Wuhan Virus Watch: Doctors Rate Hydroxychloroquine ‘Most Effective Therapy’ for Coronavirus
President Donald Trump tested negative again for coronavirus.

You know why the MSM will bury this news? Because they bashed President Donald Trump for talking about it:
An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.
The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave chloroquine and its next-generation derivative, hydroxychloroquine, emergency-use authorization Monday for treating the novel coronavirus, although the drug was already being used off-label by some doctors and hospitals for COVID-19 patients.
Coronavirus Curve Tells Dr. Birx ‘Not Every American Following’ Guidelines
Dr. Deborah Birx told the media during the Coronavirus Task Force briefing that the curve shows her that Americans are not following guidelines:
“I know you’ve seen the slope on the US versus the slope in Italy, and we have to change that slope,” Birx said. “What it means in the US is not everyone is doing it.”
“So we’re only as strong as every community, every county, every state, every American following the guidelines to a T,” Birx said. “And I can tell by the curve … that not every American is following it.”
Birx said other countries have been able to slow the rate of Covid-19 spread after implementing social distancing guidelines.
“We can bend ours, but it means everybody needs to take that same responsibility,” she said, adding that the guidelines mean people should be having “no dinner parties, no cocktail parties.”
Trump Tests Negative for Coronavirus Again
President Donald Trump’s first coronavirus test on March 14th came back negative. He took another one on Wednesday with the new test that gets results back in 15 minutes. Negative again:
White House Dr. Sean Conley didn’t provide any context for the second test, only saying that the president had tested negative and wasn’t displaying any symptoms. The doctor added that the president had been tested by a new rapid point-of-care test that delivered results in 15 minutes.
“It took me literally a minute to take it,” Trump said at his daily press briefing Thursday. “I took it really out of curiosity.”
On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the new coronavirus test, which provides results in as little as 15 minutes. The new diagnostic was designed to facilitate rapid results as the U.S. keeps looking to find ways to improve testing capabilities for COVID-19.
Dr. Fauci Receives Security
Dr. Anthony Fauci received personal security due to threats on his life:
A law enforcement official told CNN that the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General, the agency’s law enforcement arm, asked the US Marshals Service for assistance following threats to Fauci. The Marshals then deputized HHS officers to act as personal security for the doctor.
The Washington Post first reported the threats to Fauci and the increased security.
A source also confirmed to CNN last week the presence of several members of the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department stationed at all times around Fauci’s home in the district. The source added the stepped up visible police presence was a response to growing threats to Fauci’s safety, though the source of the threats was not identified.

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Democrats making threats against Dr Fauci’s life. What a bunch of irredeemable deplorables.
Also, the photo of Trump crossing his arms saying “I told you so” is genius.
Although in the article the origin of the threat is foggy, I’m proud to say that on Italian national TV they say it comes from rightwingers.
Our RAI is outperforming CNN!
Have you read “A Letter from Italy” by Giacomino Nicolazzo?
Nope. Never heard before.
Anti-racism campaigns for Chinese visitors are immigrants seem to be going very well over there in Italy!
“I know you’ve seen the slope on the US versus the slope in Italy, and we have to change that slope,” Birx said. “What it means in the US is not everyone is doing it.”
Look at Detroit and the counties near there. People in Ghettos are not paying attention.
People have to be willing to forego immediate gratification in order to achieve a better future. Young people by their nature often lack this ability, rather large numbers of of adults also lack this ability.
I have little doubt that lower performing whites, poor white neighborhoods will also be hot spots for China’s Wuhan Coronavirus 2019, because they will to some degree not comply with social distancing.
So instead of allowing the foreign owned pharmaceutical companies to sell the hydroxychloroquine to other countries Pres. Trump should use his authority and resevre all stockpiles of the drug in the US for use in the US. No more of this nonsense hearing about how these companies are selling vital medical supplies to other countries.
Where is Ragnar Danneskjöld when we need him?
My fear is that John Galt’s arrival is just around the corner.
If hydroxychloroquine proves effective against COVID19 – Novartis commits to supply 130 million doses for free (we make it already for Malaria). – 2-Apr-2020
hydroxychloroquine should also be used as a preventive for wuhan virus, Eric Worrell of ‘watts up with that’ had a comparison map of countries with wuhan virus and countries prone to malaria the result were interesting to say the least, the countries prone to malaria had a very noticeable low incident of wuhan virus, they are also finding out lupus patients taking hydroxychloroquine were not getting wuhan virus
That’s incredibly risky, stupid, and selfish (for multiple reasons).
