Closing: Reem’s Oakland Bakery, best known for wall mural honoring terrorist murderer Rasmea Odeh
As always, we remember Rasmea Odeh’s victims, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.
You may recall our coverage of the controversy surrounding Reem’s Bakery in Oakland, California.
Reem’s was best known for the huge wall mural of Rasmea Odeh, the convicted terrorist murderer and immigration fraudster. For a detailed history of Odeh’s crimes, including the murder of Israeli students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner in a supermarket bombing, see my post The Lies of Rasmea Odeh and Her Supporters Exposed.
Owner Reem Assil not only was unapologetic about the mural, she celebrated it and tried to bully protesters with a lawsuit.
Our prior posts covered the protests against the wall mural, and unsuccessful attempt by Reem’s to silence protesters:
- Anti-Israel activists try to shut down protests over California bakery honoring Palestinian terrorist
- Reem’s Oakland bakery seeks Ct order halting protests over terrorist mural
- Vigils continue for Rasmea Odeh’s victims outside Reem’s Oakland Bakery despite legal threats
- Reem’s Oakland Bakery Drops Lawsuit to Silence Protests Against Mural of Terrorist Rasmea Odeh
- Food & Wine mag honors Reem’s Oakland restaurant, ignores wall-sized mural of terrorist
- Food & Wine Mag stands by award to Reem’s Oakland despite terrorist wall mural
Reem’s posted this message on Facebook:
From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank everyone who has supported us in keeping our humble oakland restaurant operation a force in our community. Today will be our last day open to the public for the foreseeable future.
After much reflection and conversation, we have decided that it is no longer viable or desirable to try to sustain our current model in an economic system that will never allow us to live out our values. Instead we want to use this time as an opportunity to be more radical–to act from a place of love, not fear and panic. The scrambling for dollars just to keep us “in the game” are distractions from the more important work we must do. That is to take care of our own in the absence of government and l confront power to demand change. We need healthcare for all, regardless of employment. We need human rights for all, regardless of status. We need a society with no walls and no cages. And we need redistribution of wealth immediately.
We have no desire for the food industry to return to the way it was. When we rebuild it we must ensure we do so equitably, centering those who have been hurt the most by its exploitation.
So what does this mean for Reem’s Fruitvale? In the next few months we will turn our space into a commissary kitchen providing hundreds of meals a day to those most vulnerable in this pandemic.
We will be able to keep our employees safe and supported through this crisis, envisioning a new path forward together.Stay tuned for the initiatives we have been working on. We are excited for this new phase!
Reem’s Mission will continue to remain open for lunch with limited hours and also be feeding folks under @sfnewdeal
We are blessed to have the time to refocus our efforts and are inspired daily by our friends in the food industry who are doing the same. Let this be the moment of radical love and change!
In light of the recent announcement on the closing of Reem's in Fruitvale, we remember the protests at Reem Assil's Oakland bakery.
— Anarcho-Zionist (@AnarchoZionist) April 5, 2020
As always, we remember Edward and Leon:
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Gee, that’s a shame.
(This China Virus just might be the medicine America needs as an antidote to the 8 years of the corruption, treason and sexual weirdness of obama.)
Sign seen at kids’ library:
“This library closed. All trasvestite pervert twerking shows have been canceled indefinitely.”
But then, there is Zoom videoconferencing, right? And there are hundreds of warped parents who were happily exposing their children to this kind of abuse in personj. So why not on video?
This is a VERY good thing……
Also note that this deliberate DEMpanic is killing off ADvertising Dollars and therefore killing off the EVIL MSM!!!
MORE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps this latest Isle of Dr. Moreau kiler virus out of China will finally (finally!) alert the world that decades of cheap Chinese goods and trade deals are far to expensive to tolerate.
Maybe the owner can get a contract with Oberlin.
Today’s headline: Reem’s is closing its doors.
Friday’s headline: Insurance fraud suspected in suspicious Reem’s fire.
Maybe they can get a nice kosher deli in it’s place??
I’ll bet they could make a bundle if they moved to the Palestinian territories.
How could they make money selling to other losers of their ilk?
They take EBT.
If they are opening up a soup kitchen then it is most likely funded by Hamas. They are nothing but liars about love from the bottom of our hearts! BS! If you are no sharia-compliant then off with your head.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer place. It’s an ill wind, etc.
Their closing is allah’s will. Their losses are Allah’s punishment. They have been judged and found wanting.
“We need a society with no walls and no cages. And we need redistribution of wealth immediately.”
These losers need to be tossed out of America, maybe after their defective brains are removed.
And, they should spend time in a cage first.
““We need a society with no walls and no cages. And we need redistribution of wealth immediately….”
In the end: fascism is ALWAYS about the money.
Even in the Soviet Union, there were the 10% elites who had everything, on the backs of 90% of enslaved Russians. Same as North Korea.
Always follow the money.
“The quality of our food and the quality of our service never diminished. Not even our ‘Bat Out Of China’ Jihadi-Special soup.”
Maybe the next owner could replace it with a mural of Leon and Edward.
A terrorist bakery is closing? Aw, gee! That’s to bad! 😀
they can all go bake goods in hell.
Cue the world’s smallest violin.
Good. They’re closing. It’s about damn time.