Joe Biden Pushes Conspiracy Theory That Trump Will Postpone November Election
“Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held”

Over the last few years, the media has gotten into the habit of lazily dismissing things as conspiracy theories and accusing people they don’t like of being conspiracy theorists. They have done this to Trump repeatedly.
Now Joe Biden is actively pushing an actual conspiracy theory, and the accusations are nowhere to be found.
Much in the same way that prior to the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton claimed Trump would not accept the outcome, something Hillary went on to actually do, Joe Biden is now claiming that Trump is going to postpone the November election.
He has no basis for making this claim. My best guess is that he is trying to stoke fear among the so-called resistance.
NBC News reports:
Biden says he thinks Trump will try to delay the November election
Joe Biden said Thursday that he believes President Donald Trump will try and delay the November election.
“Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” the former vice president and apparent Democratic presidential nominee said during an online fundraiser.
“Imagine threatening not to fund the post office. Now, what in God’s name is that about? Other than trying to let the word out that he’s going to do all he can to make it very hard for people to vote,” Biden said. “That’s the only way he thinks he can possibly win.”
Trump has not made any comments about delaying the Nov. 3 election, and he does not have the power to do so unilaterally.
The Trump campaign issued a statement Friday, saying, “Those are the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality. Perhaps he also missed the news that the infamous Steele Dossier, central to the Russian Collusion Hoax, was likely compiled with Russian disinformation. That’s the real Russian collusion.”
I appreciate that NBC News included the response from the Trump campaign calling this a conspiracy theory, but nowhere in the article does NBC News call this a conspiracy theory.
CBS News frames Biden’s claim as a prediction:
Biden predicts Trump will try to postpone the election
Joe Biden predicted President Trump will try to push back November’s general election in an effort to help the president win.
“Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” Biden said during a Thursday evening virtual fundraiser.
CBS also includes this passage:
The former vice president equated the administration’s lack of enthusiasm for alternative voting options with the 2016 foreign election interference from Russia. “I promise you the Russians did interfere in our election and I guarantee you they are doing it again with two other major actors,” Biden said, adding, “You can be assured between [Trump] and the Russians there is going to be an attempt to interfere.”
The article contains zero mentions of the word “conspiracy.”
The media has picked up this ball and run with it. There are tons of articles on it, and it doesn’t end there.
Biden recently appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, which, like all of the late night shows, has become nothing more than nightly therapy sessions for Trump-haters, and acted as if Trump is already trying to delay the election.
Deadline reports:
Joe Biden On Jimmy Kimmel: Donald Trump “Doesn’t Have The Authority” To Postpone 2020 Election
Joe Biden appeared on the latest Jimmy Kimmel’s Quarantine Monologue, Kimmel’s web series substitute as his show has been sidelined because of the coronavirus, and the topic turned to whether President Donald Trump will try to postpone the 2020 election because of the crisis.
“Is it possible that Trump could postpone the presidential election?” Kimmel asked, repeating a scenario that many Democrats fear may happen if the pandemic stretches into the fall.
“No, he doesn’t have the authority to do that,” Biden said. “It is possible they may start a drumbeat saying it should be postponed.” He added that a friend, historian Jon Meacham, pointed out that elections have been held during previous crises, including during the Civil War and World War I and II.
Trump has made no suggestion of postponing the election. This is all coming from the people who are fantasizing that this is something he will eventually do.
This is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Yet another example of Democrats accusing Trump of doing (or wanting to do) something they themselves want to do.
The odds are 100% that DEMS will do in Oh Bite-me before Nov.
and Zero chance that President Trump will act like a DEM.
Every University’s Worst Nightmare
Wrong thread.
You can almost see the strings attached to biden’s arms, jaw and eyebrows.
Obama didn’t need strings. His handlers only had to turn the handle on the organ and obama would start his sick dance.
Media on Trump: scrutinize every word.
Media on Biden: silence.
You know, I just had an idea … Trump needs to have built a video set identical to Biden’s and deliver the same exact speech / Q&A as Biden – soon after every disastrous Biden appearance. Do split screen soft-ball interviews with Anderson Cooper (fair use) including guests he’s had on with Biden – Sanjay Gupta and Al Gore – who just sit there and listen in stunned disbelief making faces, raising eyebrows, rolling eyes … all while Anderson sits there stone faced.
Dems would howl at the moon. But it would still be comedy gold.
Oh, there’ll be an election in Nov slow Joe, you just will not be a participant.
GNU-FUSIOUS SAY: DEM get chop, chop, in November.
