Pelosi’s extortion is a spark that may start a national fire
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Pelosi’s extortion is a spark that may start a national fire

Pelosi’s extortion is a spark that may start a national fire

It wasn’t just the distruption of Senate negotiations which were close to conclusion. The alternative bill Pelosi put forward is the extortionist’s price for the release of your loved ones.

Nancy Pelosi, with a major assist from Elizabeth Warren and the capitulation of Chuck Schumer, scuttled Senate negotiations Sunday over a rescue bill to help people left unemployed and businesses at risk of collapse from a government-ordered economic shutdown in response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Pelosi’s move, at so many levels, is so outrageous, it could become a spark that sets a national fire.

It wasn’t just the distruption of negotiations which were close to conclusion. The bill Pelosi put forward is a liberal laundry and wish list of things they know they could not get enacted unless the nation were in a vulnerable position. It’s the extortionist’s price for the release of your loved ones.

I don’t think Pelosi and many other Democrats are aware of the fury they are about to unleash in the nation.

I think Chuck Schumer, for all my criticisms of him, understands this, which is why there still is a chance of a Senate deal being reached despite and without rewarding Pelosi’s extortion.

It’s getting hard not to hate.


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Conservative Beaner | March 23, 2020 at 9:04 pm

“It’s getting hard not to hate.”

That ship sailed for me a long time ago.

Subotai Bahadur | March 23, 2020 at 9:07 pm

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. No Quarter. They never grant it, they should not recieve it.

Subotai Bahadur

The problem with the left is they never know when to stop or even slow down. They are on a mission from something to engineer society, so they are religious zealots and would even exploit that.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to tz. | March 23, 2020 at 9:14 pm

    Remember the last time they got their way the
    Jonestown Massacre happened.

    The San Fran DEMS and their San Fran Media were the BIG Enablers of Jim Jones, covering for crimes there as his cult got bigger and bigger.

      That’s far from the last time they got their way. If only. They’ve got their way lots of times since then.

      But we should never forget that Jim Jones was not some kind of Christian nut, he was some kind of Marxist nut, with very strong ties to the Democratic Party establishment.

        Chuckin Houston in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 12:48 am

        Very strong ties with the Democratic Party indeed. Buddy- buddy with both Willie Brown and then sitting CA Governor Jerry Brown.. Meetings with VP Mondale and First Lady Rosalyn Carter.

        Morning Sunshine in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 8:18 am

        Since this was before my cognitive time, I have never heard he was NOT a christian nut. I think all I ever heard what that his followers thought him some kind of prophet and they were all religious zealots.

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 3:05 pm

        Please itemize so we can use those more recent examples.

          They’ve got their way too many times to itemize, but a few examples that spring to mind just off the top of my head are the establishment (and unionization) of DHS and TSA in return for their (temporary) support for the post-9-11 measures, and Ted Kennedy being allowed to write the Medicaid Part D and No Child Left Behind as he liked. Also the late-2008 bailout.

This is a fire that needs to happen, a prescribed burn to kill the dead wood and allow new growth to take foot.

    rabid wombat in reply to RichieD.. | March 23, 2020 at 9:29 pm

    Be careful with sparks, as they may cause fires that burn out of control. Another blog likens The Left to a rheostat, while the Right is binary – on/off. Do not start what you want me to end.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to rabid wombat. | March 23, 2020 at 9:35 pm

      Then of course there is the wise use, such as in back fires,
      and land clearing fires.

      The CA state discovered much to their Million$ in regret that they should have been doing those all along for decades past.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 23, 2020 at 9:18 pm

RE: “I don’t think Pelosi and many other Democrats are aware of the fury they are about to unleash in the nation.”

DEMS are so un-self-aware, I think they must have about 57,000 miles of colon each in which to stick their own heads………

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 23, 2020 at 9:22 pm

The DEMS action is as though Nancy Pelosi went


on the entire U.S. Nation!

Burning cafes, coffee houses, gift shops, taxi cab companies, etc. etc. if it’s American, she and the DEMS are Burning it.

    There was a story just a couple if days ago about a bubble tea franchise from her district that had to lay off 400 people. HER district. I seriously doubt any of those people are worrying about greenhouse emissions and diverse boards right now.

The Dems have said “By any means necessary.” Pelosi’s behavior is not surprising given her unlimited arrogance. She cares about power. She does not care for the USA or its citizens. She wants SF for us all as she lives behind walls as a queen. Hurt the people if that helps her.


There go Dems, not letting a crisis go to waste.

HEADLINE: Mob invades pelosi’s office, drags her into street and lynches her.

(We can dream, can’t we?)

Thanks, once, again, Professor, for this blog, all you do here. and, this article. Unfotunately, I missed seeing you when you came to D.C.

Hopefully, the Senate GOP will stand together against the House “laundry list.” I see that even Sen Collins was/is upset.

The President and the Senate should refuse to budge. The President should have a “fireside” (using one of your article words) chat with the nation and explain what Nancy is trying to do. Nancy and her group already have ratings in the toilet from the faux impeachment and this could just be more nails in their 2020 coffin.

The country needs to understand how she is trying to hold the money designated for the many employees who are not working, hostage, to their thinking,”This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” as said by Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.).

