Federal Officer Murdered in Oakland Friday Identified as Patrick Underwood
Worked for Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service and was “providing security at the U.S. courthouse in Oakland near one of the increasingly violent protests”

On Friday, a white van pulled up outside the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland, and someone opened fire on two federal security officers.
One of whom, Dave Patrick Underwood, was killed. He’s been identified by friends and family, including by his sister Kisha Evans, via Facebook.
A federal law enforcement officer in California was killed and another critically injured after being shot while providing security at the U.S. courthouse in Oakland near one of the increasingly violent protests unfolding around the country.
“When someone targets a police officer or a police station with an intention to do harm and intimidate — that is an act of domestic terrorism,” Department of Homeland Security Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said at a Washington, D.C., news conference on Saturday.
The Oakland shooting occurred after a white van pulled up outside the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building at about 9:45 p.m. Friday. Someone opened fire at two contract security officers who worked for Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service, killing one and critically wounding the other, authorities said.
Family and friends have identified the officer killed in the shooting as Dave Patrick Underwood.
Authorities have reportedly not concluded whether or not the shooting was connected to the George Floyd riots taking place in cities across the nation, including in Oakland.
The AP continues:
A suspect hasn’t been named and it wasn’t immediately known whether authorities have determined if the shooting was connected with the protest.
Federal officials said they’re seeing more threats and assaults against law enforcement officers at protests and said they will step up security measures to protect them.
Officials said they’re looking into the possibility that organized groups are using the protests as a cover to carry out these acts of domestic terrorism.
“There are currently threats by some to attack police stations and federal buildings, Cuccinelli said. “That violence not only won’t be tolerated, we are also committed to ensuring that it won’t succeed anywhere, anywhere.”

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RIP, Mr. Underwood.
TY Fuzzy, great article..
Who will be honoring this man’s life? I don’t think many people will, they are too busy honoring the life of George Floyd.
Bass ackward. These are the times we living.
My friends have added David Patrick Underwood to their prayer wall…
We have, too, amwick! 🙂
Bezo’s blood money in action.
(Barr hasn’t mumbled anything about this yet.)
De facto attorney general Christopher Wray told his mumbling subordinate Barr to stand down. Though he may continue to mumble.
Even then we knew:
These riots are controlled like the army they are.
The riots are acts of domestic terrorism given their organized manner, busing in people from all over, coordinating things as Ilhan’s daughter is doing, setting up material like the pile of bricks which had no construction near them in Minneapolis, “protests” springing up in deep blue cities, yet you don’t see them in smaller cities which have a decent number of black people living in them.
Follow the support money. Guaranteed there is Soros type cash or some other oligarch looking to subvert and overthrow our government.
The protests in Minnesota might have come up from Floyd’s death. Yet, they feel more astro-turf. Not fully real. Then wham, it’s in NY, Chicago, DC, Portland… all areas of Antifa (the fascist organization with the ironic name), BLM, and all other subversive groups who have no issue going violent when they know they can get away with it.
This was a murder. This is on the backs of a terrorist organization. The Propaganda media have blood on their hands. They promote this. The past Community Organizer (which is what organize these things in the manner of the Weather Underground) rejoices as he adds fuel to the rioting. Funny how it’s only now, when things are opening up economically from this absurd shut down, that we have an incident, promoted by the propagandists, blow up and have social distancing thrown out the window so they burn down cities.
This also wouldn’t have likely happened had the police officers involved been taken into custody. We know how these things are played now, even if the death was accidental or due to the person’s health, the optics mean take them in, even if its only for protection. Let the investigation play out.
This reaction was purposeful and a fine man was murdered for these subversives cause.
“This also wouldn’t have likely happened had the police officers involved been taken into custody. We know how these things are played now, even if the death was accidental or due to the person’s health, the optics mean take them in, even if its only for protection. Let the investigation play out.”