In 2016 Clinton and other Democrats predicted that Trump would not accept the election results. What actually happened: Democrats tried to nullify the election by suborning the electors and, when that failed, desperately searched for ways to invoke the 25th Amendment to invalidate the election.
Therefore: I predict that what this really means is that if Biden seems likely to losr, Democrats will work furiously to postpone it.
No doubt rumors and fake video that the election is postponed and targeted at the right with the intent of vote suppression.
somebody really should call the home–then tell joe to grab his toothbrush and a suitcase he’s going on a little trip
Can’t even measure the loathing I have for this man. That peeled-face been-in-a-fire face only increases it. If I were Zeus I would hurl a thunderbolt right into his lying mouth
Vladimir Lenin, lying in his tomb in Red Square, looks more alert and healthier than Joe Biden does. The inevitable live Presidential debate between President Trump and candidate Biden will be one for the record books. Should last about five minutes before Biden starts babbling incoherently and wanders out of camera range looking for the bathroom.
“The inevitable live Presidential debate between President Trump and candidate Biden…”
Should corrupt slow Joe survive to run against President Trump, no way they let the fool on a debate stage with Trump.
Unless they wish to make sure he is not elected.
Their best bet would be to hide him until Nov.
Just joking here but Trump should get a 3.5 year extension on his first term because of obstruction and resistance. Then add on 0.5 more for covid19. After that we can vote on a second term for Trump. Joe might have a good idea. Hope he can remember it tomorrow.
This, a few Trillion times upvote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that Biden is going to point to this and say, “See, just like with Corn Pop, I stood up to the bully and the bully backed down. Trump is afraid of me. I’m smarter than he is. When I saw what he was up to, I called him out and exposed him, and he ran. He saw the chain in my hand and the hair raised up on my legs, and he ran, I tell you.”
Well, maybe whoever replaces Biden will say that. IMHO, Biden isn’t going to be on the ballot.
“No, he doesn’t have the authority to do that,” Biden said.
If PDJT really wanted to panic the D’rats and Never Trumpsters, when this is mentioned by all those intrepid reporters he could just say that he doesn’t need “authority”, he has a phone and a pen. (He won’t, but it’d be kinda cool if he did.)
Dementia Joe is in trouble, he let the car out of the bag for what the Democratic National Socialists want to do.
He never was all that sharp, but now he is just plain sad.
holleywood access tape democrat reaction: OMFG DRUMPF CAN NEVER EVER BE PRESIDENT PLUS THROW HIM IN JAIL!!!
Tara Reade allegation of actual biden p-grabbing reaction: (((crickets))).
This is simply an attempt to put Trump on the defensive, while allowing the loony left-wing media to shriek “OMG!! TUMP DICTATOR!! CANCEL ELECTIONS LIKE DICTATOR!!”
The Left needs something to stir up their base, since it looks like they’re nominating Slow Joe, and he couldn’t stir up a cup of coffee.
Prediction: Trump will flip this with something like “They have no confidence that Biden can win without massive cheating, so they’re going to cheat just as hard as they can. It’s up to us to keep the election safe, honest, and fair.” (Thus setting the decision as Cheating vs Republican voting.)
He added that a friend, historian Jon Meacham, pointed out that elections have been held during previous crises, including during the Civil War and World War I and II.
He didn’t mention the other two 20th century biggies, Korea and Vietnam. The US got tangled up in both while we had Dems in the White House, and didn’t end until they were replaced with Republicans.
The Bernie Bros are finally “serious” about Biden’s sexual assault (no word yet on Bernie’s rape fantasies) and are calling for a brokered convention. My guess is Dems wind up pushing the convention “too close” to the election and can’t manage to get nationwide voting by internet, so they’ll have to postpone it. It is only fair.
Even Congress, which can postpone the election, can’t do so for long. The election has to be held by late December, because Congress’s own term runs out on Jan 3. And if the electors haven’t elected a new president and vice president by Jan 20, I guess Mike Pompeo becomes president until the electors can meet. (At last, I don’t think he has a limited term, so he’d still be in office while Pelosi would not be.)
s/At last/At least
Yep, I just checked, department secretaries don’t have fixed term ends. Generally a new president, especially one from the other party, will require all the old secretaries to resign, or else will fire them; but if there is no new president to do that then they would continue in office, which means Pompeo would become interim president.
The way the left has been suspending or trying to suspend many of our rights under the pretext of safety, it would only be logical to suspend the right to vote as well. What say you leftists?
What a doddering old fool.