Prof: White Males Biggest Risk in Spreading Virus

Richard Stokoe is a lecturer at the University of South Wales.

He writes at the Huffington Post:

The White Male Is The Biggest Risk In Spreading The VirusCovid-19 has found an ally in its pursuit of infecting as many people as possible in the shortest space of time — the older white man.Boris Johnson and his dad, Mike ‘Sports Direct’ Ashley, Matt Hancock, Neil and Stephen Kinnock, Tim ‘Wetherspoons’ Martin, Donald Trump, Michael ‘Ryanair’ O’Leary and Robert ‘I drove to visit my parents’ Jenrick. High-profile individuals that at first glance have very little in common. Yet they have all shown public disregard for either the virility of the virus or the advice to stay at home, self-isolate and socially distance.They are not alone. A recent UK wide poll by JL Partners found that around 3.6 million people are still ignoring social distancing advice, 2.6 million aren’t washing their hands and 3.1 million people are still content to hug or shake hands…Not all older white men expose themselves to greater unnecessary risk by failing to trust or act on warnings, and not all women or young people will play ball either. We all remember ‘Chris’, the infamous BBC Radio Solent caller who proclaimed she was happy to risk walking on the beach in return for her life. But a far higher proportion of older white men will expose themselves to risk than any other group, including millennials.Research repeatedly demonstrates that white men, especially older ones, consistently ignore warnings.

HT to The College Fix.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wuhan Coronavirus