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Boise State University on Track to Fully Reopen in the Fall

Boise State University on Track to Fully Reopen in the Fall

“students are being told to wear face masks”

Idaho is looking kind of appealing right now, isn’t it?

KTVB News reports:

Boise State University to start on time this fall

Boise State University will welcome students back to campus on time this fall.

Boise State announced they will have a mix of face-to-face learning, online courses and hybrid classes beginning August 24. However, faculty will transition most classes to remote delivery for the final three weeks after Thanksgiving break.

To do that safely, in-person class sizes will be reduced or relocated to larger rooms.

The dorms and dining halls will also reopen, and students are being told to wear face masks.


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“… and students are being told to wear face masks.”

Masks just keep reinforcing the notion that every person you encounter is a potential Typhoid Mary whose unmasked exhalations will put you in intensive care or in the grave. It has made people fearful to be in the mere presence of others. I refuse to accept this so-called “new normal.” I hope by August that most people in this country will have shed the masks, and we can get back to the “old normal.” I fear I’m being too optimistic, though.

students are being told to wear face masks

Why? Collage-age people are the second least likely population to have or carry wuhan coronavirus (the least is prepubescent children, who rather mysteriously are practically immune to it).