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Word Police Strike Again: Grammarly Says Using Wuhan Coronavirus ‘Can Encourage Bias and Misinformation’

Word Police Strike Again: Grammarly Says Using Wuhan Coronavirus ‘Can Encourage Bias and Misinformation’

Stop caving to China’s propaganda campaign. The outbreak began in Wuhan, China. Deal with it.

Mary's screenshot

I use the Grammarly plugin extension on Chrome. I use it to edit pieces on here along with grammar on other sites.

I edited my piece “MSM Can No Longer Ignore Theory That Wuhan Coronavirus Spread From a Chinese Lab Accident” and Grammarly told me not to use Wuhan coronavirus because it “can encourage bias and misinformation.”

Yeah, I kept it as Wuhan coronavirus. This is also the first time Grammarly has done this to me.

Thing is I would not mind using COVID-19 if the Chinese government (and Iran) did not launch a propaganda campaign to deflect blame elsewhere for the virus.

A few media outlets, including Vice, have countered the propaganda campaign. Author David Gilbert pointed out that China hid the disease for months until it could not deny the virus ravaged communities.

Off-topic: I swear I had Wuhan coronavirus at the end of December and early January. The doctor said my flu test came back positive for Flu B, but when I looked online, the test results said negative for Flu A and Flu B. I’ve had the flu before, but nothing like this. I’ve told some people about it, but I’m about to get as specific as I can. I couldn’t move, my body ached to the point I cried myself to sleep, the fever wouldn’t go down, had to be woken up to eat or drink. I was crawling to the bathroom and shower to use them. I took the coldest showers to help bring down my temp. I opened the windows to let freezing air in to cool me down. I will never complain about another illness. It’s not hyperbole when I tell you it makes you feel like death. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Facts do not care about your feelings. The truth is the virus began in Wuhan, China. Did it start naturally or carelessness in a lab? It does not matter. It started in Wuhan.

If we find out the coronavirus spread naturally, then maybe I will drop Wuhan. This information would have to come from an independent source because I do not believe anything from the Communist regime in charge of China.

Professor Jacobson covered this topic only a few days ago: “If you claim that calling it ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ is racist, you are part of the cover-up.” He wrote:

So if you claim that calling it Wuhan coronavirus is racist, you are part of the cover-up. Speaking the truth is not the problem, covering up the truth is the problem.

Two things are true at the same time: The Chinese government did this, and Chinese/Asians are not collectively responsible for the Chinese government’s crime against the world and must not be harassed or otherwise discriminated against.

I’ll edit this piece and see if Grammarly suggests changes to these:

  • Spanish Flu
  • Lyme Disease (First found in Lyme, CT)
  • West Nile Virus
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

Nope. No suggestions for those diseases, but Grammarly once again told me to change Wuhan coronavirus to COVID-19. I marked the suggestion as “incorrect suggestion.”


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Don’t want to cast aspersions of the CCP.

    n.n in reply to alaskabob. | April 3, 2020 at 4:14 pm

    Labor and environmental (e.g. “Green” revolution) arbitrage are religious imperatives to sustain globalism, immigration reform, social progress, social justice, planned parenthood, and democratic gerrymandering.

I stopped using Grammarly because some of its grammatical “corrections” were just plain wrong. Now I have another reason to be glad that I ditched it.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to moonmoth. | April 3, 2020 at 3:28 pm

    Turn that Grammerly Queen upside down and its bottom reads:

    “Made in China.”

    healthguyfsu in reply to moonmoth. | April 3, 2020 at 11:14 pm

    Grammarly is one of the worst things to ever happen to senior level undergraduate writing. All of my students think they can use grammarly, and it will fix their terrible sentence structure, poor punctuation usage, and run-on sentences. It does none of these! It is particularly poor at help with scientific writing styles.

    Good to know they have their priorities in order by flagging Wuhan coronavirus instead of fixing their rampant fallacies.

2smartforlibs | April 3, 2020 at 3:05 pm

Sorry, China 120 of convention dictate the outbreak is named after the location it was discovered.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | April 3, 2020 at 3:05 pm

I will certainly be biased
against Communist Owned and Ran….

“Grammarly Queens.”

“Chinese Journalists Keep Disappearing”

You are about to receive -5,000 Grammarly social justice points. Good.

