outside and you become an un-person, who must be destroyed rather than allow others to see that they too can speak their minds.
Of course you have free speech. You’re free to speak what we tell you to.
“Freedom” is yet another word the Left has re-defined to suit their purposes, and they use it in exactly the way you describe.
Another one, pertinent to this discussion, is “tolerance.”
Well, this is Vermont, after all. A state that appears to be vying to become the Oregon or Washington of the East coast — stepped in the same totalitarian, Dhimmi-crat idiocy and bullying intolerance.
Whatever happened to “Live free or die”?
I think that’s New Hampshire. Vermont’s is “Kneel to Karl Marx”
“I think that’s New Hampshire. Vermont’s is “Kneel to Karl Marx””
Yes, New Hampshire has or used to have “Live Free or Die” on their license plates.
As for Vermont I thought their slogan was “Kneel before Zod.”
Still has.
Vermonts’ say “Green Mountain State”.
And unlike most states’ plates, Vermont’s are engraved rather than embossed. (The writing is lower than the base rather than raised from the base.)
Except for hearses–someone thought that might be insensitive.
And “Keep sending Bernie back to Washington.”
I always get Vermont and New Hampshire wrong. Probably because they’re the same shape, except one of them is upside down. I guess this story means that one’s Vermont.
Someone someday will ask…Why is BLM above criticism?
Why does BLM support firing and ruining the lives of people who dare utter the least disagreement?
Why are BLM supporters behaving like Maoist thought police?
Until and unless this madness is confronted America is gone.
No one has a spine?
Wimps everywhere?
The school has a facebook page with zero comments on nearly all of their posts. Start there.
Sorry…forgot link:
What’s up with the (sic)?
Yeah, my thought as well. Maybe they don’t know how to actually spell “racist,” and think she got it wrong.
The phrasing is awkward. “Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist” should properly read “The fact that I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist”, or “Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign, that should not mean I am a racist”.
When are we going to hear prominent black leaders speak out against this movement? ALL lives matter.
Only the most ignorant would believe that the black man has ZERO chance of a good life in America….shame on the left for perpetuating this myth.
I have a relative that says “we have hidden bias that needs to be examined”. How does she know it exists if it is hidden? Prostrating yourself before ANY race seems to be the ultimate act of racism.
All Lives Matter – except the unborn.
Same way they claim you are “in denial” if you don’t agree with their misassessment of you.
Robert Woodson of the Woodson Institute was just on Lou Dobbs this evening (06/17/’20) and he was EXCELLENT at delineating what, and where the problem(s) are in this whole sham of racism ‘outrage’. If you can try to access that particular episode.
Guys, it is time to consider the probability that the current orgy of purging and cancellation will not end. The MSM cheers it, the tech giants enable it, the multinational corporations fund it and a significant number of d support it. This may be a fight we can’t win. We are in every way overmatched with the possible exception of the ballot box and the d are trying mightily to negate that with mail out/mail in ballots.
I don’t lightly make this proposal but the time has come to consider it and similar proposals if we are to pass along to our children and grandchildren their inheritance of western liberal democracy.
Proposal: a peaceful partition of the the U.S. into a traditional and non-traditional nations.
1. Vote by county to determine if that county wishes to remain in the U.S. or become not U.S.
This vote would be in May of 2021. Think of it as an indication of interest for a new stock offering. This would set the map for the second vote to be held in November of 2021 which would be the vote to allow the creation of the new not U.S..
2. Following the November ratification the new not U.S. would continue as part of the U.S. until December 31, 2022. This provides over one year in which for an interim government to be created.
3. Issues to resolve
A. Individuals owning homes/business who don’t want to be in the resulting nation.
The county government sets property tax appraisal value. The five year average of that value becomes payable to the owner should that owner fit the circumstances.
B. Social Security – all payment continues for three years following the November vote. At the end of that period only US citizens will receive payments.
