Liberal Student Group at George Washington U. Blasts Other Liberal Groups as Too White
“Students Against Imperialism”

For the woke, nothing is ever good enough. Even among their own.
The College Fix reports:
Liberal GWU student group blasts other liberal student groups as ‘too white’
A progressive pro-Palestinian student group at George Washington University is miffed that its politically kindred-spirit organizations are awash in Caucasians.
Students Against Imperialism issued a statement on Thursday complaining about this fact, and demanded other GWU groups “remedy [it] immediately.”
The group’s letter begins by noting leftist students of color feel “consistently excluded” from “organizing spaces and actions” … which leads to “exclusionary […] white social spaces.”
“Right-wing and liberal student groups push agendas that inherently muffle the voices of people of color and perpetuate racism through their implicit support of capitalism and imperialism,” the statement continues. “‘Black and brown bodies’ are not buzzwords to be thrown around. We are people, not props.”
It goes on to complain that “white-centered” activism, such as that regarding climate change, ignores the injustices of the US military, aka “the world’s largest polluter.” In addition, those pertaining to Israel’s “occupation” of Palestinian land also are overlooked, SAI claims, and this “apartheid” situation is non-negotiable.

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Looks like they want a bigger cut of the student activities fund.
I’ll bet they get it, too.
Uneducable children.
Eagerly awaiting their complaints about groups that are “too black” like the Black Law Student Association at GWU.
The Students Against Imperialism Manifesto, (edited for clarity):
~ NSFW ~
“Uh-oh, electronic effects…”
Why would any sane parent pay money to subject their child to such things? Why not encourage your son or daughter to take a few months during or after their senior year of high school to
1. do foreign language classes for 2 or 3 or 4 hours per day on-line;
2. learn basic job skills , such as waiter/waitress or ESL teaching certificate
Within 6-12 months, imagine just imagine the possibilities for your son or daughter. Just imagine the world(s) your child will be able to access … that few of their peers will be able to.
It is truly hilarious to watch the Left as they eat their own.
Being woke racist aholes squealing about fake racism for their own profit should be automatic expulsion.
Memo for Prog Kids:
In your world, and no matter how loyal and devoted to the cause you claim to be, you’ll never be safe from denunciation and purging.