I also swear I had the Wuhan Virus back in January. It lasted about a week; felt tired / low energy, had fever, no sinus congestion, but felt it in the back of my throat and chest. I have colleagues from China with whom I interacted with back in December / January…..

    Sanddog in reply to slagothar. | April 4, 2020 at 4:44 am

    We had something rip through town in Jan – Feb. It wiped me out for 3 weeks. It started out with GI symptoms, moved to a low grade fever, dry cough and horrible fatigue. I know a half dozen people who were sick at the same time. We get a lot of visitors year round both from the USA and overseas. I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t an early taste of what was to come.

Diversity and inclusiveness demand that we allow all forms of the names.
There is nothing wrong with COVID-19, Chinese Coronavirus, “Killer Xi Virus” or “Wuhan’s Revenge”

Wuhan coronavirus is one of China’s major exports. For a lot of people, it’s what put Wuhan on the map. We should give credit where it’s due.

The Chi Comes have infected more than people. The MSM and silicon vally is under their control.


Says it all.

“I use the Grammarly plugin extension on Chrome.”

Well, stop using it.

So was Hong Kong Flu Racist? Was the Asian Flu racist? Was the Spanish Flu racist? Is the term Ebola racist because it comes from the Ebola River in the Congo?

The Wuhan Flu originated in Wuhan China, near a Chinese Virology Lab. If the words Wuhan Flu make you feel uncomfortable, think of how uncomfortable its victims feel.

    Milhouse in reply to dystopia. | April 3, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    According to the WHO, the answer to all your questions, since 2015, is yes. All those names became racist five years ago. They weren’t before.

      alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2020 at 5:42 pm

      Of all these, the “Spanish flu” is the only one that is a misnomer… it started in US, suppressed by Entente/USA for war purposes but only reported by neutral Spanish journalists! It’s not the Chinese people.. it’s the CCP… bosom buddies of the Western press.

    healthguyfsu in reply to dystopia. | April 3, 2020 at 11:15 pm

    You need to add Zika virus and Lyme disease to your list as well.

    Anyone from Connecticut that can be sure and get offended when it’s tick season?

Not using it can encourage bias and misinformation. That is the whole reason why we are being told not to use it.

Even if there were no active propaganda campaign I would still resist using “COVID 19” simply because the sole and explicit reason the name was invented was to avoid any reference to China.

Tedros said the name had been chosen to avoid references to a specific geographical location, animal species or group of people in line with international recommendations for naming aimed at preventing stigmatisation.

Whose recommendations? Yes, WHOse.

Under a set of guidelines issued in 2015, WHO advises against using place names such as Ebola and Zika — where those diseases were first identified and which are now inevitably linked to them in the public mind. More general names such as “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome” or “Spanish flu” are also now avoided as they can stigmatise entire regions or ethnic groups.

WHO also notes that using animal species in the name can create confusion, such as in 2009 when H1N1 was popularly referred to as “swine flu”. This had a major impact on the pork industry even though the disease was being spread by people rather than pigs. People’s names — usually the scientists who identified the disease — are also banned, as are “terms that incite undue fear” such as “unknown” or “fatal”, the WHO said.

To which I say, poppycock. I refuse on principle to abide by such “guidelines”. And WHO is a mouthpiece for the governments that support it, including China.

    Neo in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2020 at 4:14 pm

    Then wouldn’t it be racist or sexist to use more than two genders ? It causes confusion.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2020 at 11:17 pm

    Another organization with its priorities in order.

    Holding dishonest, corrupt governments like China accountable for their lies that have endangered the entire world’s health status? Not important

    Policing language….so woke and important.

All the dictionaries were KungFlu fighting, those Wuhan Virus were fast as lightening.
Although he ChinaVirus is a little bit frightening
Its the book of vaccines that you’re writing

Th official name “SARS-CoV-2” spreads bias and disinformation about the epidemiology of the virus and disease “Covid-19”. Something similar happened with HIV/AIDS for the sake of political congruence (“=”) that created around 1/2 million excess deaths and collateral damage. That said, the only people… persons who think there is a problem are those ingrained with diversitist (i.e. color judgment) thought and intent spread by the Progressive Church (PC) over a multi-decadal period. #HateLovesAbortion and around one million excess deaths in America alone. Morons.

