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Megyn Kelly’s full Tara Reade interview – Do you believe her? (Reader Poll)

Megyn Kelly’s full Tara Reade interview – Do you believe her? (Reader Poll)

Team Biden is going after Reade with a fury, this interview could be a problem for him if the mainstream media dares play it.

Megyn Kelly released on YouTube a 42-minute interview with Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993. While Team Biden has gone after Reade for inconsistencies in her story over time, there also have been corroborating witnesses and documents that show she told others about the assault, or at least problems with Biden, at the time and in the early years after that.

As I’ve pointed out before, telling a consistent story is not itself proof that the event happened. Someone could consistently lie about something. It does, however, rebut claims that the story was recently fabricated, for political or other purposes.

Kelly did a good job, this was no softball interview. But it also wasn’t an attack interview. It’s a reminder how talented Kelly is, and what a mistake she made running to a format at NBC that didn’t fit her skills (though she made a fortune).

Here are a couple of clips previously released.

The Daily Caller has quotes from the interview:

Reade began her story by telling Kelly how she was given a gym bag to give to Biden. She says she was told to “hurry” and could remember small things like her legs hurting as she tried to rush.

“He [Biden] greeted me, he remembered my name … I handed him the bag, and it happened very quickly,” Reade said as she began to describe the alleged assault. “I remember. I remember being pushed up against the wall and thinking – the first thought I had was ‘where’s the bag,’ which is absurd thought.”

“He [Biden] had his hands underneath my clothes and it happened all at once,” Reade continued as she broke down. “So he had one hand underneath my shirt and the other hand I had a skirt on, and he like went down my skirt and then went up and I remember I was up almost on my tippie toes.” …

Reade continued on with her story, saying that Biden went inside her skirt while speaking to her. Kelly later clarified exactly how Biden allegedly went inside her skirt and Reade added that she was wearing “lingerie,” which didn’t stop him. There “wasn’t much to them,” Kelly summed up.

Biden whispered and asked if she wanted to go elsewhere, Reade said. She added that he “said something vulgar,” and Kelly pressed, asking what exactly Biden said….

“‘I wanna fuck you,’” Reade says Biden told her. “And he said it low and I was pushing away.” (RELATED: It Took 37 Days For Media To Ask Joe Biden About Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Accusation)

“I remember my knee hurting because our knees, he had opened his leg with his knee and our kneecaps clashed so I felt like this sharp pain,” she continued. “His fingers were inside my private area, my vagina, and it wasn’t … there was no small talk.”

Reade’s vivid description of the alleged assault continued. She said she continued to pull away and eventually Biden did the same. Reade described a “hostility” to Biden while he committed the alleged assault.

“I was just … my mind was racing, and, in that moment, I knew this was really bad,” Reade said. “I knew it was more than just the assault. He was that angry.”

The alleged sexual assault ended with a comment from Biden that Reade says has stayed with her for her entire life. Biden pointed his finger at her and said “you’re nothing to me. You’re nothing,” according to Reade.

Watch the whole thing. She tells her story of the assault beginning at 6:30 of the video.

Reade has been excoriated by Biden supporters and seeming contradictions have been put forth, and there may be more facts to come forward.

But based on this interview, and what you’ve heard so far, do you believe Reade’s claim about the sexual assault?

Poll open until Monday night midnight (Pacific Time), May 11.


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You need another choice in your poll. I don’t care. Ancient sexual assault accusations have no bearing on my opinion of a candidate. Never have, never will.

    johnnytremain in reply to labrat. | May 8, 2020 at 9:58 pm

    Even if the sex assault was ancient, Biden’s lying is not.

    sheldonkatz in reply to labrat. | May 8, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    Precisely, lab rat. There may be good reasons why women don’t report these incidents, but if they decide not to, don’t come back years or decades later when it is impossible to disprove. Except to point out Dem hypocrisy, but I repeat myself.Rs should avoid this story.

      Close The Fed in reply to sheldonkatz. | May 8, 2020 at 11:33 pm

      Rules for Radicals: Hold the opposition to their own standards.

      If they can’t meet them, so much the better.

    sheldonkatz in reply to labrat. | May 8, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    Precisely, lab rat. There may be good reasons why women don’t report these incidents, but if they decide not to, don’t come back years or decades later when it is impossible to disprove. Except to point out Dem hypocrisy, but I repeat myself.Rs should avoid this story.

    Close The Fed in reply to labrat. | May 8, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    Totally agree, Labrat, that as far as the candidacy it shouldn’t matter.

    Totally disagree that it doesn’t affect my view of the candidate.

