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Survey Finds One Percent of Faculty Members at Harvard Identify as Conservative

Survey Finds One Percent of Faculty Members at Harvard Identify as Conservative

“Only three people said they would vote for President Trump in his reelection bid.”

These numbers seem to indicate a lack of intellectual diversity.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Harvard newspaper survey finds 1% of faculty members identify as conservative

A recent survey by the Harvard Crimson found that conservatives make up just over 1% of the school’s faculty.

Harvard University’s student newspaper published the survey results on Tuesday of nearly 500 members of the faculty. Of those who responded, 38% identified as “very liberal” while 41% identified as “liberal.” Another 19% said they were “moderate,” and only 1.5% of the respondents said they were “conservative” or “very conservative.”

The poll showed that 44% supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president. Only three people said they would vote for President Trump in his reelection bid.

Faculty members submitted their answers to the questions of the survey anonymously.


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Old Navy Doc | March 5, 2020 at 8:33 am

Not exactly shocking. Sad how they will hire a fake Indian to fluff their statistical skin color “wokeness”, but aggressively repress any semblance of diversity and freedom of thought. Such hypocritical bigotry is so ingrained that they need to change their motto again. They already eliminated ”Christo” and ”Ecclesiae”, so they might as well drop the VE RI TAS On the shield for LI BE RAL and be honest bigots.

They must have nerves of steel.

I’ll bet that very few of the 1% who are conservative have come out of the closet. They would be shunned by the rest of the faculty.

George_Kaplan | March 5, 2020 at 10:31 pm

Of those conservatives how many actually hold conservative views? I recall seeing a survey of I think it was sociologists and while there were a small number that identified as conservative – lets say 10% (I don’t recall any figures) when they were asked about conservative positions – pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-First Amendment etc, most actually held liberal views.

I think the time has come to ask whether Harvard’s contribution to the public weal justifies its subsidization through its privileged tax status by the rank and file of the country’s tax payers.