Bill Maher on Media ‘Panic Porn’: “Trump calls you fake news. Don’t make him be right.”

Bill Maher is a liberal, but every once in a while, he gets it right. In his HBO ‘Real Time’ program on Friday night, he dressed down the media for their coverage of the coronavirus crisis which he described as fear mongering.

He noted Trump’s optimism and advised the media that they are actually helping Trump win reelection.

Joseph A. Wulfsohn reports at FOX News:

Maher says media’s ‘panic porn’ coronavirus coverage creates a Trump reelection path“Real Time” host Bill Maher closed Friday’s show by blasting the media for what he called its “panic porn” coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.”Now that we’re starting to see some hope in all of this, don’t hope-shame me!” Maher began. “You know, the problem with nonstop gloom and doom is that it gives Trump the chance to play the optimist. And optimists tend to win American elections. FDR has said, ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. You know, as full of s— as he is, I could see Trump riding that into a second term. And then there will be no more hope left for you to shame.”Maher urged news outlets to “rein it in” because the “daily drumbeat of depression and terror veers into panic porn.””Enough with the ‘Life will never be the same’ headlines!” Maher exclaimed.The HBO star singled out The Washington Post for a headline that used the quote, “It feels like a war zone,” when referring to a grocery store and The New York Times for its headline, “Braced for Apocalyptic Surge, New York Avoids Worst, So Far.””This was an article about how much better the city was doing than expected,” Maher said. “You don’t have to put hot sauce on a jalapeño.”

Maher’s great fear is that Trump’s claim of ‘fake news’ media will be proven right:

“We need the news to calm down and treat us like adults. Trump calls you fake news. Don’t make him be right.”

Watch the segment below, strong language warning:

One of Bill’s guests on this episode was Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX). Maher tried to use the false liberal argument that Trump didn’t act quickly enough, and Crenshaw calmly obliterates his talking points, one after the other. Watch:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Bill Maher, Dan Crenshaw, Media Bias, Wuhan Coronavirus