Ballot Harvesting Heaven: Gov. Newsom orders mail-in ballots for all California voters

Democrats won’t let any crisis go to waste, and their use of the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic certainly demonstrates their ability to manipulate responses to ensure their continued hold on power.

While there have been several flagrant examples of rule-by-pandemic, perhaps none has been so dramatic in scale and so likely to impact the course of history as California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordering mail-in ballots be sent to all California voters due to concerns over coronavirus infection.

The governor signed an executive order that will ensure every registered vote in the state is sent an absentee ballot prior to election day, and those who choose to vote in person will have to comply with strict physical distancing measures at polling sites.“There’s a lot of excitement around this November’s election in terms of making sure that you can conduct yourself in a safe way, and make sure your health is protected,” he said.California is the first state in the country to enact a widespread vote-by-mail plan for November, a time top health experts fear a resurgence of the virus.

What this move has actually sparked is outrage from state Republicans, who are worried about election integrity and who have also raised the prospect of a legal challenge.

The Republican National Committee said it is reviewing its legal options “to ensure the integrity of the election.”California Republicans have pointed to problems in the state with voter rolls and a “motor voter” program to register new voters that led to hundreds of thousands of discrepancies — although the errors reviewed did not allow anyone to vote who shouldn’t have been allowed to.“To mail out millions of ballots to voter rolls have proven to contain alarming errors throughout the state is not a task that these Democrats can adequately manage or safely execute,” Jessica Millan Patterson, chairman of the California Republican Party, said in a statement.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that it is strongly suspected that “ballot harvesting” was thought responsible for the reliably red Orange County area to turn blue in 2018, aiding the Democrats in the takeover of the House of Representatives. Ballot harvesting was expanded in 2016 to allows anyone to collect mail-in ballots from voters and submit them in groups to polling places or election offices. Prior law restricted the practice to just relatives or those living in the same household as the registered voter.

The California Republican Party is suing Newsom over “ballot harvesting” ahead of special elections, using some pandemic-inspired arguments.

The California Republican Party is suing Governor Gavin Newsom to prohibit the practice of ballot collecting or “ballot harvesting” during two upcoming special elections in the state, arguing it stands “in direct conflict” with social distancing guidelines and Newsom’s shelter-in-place mandate to slow the spread of the coronavirus.Two weeks ago California Republican Party chairwoman Jessica Patterson sent Newsom a letter asking him to halt the practice and clarify that his order “prohibits collection of ballots,” but she said Newsom did not respond.”The governor has dodged his responsibility,” Patterson told CBS News. “We’re hoping the courts will compel him to clarify,” she added.

The ensuing battle promises to be an important one for this country. California Globe editor Katy Grimes reports that a watchdog group has found that 458,000 dead people could be sent ballots for the November 2020 election, as well as numerous other problems.

The governor’s executive order came on the heals of the Election Integrity Project of California’s recent notice to Secretary of State Alex Padilla of the state’s failure to comply with federal voter list maintenance laws.EIPCa’s report, based on its analysis of California’s official voter registration file, includes evidence that the coronavirus-related proposal to mail ballots to all California voters has heightened the risks to the integrity of the November 2020 election:

Ballot harvesting practices can’t be allowed to continue and spread. They are contagion destroying liberty and justice.

Tags: 2020 Election, 2020 Presidential Election, California, Gavin Newsom