Soros Spent $2 Million to Help Reelect Kim Foxx, Prosecutor Who Bungled Jussie Smollett Case

I thought Democrats hated outside money, but I guess when it helps your own, who cares?

Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx faced a lot of criticism after she fumbled the Jussie Smollett case. Liberal billionaire George Soros stepped in and poured $2 million into a PAC formed specifically to get her reelected.

Foxx came under fire in March 2019 when her office suddenly dropped charges against Smollett.

Smollett faced disorderly charges “for allegedly staging a phony attack and claiming he was the victim of a hate crime.”

Foxx also faced criticism when texts showed she communicated with Smollett’s family before the charges. More backlash happened when the media discovered Foxx still communicated with her team after her recusal.

Foxx won her primary with 50.2% of the vote over three challengers. Bill Conway was the main one, who received the majority of his money from his father.

Conway had the most money out of the candidates. The Washington Free Beacon pointed out this could be why Soros and other wealthy donors gave Foxx so much money:

Despite Foxx’s handling of the Smollett case, Soros was not alone in his attempt to save Foxx. She was endorsed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), musician John Legend, and failed presidential candidates Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), and Kamala Harris (D., Calif.). Foxx also received six-figure donations from billionaire hedge fund manager Donald Sussman, NewsWeb corporation chairman Fred Eychaner, and Grosvenor Capital chief executive Michael Sacks. Each gave between $100,000 and $600,000 to her campaign. Many of the donors entered a prosecutor race for the first time to prop up Foxx.A number of progressive groups joined the wealthy donors. EMILY’s List, the SEIU, and the Real Justice PAC all pushed hefty donations to Foxx.

Soros has a habit of funneling money to prop up far-left candidates running for prosecutor and district attorney jobs.

The money has helped many win their elections:

He has backed Kim Gardner, St. Louis’s circuit attorney; Aramis Ayala, state attorney for Orange and Osceola counties in Florida; Stephanie Morales, the Portsmouth, Va., commonwealth’s attorney; and Larry Krasner, Philadelphia’s district attorney, among others.

It’s his right to do this. I just cannot stand the hypocrisy. You know if he funded conservative candidates the left would explode.

Tags: Chicago, George Soros, Illinois