Media Groups and Law Profs rally to Oberlin College’s defense in Gibson’s Bakery Appeal

We previously covered how the NAACP had filed a motion for permission to file an Amicus Brief in favor of Oberlin College and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo in the Gibson’s Bakery appeal.

Now more motions to file Amicus Briefs are flowing in in support of the college, as reflected on the court docket:

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and others including 19 media groups

“First Amendment Scholars” consisting of 19 law professors

National Coalition Against Censorship, and others

Based on the court docket, the Gibsons’ attorneys have requested additional time to file objections to the filing of the amicus briefs. The Gibson’s have filed their Cross-Appeal Brief seeking to restore the full $33 million punitive damages verdict, but have not yet filed their response to the college’s Appeal Brief.

I haven’t had a chance to do much more than skim the briefs. I’ve had some *other stuff* going on in my life the past few days. The briefs seem focused on the defamation aspect of the case, which was only one of the issues on which the Gibsons prevailed, and seek to present this as a matter of student speech. If people want to review the briefs and comment in the comment section, that would be great. Help me out here.

The docket does not reflect anyone coming to the assistance of the Gibsons. As they have throughout this saga, the small bakery stands alone against well-funded corporate and legal power.

[Featured Image – Four generations of Gibson Family after Verdict][Photo Credit: Legal Insurrection Foundation]

Tags: College Insurrection, NAACP, Oberlin College, Oberlin College - Gibson's Bakery