    Nick Fuentes made your point this week on his broadcast.

    But as far as Biden, the man is a puke, and every time I hear his smash-face bull****, I want him cut off at the knees.

    China is no threat to us? Biden is a total loser and how he got this far in life I will never comprehend.

      mbecker908 in reply to Close The Fed. | May 10, 2020 at 5:59 pm

      Given a laundry list of reasons why I wouldn’t vote for Joe Biden, Tara Reade is in Book 14, page 992. The Books are written in 8 pt type.

    herm2416 in reply to labrat. | May 9, 2020 at 12:54 pm

    What about if you or your child were the victim?

      Close The Fed in reply to herm2416. | May 9, 2020 at 3:27 pm

      I am acquaintances, and perhaps friends, with many victims of criminal abuse as children. I’ve chatted with their alters….

      Tara Reade was fortunate in one respect: she was an adult when this occurred. Evidently it did traumatize her, but it doesn’t appear to have caused her to develop alternate personalities, which is a good thing.

      The point the original poster and Nick Fuentes is making, is not that the victims of crime don’t matter. The point is, as Fuentes said, and I totally agree, that leaders color outside the lines. Another point is that these victims come forward decades later, and usually just to kill a candidacy. It’s creatively inflating an event to destroy the opposition candidate.

      Tara Reade, with all due respect to victims everywhere, was an adult and she was well aware we have police forces to report crimes to. She choose not to do it. Now she thinks it’s serious enough to derail a candidacy. I think it should have derailed Biden when he did it, not decades later.

      Geo. Washington committed many crimes and he could have been hung for them, but he never agreed with his prosecutors. He raised arms against them. In contrast, Joe Biden has said when it was politically useful, that we should believe women, then let’s do so and hang the son of a bitch.

        The_Mew_Cat in reply to Close The Fed. | May 11, 2020 at 2:45 pm

        I find it incredibly hard to believe that she was anywhere near as traumatized as she claims. That’s the part I don’t believe. Yes, Biden hit on her. Yes, she complained at the time. But this woman already was around the block a few times when she worked for the Senator. There is no way she was traumatized. Upset, yes. Traumatized, no.

        She is putting on the traumatized act to help Crazy Bernie.

        Louis Davout in reply to Close The Fed. | May 13, 2020 at 3:20 am

        “Geo Washington committed many crimes and he could have been hung for them…

        Bold statement. Makes me curious as to crimes committed… (excepting of course, sedition against his king

    healthguyfsu in reply to labrat. | May 9, 2020 at 5:35 pm

    While I wouldn’t have put it quite like labrat, I agree in different terms. I didn’t watch the interview and won’t watch it. It means little to nothing without being under oath and with plenty of time to craft her own story (ala Blasey Ford).

    This is a matter for courts to decide, not the court of public opinion. That is the whole problem with the metoo gotcha political machine. Their hypocrisy is effectively exposed herein without the other side resorting to the same erroneous fallacy. We can throw the Alinsky plan back in their faces, especially Feinstein, without falling into this stupid trap.

      mbecker908 in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 10, 2020 at 6:02 pm

      1. It didn’t mean a thing when Ford was under oath.

      2. This is not a matter for courts to decide. If he did it the statute of limitations passed a long time ago.

It is not her I believe, but the evidence.
I made my mind about Joe Biden before I ever heard the name Tara Reade. I have seen enough videos of Biden’s creepiness.
He is a sick SOB.

The poll apparently can’t get through my security shields…

That said the option would be likely, but based on the “tried in the press” versions, I find her credible, and Biden creepy, and it is corroborated, but I don’t think I would find for her based on it.

That said, I thought OJ guilty but that the jury would say “not” and was right.

But since fellow creepy Avanati isn’t in prison, perhaps he can find more mount Bimbos to erupt.

An unrelated 1996 court case with her husband recently reported had him saying she was still traumatized by 1993 sexual harassment in Biden’s office. That is good enough for me. Tara Reade is no Christine Blasey Ford.

Based upon the evidence that has been revealed so far, I voted “Leaning Yes”. I don’t want to fall into the trap that the MSM/DNC axis has fallen into by uncritically believing any charge made against non-Communists. The modern progressive movement is possessed by the demonic spirit of Lavrentiy Beria, and hopefully will meet the same end he did.

But what evidence exists does back up Tara Reade’s accusations. That is more than can be said for Anita Hill or Christine Blasey Ford.

swillingmartinis | May 8, 2020 at 10:28 pm

True or not, Reade’s accusations help to draw attention to the left’s total hypocrisy. Just as the media has been exposed as totally leftist. This is going to be one of the enduring legacies of the Trump era.

