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Petition Calls on U. Florida to Change Humanities Requirement to Race and Racism Course

Petition Calls on U. Florida to Change Humanities Requirement to Race and Racism Course

“Klein’s petition, addressed to UF President Kent Fuchs, has amassed over 25,000 signatures so far.”

Campus leftists are using current events to push for all sorts of things they might not get at another time.

Campus Reform reports:

UF students push to replace humanities requirement with ‘race & racism’ course

A new movement at the University of Florida seeks to change the mandated freshman course from an introduction to the humanities to one on “Race & Racism.”

Currently, the required freshman course is “IDS1161: What is the Good Life,” in which students examine “works of art, music, literature, history, religion, and philosophy” as an “invitation to the Humanities and to a lifetime of reflection on the human condition.”

A petition calling for the university to change the required freshman course to ANT3451: Race & Racism, was started by University of Florida graduate Sarah Klein.

According to the 2019 course syllabus, the “course examines the concept of race from the perspectives of biological and cultural anthropology.”

“The first part of the course focuses on patterns of human biological variation and critically examines how these patterns compare to conventional ideas about race. The second part traces the origins of the race concept and explores the links between race and science. The third part examines the experience and consequences of racism in the United States and in other societies,” reads the syllabus.

The course has two required texts: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race by Amy Eshleman, Jean O’Malley Halley, and Ramya Mahadevan Vijaya.

Klein’s petition, addressed to UF President Kent Fuchs, has amassed over 25,000 signatures so far. In her call to action, she states “implementing ANT3451: Race and Racism as the required freshman course is one step that you can take to combat ignorance. To combat racism. To combat police brutality and lynching and white supremacy.”


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They don’t want to run around with the struggle sessions, too many people might get missed. They want to make them mandatory and early, so that students know what’s expected of them.

Oh yeah, “critically examines” = explain (not discuss) from a Marxist perspective. No other interpretations are allowed.

“Racism” (whatever Merriam-Webster may say to the contrary) is a perpetual bludgeon for the left and a reliable moneymaker for the Dems. They plan to make it permanent.

healthguyfsu | June 16, 2020 at 1:00 pm

It won’t happen, at least not in “replacement” fashion…those humanities courses use a useless requirement like intro to humanities to try and recruit suckers to their worthless majors.

Yeah, no. One wonders what the credentialing requirements are for a class like this.