Minneapolis City Council Members Who Voted to Defund Police Get Taxpayer Funded Private Security

The City Council of Minneapolis recently voted unanimously to defund the city’s police department. Now certain members of the council claim they are getting threats, so they have been given private security.

At taxpayer expense, naturally.

Tom Lyden reports at FOX 9 News:

Minneapolis Council members get private security after threatsThe City of Minneapolis is spending $4,500 a day for private security for three council members who have received threats following the police killing of George Floyd, FOX 9 has learned.A city spokesperson said the private security details have cost taxpayers $63,000 over the past three weeks.The three council members who have the security detail – Andrea Jenkins (Ward 8), and Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), and Alondra Cano (Ward 9)– have been outspoken proponents of defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham declined to discuss the security measures.“I don’t feel comfortable publicly discussing the death threats against me or the level of security I currently have protecting me from those threats,” said Cunningham in a text message.

Here’s their video report:

Mary Kay Linge of the New York Post has more:

Minneapolis council members who voted to abolish cops get private securitySecurity for me but not for thee.Three members of the Minneapolis City Council who voted to eliminate the local police force are being protected by a private security detail that costs taxpayers $4,500 a day.News of the arrangement broke Friday, the same day that the council voted 12-0 to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.“My concern is the large number of white nationalist(s) in our city and other threatening communications I’ve been receiving,” Councilmember Andrea Jenkins told Fox 9 News — adding that she had been asking for private security ever since she took office in 2018.

Twitchy has rounded up some reactions to this news:

This was my reaction:

Featured image via KMSP News video.

Tags: George Floyd, Minnesota, Progressives