The Chi-Comms own Grammerly too??

Who HAVEN’T they corrupted, besides the democrat party, the GOPe, hollywood, the news media, our schools and Grammerly?


Vote ALL the bastards out except the conservatives.

    healthguyfsu in reply to | April 3, 2020 at 11:18 pm

    No, grammarly was just invented by a true believer who thinks people should never be held accountable to proofread their own drivel.

    I mean spellcheck has been so great for our country’s language skills…let’s be sure and add the language mechanics version, too!

American Human | April 3, 2020 at 4:17 pm

Wuhan virus, Chinese virus, Commie virus. Wuhan virus, Chinese virus, Commie virus. Wuhan virus, Chinese virus, Commie virus. Wuhan virus, Chinese virus, Commie virus. Wuhan virus, Chinese virus, Commie virus

I’m going to try this on Facebook

Don’t forget the Hong Kong Flu, which has happened more than once.

While I was tickled to see Nixon put B52’s over the north he did a lot of other crap that wasn’t so cool. Sucking up to China was a big no no to me. Wasn’t he supposed to be an anti-communist?

    Milhouse in reply to Firewatch. | April 5, 2020 at 12:21 pm

    At the time the big threat was the USSR, not China, and Mao had ditched the Soviets because they weren’t communist enough for his taste, so Nixon decided to play up that rivalry for the USA’s benefit. At the time it was probably the right thing to do, just as in 1942 it was the right thing to support the USSR against the Third Reich.

“Don’t use Grammerly as it can encourage bias and misinformation.”

On this our nephew’s first birthday, his mother asked us to write him a letter for his 18th birthday. We felt it appropriate to write about having hope and faith in the midst of this pandemic and the pervasiveness of fear. We wrote a few paragraphs about the present situation and mentioned the campaign being waged by the CCP to rename the virus from the Wuhan virus to Covid-19 and wondered how the history books would record it twenty years from now.

In the end we simply used the present situation to encourage him not to give in to darkness of fear, but to have faith and hope in the Father of Lights. I hope for our nephews sake, we win this battle of light against darkness.

Honestly, this entire pandemic has been one huge round of “Suicide by Experts,” and it just doesn’t seem to even slow down.

The China Plague still OK?

Is the Boxer Rebellion racist also?

Grammarly is hereby cordially invited to osculate my gluteus maximus.

If we find out the coronavirus spread naturally, then maybe I will drop Wuhan. This information would have to come from an independent source because I do not believe anything from the Communist regime in charge of China.

Nor its distributed PR firm, d/b/a ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, et al.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | April 3, 2020 at 6:12 pm

It’s geography people, not race!

About 4 weeks ago, I read up on the Spanish cat flu. It was called the Spanish Flu in Wikipedia. Now, if you look up Spanish Flu, it comes up as “1918 Flu.” The name of a worldwide pandemic 102 years ago, The lefties changed the name.

About 4 weeks ago, I read up on the Spanish cat flu. It was called the Spanish Flu in Wikipedia. Now, if you look up Spanish Flu, it comes up as “1918 Flu.” The name of a worldwide pandemic 102 years ago, The lefties changed the name.

    Milhouse in reply to Sally MJ. | April 5, 2020 at 1:12 pm

    This isn’t true. The proposal to change the article’s name was closed two weeks ago with a consensus against it. Any attempt to change it will be immediately reversed, and the editor who attempts it will be blocked.

Who the heck decides what the “official” name of the virus is? What a joke.

VenturaCapitalist | April 3, 2020 at 9:26 pm


VenturaCapitalist | April 3, 2020 at 9:26 pm


I participated in a thread on nextdoor(dot)com recently in which I referred to the Wuhan virus. Up popped a nag screen telling me I had to change the reference to COVID-19 or coronavirus. I dismissed it and left the post as it was. Next thing I knew, I was being scolded by a self-righteous poster about using “racist” terminology. No amount of explanation seemed to sway him, so I bailed out of the thread. Beating my head against that brick wall was unlikely to get the wall’s attention.

Saw a long segment on TV “reporting” how Chinese in America were suffering from racist attacks because of the Chinese flu. It was mainly activist groups whining.