Wuhan Virus Watch: Surgeon General Attacked By The Perpetually Offended

LI #68 Surgeon General

Good Friday’s Coronavirus Task Force briefing created a fair amount of controversy, and none of it involved the virus.

While President Donald Trump is always the focus of the sessions, Surgeon General Jerome Adams pleas for the African-American community and other communities of color to follow the coronavirus guidelines were met with social justice scorn.

We need you to do this if not for yourself than for your abuela. Do it for your granddaddy, do it for your big momma, do it for your poppop,’ the nation’s top doctor said Friday at the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing – later defending his use of slang.Adams assured Americans of color that ‘there is nothing inherently wrong with you,’ but ‘social ills’ are likely a contributing factor when looking at the dire statistics that the outbreak has killed twice as many Americans of color.

These terms had PBS correspondent Yamiche Alcindor clutching her pearls.

“There are some people online who are already offended by that language and the idea that behaviors may be leading to these high death rates. Could you, I guess, have a response to those who might be offended by the language you used?” Alcindor asked.Adams responded, saying that he used vernacular that he uses with his own family members.”I’ve been meeting with the NAACP, with the National Medical Association. I actually talked with Derek Johnson multiple times this week, the head of the NAACP, and we need targeted outreach to the African American community,” Adams responded. “And I used the language that is used in my family. I have a Puerto Rican brother-in-law. I call my granddaddy, ‘granddaddy.’ I have relatives who call their grandparents, ‘Big Mama.’ So that was not meant to be offensive.”

Most Americans who aren’t invested in social justice antics dismissed Alcindor’s question as another in a long list of failed “gotcha” moments.

The full briefing is here:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Administration discussing immunity cards for Americans

Meanwhile, Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Antony Fauci has been stirring up a fair amount of controversy about the issuance of “immunity cards” to help address what is likely to be a continuing response to COVID-19 in the absence of a vaccine.

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said it’s possible that in the future Americans may carry documents to prove they are immune or not infected with the coronavirus.Fauci, who is one of the public health officials on the administration’s coronavirus task force, said such a system is one of several options they are discussing.“That’s possible,” he said on CNN’s “New Day.”“It’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure who the vulnerable people are and not,” Fauci added. “This is something that’s being discussed, I think it might actually have some merit.”

Fauci’s idea is not going over terribly well with many liberty-loving Americans who also recognize some practical limitations.

President Trump says he will unveil economic comeback task force on Tuesday

Let’s hope the Economic Task Force gets asked more serious and pertinent questions during its briefings.

President Donald Trump said he would unveil the members of his coronavirus economic task force next Tuesday and it will include members of both political parties.Trump, at his daily White House press briefing on Friday, specifically praised Democratic Governors Gavin Newsom of California and Andrew Cuomo of New York, both of whom he has spoken to often during the coronavirus pandemic.’We will be announcing names on Tuesday,’ the president said, noting his task force will include medical experts, members of his administration, business executives and elected officials from both political parties.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, NAACP, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus