“How long it goes on, I don’t know. I’m certainly not going to quit.” (Ben Shapiro Radio Show)

I appeared earlier today on the Ben Shapiro Radio Show to talk about the panic sweeping the country as it is playing out at Cornell Law School. The audio is below.

You can see my prior posts for background:

Here’s a short excerpt:

I think this is just a rage and a fury. I think this is pent up frustrations that they’re taking out on me because they have this nice, nice, you know, bubble thought bubble where everybody agrees them and then somebody comes along and doesn’t agree with them. And therefore they view that as a danger to them. So I think this is a panic. I think this is a rage. I think they are looking for somebody to hate on and I’ve become a convenient figure for them to do that. How long it goes on. I don’t know. I’m certainly not going to quit.

Tags: Ben Shapiro, Cornell, Media Appearance