Biden’s groping and hair sniffing, several instances of which he did in front of the woman’s husband or girl’s father, exhibits a type of aggression, disregard for a woman/girl’s boundaries, consent, disregard for the wife/husband daughter/father relationship, and the presumption that his advances are welcome. All these to my way of thinking speak to serial assault behavior AND some kind of psychological abnormality.

I’d really like to hear what a professional law-enforcement representative of the SVU profiler sort would have to say about Biden’s character / behavior which has been on public display for decades.

Absent that, I say the serial pervert did it and I believe Tara Reade.

    Consider the political sewer Biden crawled out from. His Senate Democrat buddies Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy were aggressive maulers of women, and were worshiped by feminists and the rest of the MSM/DNC axis. William Jefferson Clinton was credibly accused of rape by one woman and sexual harassment by many others, yet he remains a Democrat Party rock star.

    So why shouldn’t Biden go ahead and rape women or molest little girls? Why will stop him when it is next to impossible to find any Democrat who will even criticize him? An army of #MeToo advocates are riding to his rescue as we speak, claiming that Slow Joe has some divine right to rape because abortion and climate change. Biden was already drunk with power before this, and the past few weeks are bound to have made him even worse.

I vote “couldn’t give a good rat’s behind”. I wouldn’t vote for Biden if he were the only candidate on the ballot and voting was mandatory.

My2centshere | May 8, 2020 at 11:26 pm

Did not know until today that Reade and Kelly both share the same attorney. Consider why she would pick one that takes a 40% cut.

Needs a “both lying” choice.

drednicolson | May 9, 2020 at 12:32 am

It’s normal for a completely honest person to have small inconsistencies in statements over time and over the same matter. Details forgotten in one interview are remembered the next and vice versa.

It’s when those multiple given statements are TOO consistent that the interrogator begins to suspect that they’re rehearsed.

i believe in magic…

but yeah, Slow Joe is a perv and i don’t doubt he did this: the contemporary statements & corroboration are too strong to think otherwise.

and he grew up in a Senate atmosphere where this was “business as usual”.

see Ted Kennedy, et al.

I believed her when her story first came out, and as of now: .

All men are pigs

I have a problem with ANYONE who waits 25+ years to level charges like this. This “it happened decades ago” crap needs to end.

    jb4 in reply to MAJack. | May 9, 2020 at 11:24 am

    That is false. She did not “wait 25+ years to level charges”. A complaint was filed contemporaneously. Furthermore, the mother whom she told, called in to Larry King and asked what are you supposed to do when her daughter can get no satisfaction. In 1996, her husband in a legal issue with her said she was still suffering considerably from a sexual harassment issue in Biden’s office. This was at the time a powerful man, similar to Bill Clinton, who had before then already proven to be untouchable for similar behavior (or Ted Kennedy).

texansamurai | May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

in comparing her story to ford’s, the thing that stands out to me is that ford could provide not one credible person to corroborate ford’s story–not one–whereas reade’s story seems to have two or three people and documentation via another proceeding all seeming to corroborate her account of the incident–of course biden(but not kavanaugh)is presumed innocent and flat denies reade’s account–both incidents occurred in the past so why the completely different standards of procedure?–just answer that one dems–just answer that one question

maxmillion | May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

Why does it matter? Everyone with a brain knows or should know Joe Biden DOESN’T have a brain, and those who don’t know it are in willful denial of that fact. So if they are already in willful denial about his negatives, which are legion, this is just another, and an easy one at that, because they know this script from Bill Clinton.

leaning yes was a little too strong for me, undecided little too weak but was more honest choice for me AT THIS TIME.
I think there is something there, and if so I hope biden gets nailed over it, but until all the records come into play I am just Biden my time before passing judgement.

Tara Reade: “I wasn’t scared of him, that he was going to take me in a room or anything. It wasn’t that kind of vibe.”

Friend that Tara Reade said would corroborate her story: “… it wasn’t that bad. [Biden] never tried to kiss her directly. He never went for one of those touches. It was one of those, ‘sorry you took it that way.'”

    alaskabob in reply to Zachriel. | May 9, 2020 at 12:51 pm

    We aren’t talking about kissing. More than ONE witness to her telling story to.

      alaskabob: We aren’t talking about kissing.