C. Federal pensions – same as Social Security.
D. State and local government pensions – The pensions of those who renounce US citizenship will become an obligation of the new not U.S. government. People choosing to live in not U.S., but retaining US citizenship are paid as expats.
E. Regardless of county vote, the land area for the not U.S. must be contiguous and economically viable. So EL Paso county TX couldn’t meet that standard alone nor could ST Louis.
Now let’s say everything north of Pennsylvania and east of Ohio along with coastal California, Oregon and Washington vote to leave. No problem. The requirement to be contiguous is to prevent any kind of a Belarus scenario for U.S. remainder.
F. Debt apportioned by population.
G. Federal Military facilities- negotiated following vote.
H. Federal and state parks etc – apportioned by vote of surrounding counties.
I. No dual citizenship. Parents decide for children.
J. No revote ala Puerto Rico. One vote one time the end.
Not perfect, not complete but a good start. Let the d progressives who want to be some Marxist/BLM/open boarders fusion go and do it. Let the rest of us live in peace.
They’re the US. We would be the secessionist not-the-US.
No. The folks who are rejecting our liberal western culture and believe our Nation is irredeemably racist, patriarchal, homonormative, capitalist while defacing our monuments and decrying our cultural heritage can choose to create their utopia in the ‘ not U.S.’
This was tried in the mid nineteenth century under different circumstances and it didn’t work out well for a substantial part of the country. I suspect the process you now propose would be anything but peaceful.
But it’s an idea.
The goal is to allow these progressives to peacefully create their own nation while allowing the rest of us to get on with life. They will hopefully understand that we are willing to let them believe and act in accordance with whatever they choose BUT they do not get to choose for the rest of us. Not, I fear, without provoking violence. This proposal is an attempt to avoid the violence.
Except for the minor detail that they control the government – we don’t, as events continue to demonstrate. Don’t let the minor detail of Republicans winning a few elections confuse you, the permanent bureaucracy (and apparently the courts) belong to the enemy.
Interesting that you use the word enemy. My proposal is intended to prevent a civil war in which declared enemies exist and to allow for an amicable division precisely so that we don’t have to depend upon r winning elections in order to keep our Nation.
This will go exactly nowhere, just like Calexit fizzled our after the 2016 elections. In addition to being genocidal, communism is deeply imperialistic and seeks control over every single person they can get their hands on. They want the Deplorables dead or enslaved, not free on some small corner of the planet.
Recovering Lutheran,
Please submit your proposal.
Until you do, we are left to ponder your statement to the effect that; the d/ progressive are communists who will refuse to let the rest of us live in freedom while simultaneously stating that my proposal is a non starter.
My proposal is intended to be last chance to avoid what will be a civil war. I hope you would agree that an amicable settlement is preferable to the large scale bloodshed, destruction and misery that a civil war will bring.
Get a grip. They behave this way because they are losing, not because they are winning. We are the majority, and this is their tantrum about that.
I agree. As an American, of African ancestry, I can tell you that there are FAR more blacks in this nation who want NO part of blm, that ‘see’ through this provocateur scum, and want them gone yesterday. For example, what doesn’t get mentioned is that far more blacks voted for president Trump than are portrayed by the MSM. When president Trump held one of his rallies in Texas a sizable number of Americans of Hispanic ancestry attended. I think that ‘they’ (you know who ‘they’ are) ARE losing their utopian ‘wet dream’, and I’ll tell you a dirty little secret: Before this incident with Floyd happened the scumbag demoRATS, having thrown EVERYTHING, including the kitchen sink, at president Trump knew they had failed and the president was on his way to being re-elected in Nov. Since the Floyd incident the country has further witnessed the depravity of the sewage-mongers, aka demoRATS, and I think even more of the country is absolutely turned-off by what we’ve all seen. Biden is visibly on his last few marbles….I just don’t see people wanting any more of what the fetid, loathsome cockroaches on the Left have been foisting on America. We’ve seen more than enough!
Don’t agree. Every time you give them half your cake, they only come back for your half. Until we get off our asses and defend what we have — which is ALL of the US — we will never end the problem.
