Romney Will Vote for Senate Homeland Subpoena For Biden-Burisma Investigation
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Romney Will Vote for Senate Homeland Subpoena For Biden-Burisma Investigation

Romney Will Vote for Senate Homeland Subpoena For Biden-Burisma Investigation

“Senator Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle.”

The office of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) confirmed he will vote to subpoena documents in the Senate Homeland Committee’s investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings.

Romney described the situation as “a politically motivated investigation.” Democrats claimed Johnson’s “request represented an abuse of power aimed at damaging a leading Democratic presidential contender.”

From Fox News:

“Senator Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle,” said Liz Johnson, Romney’s communications director. “He will therefore vote to let the Chairman proceed to obtain the documents that have been offered.”

Republicans only have an 8-6 majority on the committee, so Romney was critical because a 7-7 tie would result in the vote failing. The Utah senator was already in hot water with President Trump’s base for being the only Republican to vote in favor of impeaching the president for seeking an investigation by Ukraine into the Bidens that could muddy up the 2020 presidential election.

On Tuesday, Catherine Herridge at CBS News tweeted out Johnson’s letter about the subpoena.

Johnson states in his letter to his colleague that he wants to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko, a former consultant for Blue Star Strategies and former Ukrainian diplomatic aide.

Burisma hired Blue Star Strategies to fight against corruption charges.

Johnson informed the senators the committee “has received U.S. government records indicating that Blue Star sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at the State Department.”

Telizhenko told the committee he would work with them in the investigation. Johnson pointed out that the Ukrainian “identified a limited subset of relevant records from his work with Blue Star that are responsive, but subject to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in his employment contract.”


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Romney has as a main concern that it could blow back at him, that is why he is really concerned about it.

There were a lot of hands in the taxpayer funded cookie jar known as Ukraine. Burisma is just a part of the money laundering scheme which funneled American money – taxpayer money – back to crooked politicians. Biden was probably the biggest crook in the works, but by no means the least.

Katy L. Stamper | March 6, 2020 at 7:19 pm

I have been astonished to find out so many American politicians’ hangers-on have been busy in Ukraine — and China. Who knows where else they lurk?

All this money, unimaginable amounts of money, and it wasn’t really just “foreign aid,” it was a side job for the lot of them. And we still don’t know the extent of all this kind of thing.

I regret what they are doing, but am grateful to become aware of how this is done out of the public eye. Take your graft overseas, and Americans will never know their taxes were siphoned by hangers-on, and the politicians knew about it the whole time.

Of course they’re globalists!!!! Wouldn’t I be, too?

    You may be surprised to learn that Cindy McCain was infected with the Ukrainian virus know as Grift: Sudden Onset Democracy Project 2019 (SOD-U19). Curiously, Ms. McCain never showed symptoms of Democracy in Ukraine, or any other place in the world, nor has she since.

    Cindy courageously dedicated her weekend fluffing Putin’s pillows to ensuring Ukrainians would never get their grubby Slavic paws on her democracy.

    There are likely a dozen more honey pots. Muslim nations, South America, Africa….a dozen. Just look where the “ambassadors” were entrenched and appointed by Democrats. The slinky Republicans will be on the gravy.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 6, 2020 at 8:39 pm

Did Romney support and help draft the resolution to censure Schumer?

Senate Republicans draft resolution to censure Schumer’s SCOTUS ‘threat’

Willard must be confident that the fix is in on hiding his involvement.

Posturing weasel.

    Connivin Caniff in reply to dystopia. | March 7, 2020 at 8:31 am

    I was going to call him a rat, but I gladly defer to your characterization. Didn’t the Posturing Weasel have an obligation to reveal that he had an inherent conflict, in that his Chief of Staff was also on the Burisma board?

      dystopia in reply to Connivin Caniff. | March 7, 2020 at 11:38 am

      Weasels pretend to stand on principle or religious belief when the act in their own self interest.

        Ulysses in reply to dystopia. | March 7, 2020 at 11:40 am

        Romney will be a one term Senator. He will soon be with Jeff Flake issuing jeremiads on the dangers of Trump.

      Milhouse in reply to Connivin Caniff. | March 8, 2020 at 9:58 am

      Didn’t the Posturing Weasel have an obligation to reveal that he had an inherent conflict, in that his Chief of Staff was also on the Burisma board?

      No, he was not. Stop making up stories.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 7, 2020 at 9:25 am

The office of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) confirmed he will vote to subpoena documents in the Senate Homeland Committee’s investigation into Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings.

You clearly declared yourself a RINO with your impeachment vote. This is far too little, far too late of an attempt to try and redeem yourself in the eyes of your colleagues. Disgusting.

    You would think that if you took the monumental step of becoming the first Senator in the History of the United States to vote to convict a President from your own Party — that President would at least be guilty. Romney deserve the opprobrium of every conservative.

This totally destroys Mitt’s rationale for his impeachment vote.