      Her story has changed. Her friend said it wasn’t assault, and then change her story. She said she made a complaint at the time, but now says the complaint didn’t include assault. Nor does the known pattern fit the narrative. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, only that the evidence is not strong, certainly not compared to Trump where we have a specific pattern repeated over many years, as well as his own words that he could get away with “grabbing them” sexually.

        jb4 in reply to Zachriel. | May 9, 2020 at 2:48 pm

        The ONLY specific pattern we have SEEN with our own eyes over many years is Biden invading the space of many females – the most uncomfortable looking females ever seen. If he can’t control himself in public ………

        Barry in reply to Zachriel. | May 10, 2020 at 12:10 am

        You’re a liar comrade zach.

        Trump never said “that he could get away with “grabbing them” sexually.”.

        “…only that the evidence is not strong…”

        Lessee, the evidence, such that it is, is about 10000x stronger than the evidence against Kavanaugh.

        Since when does a commie need evidence?

texansamurai | May 9, 2020 at 2:25 pm

That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, only that the evidence is not strong, certainly not compared to Trump where we have a specific pattern repeated over many years, as well as his own words that he could get away with “grabbing them” sexually.

you’re pissing on the wrong side of the barn again zach–this isn’t about trump, this is about biden and how this entire situation compares to the way MeToo folks treated kavanaugh–day and night–and their hypocrisy is blatant for all to see

    texansamurai: this is about biden and how this entire situation compares to the way MeToo folks treated kavanaugh–day and night–and their hypocrisy is blatant for all to see

    Hypocrisy is endemic to the political sphere, but the Trump-Biden hypocrisy index is running about 20 to 1.

trump said he COULD grab a woman in a certain spot and they would let him, press/people went nuts.
Biden very well may have grabbed and inserted into that spot…..crickets.
then there are people like this

Joe Biden could rape ME in the middle of Fifth Avenue and I would still vote for him before I would vote for Trump or Sanders. #ForReal #StopTheStupid #

Barry Soetoro | May 9, 2020 at 6:11 pm

Reade’s accusation against Biden is infinitely more believable than was Ford’s against Kavanuagh. But, Ford had zero credibility, and Biden has been caught on video numerous times perving women. When will the story resurface about Biden skinny dipping in front of female Secret Service agents at the VP’s residence?

inspectorudy | May 10, 2020 at 12:48 am

For one minute let’s assume that Kavanaugh did what Donald Duck voice said he did. From there go to his life for the next 36 years and see if there have been any creepy things that he has done to ANY woman or women. None. Zero in fact all of the women that have ever worked for him said that he was the best and almost fatherly. Let’s do the same to Joe “Fingers” Biden. Rumors were that he had a little bit of a woman problem during this period in his life but let’s stick with Reade. What did he do for the next 27 years? Is there any kind of creepy pattern to his behavior towards all women? Hell yes! It doesn’t seem to matter their ages either. Young or old. Pretty or ugly, he is a creep. That does it for me rather than just this one case. I do not care to watch her interview but it will factor into my vote.

I believe what she has said is true. However doing it almost 30 years after the fact makes me want to yawn. I sit here near my wife to whom some scumbag grocer exposed himself to her when she was about 11. She ran home and told no one fearing her father would make it right with extreme prejudice. If victims want to be taken seriously they need to report the crime as soon as it is safe to do so and preserve any evidence. As a society and in the interest of justice we need to publish the names of the victims as well as the accused. Coming out 30 years after the fact serves no purpose other than political and media fodder.

    jb4 in reply to kjon. | May 10, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    This lifelong Democrat did not wait “almost 30 years”. A complaint was filed contemporaneously. Furthermore, the mother whom she told, called in to Larry King (on tape) and asked what are you supposed to do when your daughter can get no satisfaction. She also told others at around the same time, who have come forth. In 1996, her husband in a legal issue with her said she was still suffering considerably from a sexual harassment issue while in Biden’s office. This was at a time when Bill Clinton had already proven to be untouchable for allegedly worse behavior (and Ted Kennedy). Decades later she mistakenly thought the MeToo movement meant things were different. Christine Blasey Ford came forth after many more years and couldn’t remember date/time/place details or produce any corroboration at all.

The_Mew_Cat | May 11, 2020 at 2:40 pm

I put down “leaning yes” but you should have the option “Yes but embellished”. I think Biden surely hit on her in 1993, and probably put his hands all over her at least as much as he has done in public with others. But I don’t believe her melodramatic descriptions, particularly her own overly emotional reactions. I have no doubt she is gilding the lily. I think she is politically motivated in a Quixotic quest to install Crazy Bernie Sanders as nominee. Yes Senile Old Joe hit on her in 1993, but so what.