WTF!!! Since when do Americans think that depriving a person of their right to liberty without substantial grounds for such an arrest is right, proper and LEGAL? All of the officers on the scene of Floyd’s death were fired two days after the event. There was not even time too conduct a proper investigation, before they were thrown under the buys too appease the mob. Then Chauvin was arrested for 3rd Degree Homicide, even though the PC affidavit started that there was no evidence that he had caused Floyd’s death. How corrupt, or scared, does a magistrate have to be to accept that statement that probable cause exists for an arrest? And, finally, did the firings and arrests stop any demonstrations? No. In fact, they got even worse and more widespread. And, they have nothing to do with George Floyd of police brutality, they are all about looting and vandalism.
Mob rule is being allowed to take over this country. Politicians, after proving they are spineless wimps are now being controlled by the threat of mob violence. What if the mob calls for your incarceration and death, justified or not. Who you gonna call, Antifa?
The “mob” ruling this country is the top 1% of our country, in terms of wealth and office.
We are in a civil war. If we don’t follow the money now, we’ll be following our way into “nursing homes” where we’ll mysteriously due from a “flu” that is the new Zyklon B.
If AG Barr wasn’t semi-retired and living in the 1990s, the DOJ would be following the money and a lot of billionaires would be in prison.
If this is to ever stop, the police and National Guard are going to have to start shooting back.
i agree. 🙁
Exercise situational awareness when out and about. It’s unlikely something bad will happen involving you but, if it does, you’ll be as prepared as you can.
OTOH, don’t be foolish. Stay away from conditions and locations that may be hazardous.
That’s exactly what they want.
Fascists handlers have no regard for the lives of the street trash they use to do their violence.
But they do want the bloodshed to use to overthrow our duly elected government.
We are in a civil war.
Somehow I suspect we are not going to get any rioting taking place in the name of David Patrick Underwood.
Black Lives matter alright…but only the right kind of black lives matter and the reality is that to the left lives like David Patrick Underwood dont matter.
I disagree. No black lives matter to them. However, some black deaths are useful to them.
All deaths are useful to them. And they couldn’t care less about anyone that dies.
Fascists are genocidal. It goes hand in hand.
Black guy, lynched by the mob.
Proud of yourselves, leftist scum?
What makes your point even more valid is that Jessie and Al won’t be showing up to his funeral because some black lives matter more than others.
But, that makes me wonder what would happen if Trump showed up to Patrick’s funeral?
Haven’t heard anything stupid from Joy Reed yet. Must be she is researching the story to ensure her accuracy. SNORT!
Demonstrate, demand justice, riot, all over the killing of a black man even after the one responsible is facing a murder charge. Even after that you must have justice so you go kill another black man.
What a Mucking Fess the Left has made of our country.
“Then wham, it’s in NY, Chicago, DC, Portland… all areas of Antifa (the fascist organization with the ironic name)…”
Sinclair Lewis wrote a political novell (published 1935) during the rise of fascism in Europe titled “It Can’t Happen Here.” That title was intentionally ironic because the whole premise of the book was that of course “it” can happen here.
Spoiler alert. He presciently observed that if “it” happened here it would happen while the perps were denying it was happening. “Oh, those guys?” The American fascist pretends puzzlement about the Italian or German fascists. “We’re not with them.” Lewis went so far as to predict that the worst of the worst fascists would claim to be opposed to fascism.
In 1935 Sinclair Lewis basically predicted Antifa.
Read books.
Nobody is coming up with original ideas anymore. It’s already been written down.
Lots more to say. None of this mayhem is about George Floyd. What those cops did to him was a crime. Those cops. Those cops in the viewfinder. And the people organizing this insanity know this.
George Floyd was a convenient excuse. This was all preplanned.
OK. Now nobody needs to buy Sinclair Lewis’ book.
You already know how it ends. The totalitarians win. Or, rather, they’ve metastasized into Antifa. Damn dictators. They’re just too good at metastasizing. There it is, in a nutshell. The Cliff notes.
My apologies to the Lewis family for the lost royalties.
Seems his life didn’t matter to these LOSERS