Do not take it as a preventative. That would be like taking antibiotics for the entire flu season to prevent the flu.
In my haste, I used a viral analogy rather than the appropriate bacterial one for an antibiotic. The same idea stands, just substitute with any risky bacterial pathogen (like Streptococcus, for example).
Are you talking about the risk of creating resistant strains? If so, I think you may be greatly mistaken. The risk of creating resistant strains depends on the mechanism by which the medication disrupts the infectious agent.
Malaria has developed resistance to virtually all the drugs developed. For very high risk patients, preventative use may be appropriate.
The other factor is malaria countries are warmer countries and there is a theory that covid19 won’t spread as much in warmer weather
I thought the plasma treatment was most effective? Where you infuse plasma from a recovered COVID19 patient, which provides the antibodies to fight this.
From what I’ve read, plasma treatment is more effective in reversing an infection, but has little to no long term protection. The recovered person should produce antibodies to COVID19 in the short term.
HCQ helps reduce a persons symptoms so that their body can fight off the infection itself. That immune system has learned to fight off that infection, and will recognize it in the future.
I can only assume that with plasma treatment, your immune system does not respond enough to “learn” the organism and produce antibodies in the future.
tldr; Plasma works to fight off the immediate infection, but HCQ may allow bodies to adapt better for the future.
Yes, the antibody-producing cells go dormant within weeks and become long-lived memory cells. They can ramp back up within hours with reintroduction of the pathogen, but it would be unethical to reintroduce intentionally.
HCQ will not adapt the body to anything. It likely runs interference on viral replication and spread (no one knows for sure), but once you stop taking it the protection goes away when it clears from your blood by normal kidney clearance mechanisms.
Plasma is a form of passive immunity to treat the infirm and get them back healthy enough to fight it off themselves, but will not confer immunity. Hopefully, their own immune system will do so after getting the plasma boost to contain the virus. On the other hand, HCQ will limit the spread and delay natural immunization. It is not a preventative, just another treatment to hopefully keep the infection from worsening. It should also be reserved for those who get hit with the progressive cases of Wuhan coronavirus.
A doctor named Vladimir Zelenko has treated about 700 patients in the Jewish community in Monroe, NY for it. There is a 40 minute interview with Rudy Giuliani and a letter he sent to the White House on-line which gives his recommended treatment and dosages – hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc. He says it is good for mild to moderate cases with none treated requiring hospitalization! It may not do much for very advanced cases because lung damage may be too great. (This comment seems at odds with the authorities evidently OK-ing it as a last resort.)
At least it is an RNA virus rather than retro. At least the drug reduces the fear that there is no adjunct med to aid the body to rally against the infection.
Last week – the headline in the Dallas Morning News was
“FDA allows Unauthorized use of Drug”
Just wait. By the election, the story will be how Hillary and Obama secretly contacted Trump to beg him to try this therapy nationally, and although he fought them tooth and nail, they gathered together the supporters of Obamacare and presented him with an ultimatum to save lives, after which Trump reluctantly went along, eventually attempting to take all the credit for himself, et al…
The news media have gone from writing the facts to writing fanfiction.
“The news media have gone from writing the facts to writing fanfiction.”
Racking my brain to think of a time when the first part of that statement was ever true. Or at least within the past 50 years.
It’s not a miracle cure-all, it’s just an important piece of the treatment plan. I find Fox’s rah-rahing of it insane. Hannity & Ingraham are treating it like this is it, this is all we need, let’s get back to our lives now! But that’s not what this can do. It helps. It helps a lot. But there are still people who will get very sick, some who will die, and there will be hospitals that will are overwhelmed even with this. This isn’t the end of the story, but a good piece of it somewhere in the middle.
Ignore Fox if you hear too much rah-rahing. However, various uses of chloroquine are encouraging and justify treating virus patients with it. Encouragement and optimism are important in this situation. So far, no silver bullet, but overall, we’re holding up well.
I don’t think that there is a silver bullet for ANY flu virus. This Hydroxychloroquine cocktail goes a long way towards lessening the effects of the Wuhan flu and far fewer people will die. Certainly far fewer than those already dead from this season’s flu. CDC puts those numbers at anywhere between 20k and 60k Americans dead already!
“I know you’ve seen the slope on the US versus the slope in Italy, and we have to change that slope,” Birx said. “What it means in the US is not everyone is doing it.”
The other explanation and I say this an an RN is that social distancing is INEFFECTIVE against a virus that is not airborne like TB.
She also said that it wouldn’t be effective for everyone wearing masks but that IS the effective method beyond hand-washing to keep an infected person form breathing virus OUT.