China to Set Up ‘National Security Bureau’ to Crush Dissent in Hong Kong
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China to Set Up ‘National Security Bureau’ to Crush Dissent in Hong Kong

China to Set Up ‘National Security Bureau’ to Crush Dissent in Hong Kong

Hong Kong dissidents to be tried under Communist mainland laws, violating the “one country, two systems” policy.

Communist China is setting up a new security apparatus in Hong Kong to crush the pro-democracy movement, Chinese state media on Saturday revealed.  The planned “special bureau” will “investigate and prosecute crimes considered threatening to national security,” the Associated Press reported.

The Beijing-controlled agency is part of a “National Security Law” passed last month by China’s National People’s Congress, the country’s Communist Party-controlled top legislative body. According to new rules, “specific cases would not be tried under Hong Kong’s separate legal system, but under mainland laws,” Australian public broadcaster ABC reported.

The proposed security law violates the autonomy promised by Communist China under the “one country, two systems” policy while acquiring the territory from Britain in 1997.

The Associated Press reported China’s planned security apparatus:

China plans to establish a special bureau in Hong Kong to investigate and prosecute crimes considered threatening to national security, according to details of a controversial new national security law Beijing is imposing on the semi-autonomous territory.

In addition, bodies in all Hong Kong government departments, from finance to immigration, will be directly answerable to the central government in Beijing, the official Xinhua News Agency said Saturday.

The announcement increases concerns that China’s communist government will continue to tighten its grip on Hong Kong. Beijing has said it is determined to press ahead with the national security legislation — which has been strongly criticized as undermining the Asian financial hub’s legal and political institutions — despite heavy criticism from within Hong Kong and abroad.

The measures tighten Beijing’s grip on Hong Kong and virtually end the remnants of freedom enjoyed by the region under the British rule.

With Communist China moving fast to absorb Hong Kong, the U.S. plans to revoke the special economic status granted to the territory. The decision could end the era of prosperity which began under British administration.

The region has lost its constitutionally-enshrined autonomy, the U.S. State Department believes. “Hong Kong does not continue to warrant treatment under United States laws in the same manner as U.S. laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1997,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late last month. “No reasonable person can assert today that Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from China, given facts on the ground,” he added.

Communist China has little support on the ground. In 2019 Hong Kong elections, pro-Beijing candidates won only 60 out of 452 seats, losing control of 17 out of 18 city councils. The humiliating defeat only intensified China’s suppression of the pro-democracy movement.

In light of the Chinese clampdown, neighboring Taiwan has offered refuge to Hong Kong dissidents. Britain also showed willingness to accept close to 3 million Hong Kong residents if Beijing imposes the security law. The United Kingdom will make “one of the biggest changes in our visa system in history,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised on June 3.

“China reveals details of new Hong Kong national security law”

[Cover image via YouTube]


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To think this is what the left want to be able to do here. China to far to many of the Democrats is a better way of government than we have.

Totalitarian states, after all, given power to people which never goes away, allows you remove those who do not think as you do, crushes dissent and free thoughts.

Anyone who did not see this coming to Hong Kong were being willfully blind. When China took it back after the 99 year lease, the Main Land reds went slow in bringing it back to the full on crushing rule, but that was always the goal.

They use the protests to act as cover. Sound familiar? It’s being played out by our leftists right here, same goals in mind.

    NGAREADER in reply to oldgoat36. | June 21, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    The Democrats wish they could use the same tactics here. They keep nibbling around the edges, looking for that big break through.

    These are the same Commies from the 50’s that murdered tens of millions of their own, just re-branded as a warmer fuzzier version.
    Behind the scenes just the same old Commies with better marketing. Now they want to sell their crappy stuff in the west, steal our intellectual property and real property by forcing companies to build there to sell there, infiltrate our technology systems, intimidate their neighbors with as little resistance as possible.

    Barry in reply to oldgoat36. | June 21, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    “to many of the Democrats”

    OK, it’s not 100% of the democrats, but it is 99% plus of the elected democrats.

NavyMustang | June 21, 2020 at 1:30 pm

No more Tianamen Squares.

This apparatus will infiltrate the protesters, identify the leaders, scoop them up and “disappear” them.

Then spread the word that the same will happen to the rest.

When confronted with this, the committee’s will just shrug their shoulders.

China is intent upon crushing the life out of Hong Kong and there is no one to stop them.

It is fait accompli .

It is up to us, Americans, to make them pay for their perfidy. Don’t buy anything made in china if you can avoid it, and demand the stores find alternatives where they don’t currently exist.

healthguyfsu | June 21, 2020 at 1:39 pm

Coming soon to a USA near you.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 21, 2020 at 1:40 pm

Did the Communists Chinese check with Joe Biden?

Never mind.

What if people talked like



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so share it EVERYWHERE.

So the Communists lie and kill people to further their glorious “state”? Who with a brain didn’t see this coming?