NYPD Shuts Down Brooklyn Yeshiva, de Blasio Announces ‘Cease and Desist Order’

Bill de Blasio

It seems like every week NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has a tweet targeting Jews during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

On Tuesday, he announced that the NYPD shut down a Brooklyn Yeshiva for violating social distancing rules and they’re issuing a “cease and desist order.”

The Shut Down

NYPD received a tip from a neighbor:

Neighbors watched with alarm as the children, few of them wearing masks, filed into the building, crowded into classrooms and played on the roof at recess in violation of public health orders that have kept schools across the state closed since March.“It was definitely a regular day for them, like business as usual,” said Joe Livingston, who lives across from the school building in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. “That’s dangerous.”The police brought the school day to an abrupt end around noon, after a neighbor who had seen the children playing on the roof called 311, officials said. Officers found about 60 children at the school, and quickly sent them all home, Sergeant Mary Frances O’Donnell, a police spokeswoman, said.

However, a photo on WhatsApp supposedly showed the students wearing masks and following the social distancing guidelines.

The community responded:

Avrohom Weinstock, associate director of education at the Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, said there were “no excuses” for a yeshiva to violate the stay-at-home order, even though many Hasidic families feel under strain.Mr. Weinstock said his organization had been in touch with the school’s administrator who told them “no formal classes were held.”“He said that individual students were studying together on their own accord, and with masks and extreme social distancing in place,” Mr. Weinstock said. “I can’t comment on the facts as we were not present, but felt it was important to convey another side to this story.”

One neighbor told the New York Times he witnessed classrooms with “dozens of students.” Another complained that the kids did not wear masks and called it “unfair” since “everyone’s wearing masks but not them.”

De Blasio’s Lack of Self-Awareness

This is the man who encouraged those in NYC to enjoy their time out and about the city as the coronavirus spread. Remember, researchers found that NYC is to blame for the outbreak in America.

This is the man who openly broke these rules last month.

This is the man who personally oversaw the police breaking up a Hasidic funeral for a rabbi last month. He also “instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those in large groups.”

This is the man who is hated by the NYPD, which has said over and over that they’re sick and tired of enforcing the social distancing rules instead of concentrating on actual crimes.

Needless to say, the internet responded again to de Blasio’s tweet:

Tags: Bill de Blasio, New York City, Wuhan Coronavirus