Trump mocks Biden attack tweet: “He didn’t write that …, he doesn’t [even] understand what he’s watching”

At this point, it’s obvious to all that Joe Biden is losing his mental acuity.

It’s sad, Joe Biden is becoming a sad figure to watch:

With each passing day, more and more videos capture Joe Biden on the campaign trail making what are more than the gaffes for which he is famous. Biden forgets or struggles to remember names, events and people as he speaks, and jumbles words.Biden should not be laughed at for this. My overwhelming feeling for Joe is one of sadness, that he was pushed into something for which he is not prepared. And it’s only going to get worse.

This certainly will be a campaign theme, as Trump demonstrated at today’s Wuhan coronavirus daily briefing.

A reporter asked Trump about a tweet sent from Biden’s Twitter account during the briefing.

Donald Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus, but he is responsible for failing to prepare our nation to respond to it.

Trump responded:

He didn’t write anything. He has people, he has professionals from the Democrats write it….[Tweet read by reporter out loud]He didn’t write that. That was done by a Democrat operative. He doesn’t write. He’s probably not even watching right now and if is, he doesn’t understand what he’s watching.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Joe Biden, Wuhan Coronavirus