A good answer would be like:
“Dear people at MASDB,
You might want to check you copy of the US Constitution, namely the Bill of Rights of 1791, and the Civil Rights act of 1964, in order to avoid the district the huge financial loss that would result from the lawsuit you’re going to lose dearly, thus hurting the very students you’re expected to uphpold and protect.
There won’t be a second warning.
Yours, Tiffany Riley.”.
If she were an office worker then this would be exactly right. But public employees whose job involves interacting with the community have generally been able to be fired if their private speech makes it impossible for them to do their jobs any more. E.g. policemen who make racist statements are routinely fired for them, even though they’re protected speech. Whereas an office worker at a police department, who doesn’t interact with the public, can even wish for the president’s assassination and the department can’t do anything to her.
The unnatural extension of this is to place Positions of Authority in jeopardy. The higher you go, the less ‘off narrative’ your public speech can be, until you go to Washington and say nothing at all, because that’s the only way to keep your job.
Hence, the Typical Yellow-Striped Politician.
I really did not expect Trump to upend this particular trash can full of roaches and squirmy things, but he did, and I’m more glad about it every day. Perhaps someday soon we will see speech this common-sensical become common, instead of treated with contempt.
That analogy might work she said something racist.
The point isn’t whether what she said was actually racist. The first amendment means she can’t be punished for what she said. The point is whether what she said made it impossible for her to do her job. That’s the reason policemen who make racist statements can be fired. Not because of what they said but because of the practical consequences of their statements. In other words not the statements but the reaction to them.
Huh? She was fired under the pretext of being a racist even thought she didn’t say anything racist. WhatTF do you mean what she said isn’t the point?
Planned Purges (PP). #Racism #Sexism #Diversity #BabyLivesMatter
Depending on her age and the generosity of this offer, accepting it may be the smart thing for her to do. But what if she refuses to accept it and insists on staying in her current position, with the express intention of being able to influence students slightly away from the current insanity. Can she compel them to keep her there, or only to pay her for the full loss she would suffer by leaving her job now and probably never being hired at any other comparable school again?
1) As a public sector employee, she should have retained 1st Amendment rights that private sector employees don’t enjoy (her employer is a government entity taking punitive action for her commenting on events of the day).
2) Where is her union. Teachers unions are notorious for defending the most noxious and incompetent of teachers from termination. Is her union going to apply the same zealousness here?
If not, she may well have a viable cause of action against the union for “failure to represent: … and against the school district for the aforementioned infringement of her Constitutional rights.
This probably explains why the school district is already signaling severance package (which would presumably include a settlement and gag order). I hope that she’s represented by competent counsel and doesn’t leave any money on the table — these Progressive Fascists need to pay (unfortunately, they’ll use our tax dollars to do it).
Did the Mount Ascutney School District Board move us one step closer to a civil war?
This is not about race per se. As Political Correctness becomes a way of life, the content can be changed from “thinking about race” to political thinking of any type. Welcome to the new USSR, comrade.
These school board morons will be working in the fields or factories as slaves. They are too stupid to be more than slaves to the Party.
Maybe we need separate schools. Oh,wait…
That will be the next attack that they use on homeschooling. Since the vast majority of homeschoolers are white, therefore home-schooling is racist.
And they don’t celebrate ‘Juneteenth’, which is the next con to be pulled on the nation. Northam and Cuomo are already onboard.
My point is to see the process.
Thinkers focus on content and ask if it makes sense.
Revolutionaries focus on process and ask “Does this work?” Alinsky was about process. By Any Means necessary is about process. Democrats are about process. Content is a distraction for the enemy and a means for the revolutionary.
Comrade basic training is underway.
Good point, as it is increasingly difficult to focus on the content aka “word salad.”
How to test
1) Does the content make sense? If “no,” maybe we are in a con game.
2) If you can’t ID the “mark,” then you are the mark.
