Bad News Poll For ‘Defund the Police’ Radicals: Mostly Privileged White Leftists Support It
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Bad News Poll For ‘Defund the Police’ Radicals: Mostly Privileged White Leftists Support It

Bad News Poll For ‘Defund the Police’ Radicals: Mostly Privileged White Leftists Support It

“Self-described liberals support defunding the police by a 13-point margin …. Black Americans oppose it by a 20-point margin”

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whiplash movement from Wuhan coronavirus confinement and isolation to instant, rampant riots, arson, looting, and murder in the nation’s biggest cities, you’re not alone, but do take heart.  The radical leftist proposal to “defund the police” is reportedly supported by only, as HuffPo puts it, “self-described liberals.”

Interestingly, not only do Democrats and “Democratic leaners oppose it by a 4-percentage point margin,” but “Black Americans oppose it by a 20-point margin.”

The Huffington Post reports:

A near-universal majority of Americans support at least some changes to policing in the United States following the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds. There is majority support for proposals circulating in Congress to ban chokeholds and make it easier to track and charge officers accused of misconduct.

But the idea of “defunding the police” has little support from the public. It is by far the least popular of the policies surveyed, and is the only proposal opposed by more Americans than support it. . . .

. . . . The idea of “defunding the police” has attracted significant attention ― roughly half of Americans said they’d heard of it recently. Of the 10 proposals mentioned in the survey, only the call to ban police from using chokeholds has received more attention.

But the idea of defunding is also by far the least popular, with just 27% of Americans in favor.

By contrast, solid majorities of the public favor banning police chokeholds (73% support this), creating a federal registry for complaints against officers (72%), developing a national standard for police use of force (69%), making it easier for the federal government to charge officers for using excessive force (68%), assigning independent prosecutors to handle cases where officers use fatal force (67%) and eliminating officers’ “qualified immunity” against misconduct lawsuits (59%).

. . . . Self-described liberals support defunding the police by a 13-point margin. But nearly every other ideological and demographic group opposes it. Democrats and Democratic leaners oppose it by a 4-percentage point margin, and Black Americans oppose it by a 20-point margin.

This would certainly explain why Democrats and their media mouthpieces have been working overtime to walk back the “defund the police” language, to Marxsplain it into more palatable feel-good pablum.  So far, that does not appear to be working.


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legacyrepublican | June 14, 2020 at 2:02 pm

Is there a way we defund the hypocrites in the media?

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to legacyrepublican. | June 14, 2020 at 2:05 pm


    Hand them over to the Antifa-Nazi.

    Watch: CNN Camera Crew Attacked While Filming Rioters…

    Weazil Zippers

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | June 14, 2020 at 9:51 pm

      Compare The Media

      Hypocrisy from liberal media figures, politicians and celebrities through conflicting social and print media postings

      Compare The Media
      Jun 12
      Quite the coincidence
      Compare The Media
      Jun 12
      I’m getting a lot of queries as to the source of those MN real estate numbers

      1) head to the Zillow app and search for Minneapolis
      2) note how many properties are for sale in total
      3) filter by last 7 days
      4) divide that number by the total

      It’s probably closer to 20% by now
      Compare The Media
      Jun 12
      18.6% of Minneapolis’ total real estate listings have popped up for sale in just the last 7 days

    Yes, it’s called not buying their products and buying their competitors’ products.

    Do you still subscribe to Netflix?

These self described Liberals really should self describe as morons and idiots.

Have them put tattoos on their foreheads and if they need help from police, that is if there are any police officers left after this garbage, they are free to be ignored and have to fend for themselves.

LookoutABear | June 14, 2020 at 2:08 pm

It’s exactly as I suspected

But 27% overall support is still far too high IMO

    healthguyfsu in reply to LookoutABear. | June 14, 2020 at 4:49 pm

    27% of America should be relocated permanently to a CHAZ type zone where they can summarily destroy one another by natural selection.

Is it possible to require anyone who wants to defund the police to swear an oath that if their house or car is burglarized or they are personally robbed, they will not call 911?

    McGehee in reply to p. | June 14, 2020 at 2:53 pm

    I’m reminded of an old counter-meme from the 1960s/’70s:

    “Hate the Police? Next Time You Need Help, Call a Hippie.”

    These days it would be, “Call a White Soy-Boy Domestic Terrorist.”

The Friendly Grizzly | June 14, 2020 at 3:00 pm

Poor Megan and Brandon. Soooo lost.

Char Char Binks | June 14, 2020 at 3:21 pm

I say let them have it. Give the people what they want, good and hard.

Soros and company seeded the narcissistic training of two generations. This current crop are monsters: corrupt narcissists, selling their souls for ‘free shit’.

Now they’ve been unleashed.

We can’t put the genie back in the bottle, but this we can save the country. But we’ll have to sacrifice the generation of monsters: they are too far gone.

We must take back our educational system or we are doomed.

I support shooting looters on sight. And since so many of them are white liberal trust babies, I expect their won’t be too much resentment by blacks. In fact, shooting the wealthy white people first since they can’t argue poverty for their looting.

It is a moot point. While the Antifa/BLM brownshirts may have deluded themselves into thinking “defund the police” is real, the communists running City Hall in deep blue cities don’t have the slightest intention of doing so. To these mandarins, “defund the police” really means turn the police into a Stasi-like organization that will concentrate on “fighting racism” (read: harass and arrest anyone city leaders are annoyed with).

It’s really not surprising that rich white communists are the only ones pushing the “defund the police” rubbish. Every major city with Democrat leadership is run solely for the benefit of rich white communists, with non-whites getting a few table scraps. Even cities with avowed black supremacists as mayors and city leaders (Chicago, Detroit, etc) still have to give the rich white communists most of what they want.

“The groups most supportive of defunding police is people with a post-graduate degree and self described liberals.”

More accurately, these are the people most likely to tell a pollster that they are supportive of defunding the police.

Not to difficult to get a PhD in queer studies or any other ethnic studies department. Lots of stupid people with PhDs in those pseudo fields of study.

Drugs, diversity, fraud, and wokeness are not a viable combination.

Well, at least the virus scare is over!

By contrast, solid majorities of the public favor banning police chokeholds (73% support this), creating a federal registry for complaints against officers (72%), developing a national standard for police use of force (69%), making it easier for the federal government to charge officers for using excessive force (68%), assigning independent prosecutors to handle cases where officers use fatal force (67%) and eliminating officers’ “qualified immunity” against misconduct lawsuits (59%).
Gee whiz, sounds like we need an obama suggested National Police Force. Way too many people are going for bigger government.
How about we just say to them “Eff you”?

This defund the police movement is something so incredibly stupid that only those college grads or students who see themselves as elitist Leftists could find some inane rationale for supporting it. One again the Left shows us how they have all the answers and how all the answers they have are wrong.