3) Follow the money. Who gains and who loses in the game. The loser is the mark.
4) Some people want to be marks because it makes them feel good. Think about the idiot white woman in Chaz who was clueless and did not comprehend what the Black woman was trying to teach her about the truth (Youtube video from a couple of days ago).
It all starts with #1 above. Assume there is a plan and a con game is underway if the content does not make sense.
For example, #MeToo was big but suddenly disappeared when Biden was hit. #MeToo was not about women, it exploited women and when it no longer helped the revolution, it experienced a “deep six.” It was always a leftist tool to support the revolution.
I hope she sues the living shit out of them, and wins
I would love to know what the parents, caregivers, and staff think about Riley’s opinion.
I can hope that she will stand her ground for freedom of expression as the professor has, but I see right now that may be too much to ask. I wish her well. Her expressed view can only be considered offensive by extremists, but those of us in the middle see the balance she tried to make.
Can’t all of us cancelled people get together and make a free society of our own? I rejoice when people like this get fired for simply stating the truth because each time it happens that’s one more person available to make a better world.
She probably remarked that All Lives Matter #ALM, or, worse, Baby Lives Matter #BLM… No, wait, she’s a female chauvinist. Perhaps she’s first wave, before the Pro-Choice religion managed to progress, corrupt rational and reasonable, and occupy the movement.
It would be nice if the authors of this particular post would check out some significant differences between what ‘Riley posted’, and what the school board said she did.
‘What Riley wrote’:
“I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist (sic).”
As quoted by the School Board:
“I firmly believe that Black Lives Matter, but I DO NOT agree with the coercive measures taken to get to this point across; some of which are falsified in an attempt to prove a point. While I want to get behind BLM, I do not think people should be made to feel they have to choose black race over human race. While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? What about all others who advocate for and demand equity for all? Just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I am a racist [sic]”
That’s pretty major.
The school board must have hired that new PR firm of Comey, Strzok, Page and Rosenstein…….
Want to see what non Communist Vermonters think of this ,the link I posted is from the Leftard publication of record, go to the end of the article and click on comments, there are 49 .
Are the parents cool with this? Superintendent Baker stated that he heard about it through a series of emails from parents.
Looney leftists want to de-fund the police…
How about de-funding the school system?
When did it become “indoctrinate” instead of “educate”?
Isn’t Vermont , like, the whitest state in the country?
Why does Vermont hate black people?
I’m convinced it’s something in the Ben & Jerry’s.
Vermont has long been infiltrated by reds–Bernie, the Jerry and Whatever ice cream people
(switch to Hagen Das), etc.–the population is so low that a relative small number of nut cases have disproportionate influence. A second. factor is that the noble yeoman of Vermont depend
upon the milk business and its profitably exists only because of lavish government subsidies. Beyond Vermont, what is needed is the establishment of fund to support suits by public employees fired, punished, or discriminated against because of their political views. One thing that l learned early and painfully in myyeaxrs as a university professor was that academic freedom was for lefties only–and it was only after I retired and became again a free man (or at least as free as one can be in a country that is fast becoming like Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China
No, don’t switch to Haagen Dazs. Haagen Dax’s is still my favorite ice cream but Zi no longer by it because they were bought by Nestles. Nestles is one of the ‘woke’ companies who contribute to all the anti-conservative causes, and now blm!
Ok, let me state this again, this time, without the spelling and grammar errors. Do not buy Haagen Dazs ice cream because they are owned by Nestles. Nestles is one of the ‘woke’ companies that contribute to, and support, anti-conservative causes, and now, of course, BLM! Look up Nestles’ score on 2ND VOTE. There-fixed it for myself.
And not one word from the school board.
Or this one.
“We do not intend to hire her black,” board Chair Elizabeth Burrows said.
Racist bastards.
Screw BLM and the other groups using the opportunity to force facist changes. And shame on the GOP for not having the stones to call them out on the BS.
When the time comes to rebuild, let those idiot blue state democrat geniuses figure it out by themselves.