There are more and more data driven articles that demonstrate the lockdown is an overreaction for many parts of the country and many of the age demographics.

After the 15 days, some of the country and age demographics could start returning to work under special conditions, and people could understand Nancy and Chuck and the democrats held up the 3rd part of the stimulus package.

My facebook feed is filled with people angry with the Democrats over the hijacking of COVID-19 relief. Not just the usual policy difference emotion, but serious rage. We all need to wage a PR war on this on social media and remind everyone until election day in November just who the Democrats are and what they did. They choose regulation over saving American lives. Never let them live it down.

Government participation/intervention is why the economy is being abused.

W made a horrible mistake after Muslims flew civilian aircraft into office buildings by creating Homeland Security and TSA. The villains were well known, they remain well known yet the government inflicted itself against American citizens.

In this current case, everyone is suffering the same abuse because some people may become infected and expand illness.

Freedom is not cheap, especially when the federal government tries to regulate it. I’d sooner take my chances in a free market and open society than contend with loss of liberty.

The very idea that the government has a duty to regulate the distribution of a virus is tantamount to saying that the government has a duty to treat those afflicted by that virus.

That is an unveiled description of single source socialist health services.

Hopefully, Trump will see through implications and restore normal commerce, quickly.

    DaveGinOly in reply to NotKennedy. | March 24, 2020 at 12:34 am

    Thinking along similar lines (and very well said by you – I’ve saved your comment about W for later reference), I came to a similar conclusion when thinking about gun control a few weeks ago.
    Our government is incapable of dealing with criminals, so it makes laws that effect only the people they know they can control – the law-abiding. Because the law-abiding vastly outnumber the criminal class, this is very effective at increasing their power. For government, there is little power to gain by controlling the behavior of criminals.

    It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people cant be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it.
    Sheriff Tom
    No Country For Old Men
    Cormac McCarthy

      TrickyRicky in reply to DaveGinOly. | March 24, 2020 at 10:10 am

      Thanks for the Cormac McCarthy quote. One of my all-time favorite authors. For some reason I have been thinking about “The Road” a lot lately…..

    Barry in reply to NotKennedy. | March 24, 2020 at 1:50 am

    “W made a horrible mistake…”

    It wasn’t a mistake. It was precisely what the deep state desired.

mickshrimpton | March 23, 2020 at 9:50 pm

Just a flat-out evil group of people.

Frezz in the hizzy | March 23, 2020 at 9:56 pm

In past days, the repub establishment would front with some token gripes, but then fall in and go along in a situation like this (as if there ever were one like this…..) because they could not hold up under the steady, white hot pressure dealt primarily by the media.
That was before the fighter, freakin’ PDJT, stepped onto the scene. The old playbook got turned inside out, and this is a royal opportunity for him to ram it WAY up their ASSES and break it off!!!

Katy L. Stamper | March 23, 2020 at 10:09 pm

Professor, you said it so well, “The alternative bill Pelosi put forward is the extortionist’s price for the release of your loved ones.”

Your description puts her actions on a Lazy Susan and turns it until the light hits them just right, and voila! her criminality is displayed with clarity for all to see.

This multimillionaire uses the pain of others to get ahead. How dark a soul she is.

Dear dems: get rid of this woman. The country needs at least two functioning parties, so for the sake of the country and the sake of your party, get rid of this woman, please.

Impeachment was time sensitive to Pelosi; she had no choice but to ram it through if she was to save the country.

You overestimate Chuck Schumer.

Comanche Voter | March 23, 2020 at 10:34 pm

You see those small American flags on staffs behind this predatory old politician? Take the flag off, and I can stuff at least five of them where the sun never shines in Pelosi. And lots of folks will help me.

I want Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Hillary and Obama lined up against a wall and see their ugly, evil heads explode in a hail of bullets! Not exaggerating! I hate them!

Katy L. Stamper | March 23, 2020 at 11:11 pm

If the MSM was even half honest, just half honest, the dems could not do this.

Katy L. Stamper | March 23, 2020 at 11:16 pm

And it’s so odd to hear the left’s pretensions concerning their intelligence.

I mean, does anyone Really believe the left is intelligent as opposed to being megalomaniacs and/or dysfunctional victims of, who knows? parents, coaches, priests, babysitters, whoever….

It seems to me that there are 3 factors at work here.
1- the natural tendency for liberal social engineering.
2- the fact that, for the dem party leaders, this is their last hurrah. They are all in their 70s and are at the height of their power but the end of their road. It’s now or never for them to fulfill their agenda.
3- Hillary lost. This was not just another election loss to them. They are like the guy who is sure he is getting a $20k bonus; he’s already figured out how to spend it and has mentally enjoyed it so many times it’s real. Then he gets an empty envelope. Not just disappointment, RAGE! All his hopes, dreams and plans destroyed.

It may be that a strong republican showing in 2020 will result in a changing of the guard in the dem party as the leaders admit defeat and retire to write bitter memoirs of what could have been.

    DaveGinOly in reply to VaGentleman. | March 24, 2020 at 12:54 am

    Want to really piss of the Dems? If Congress does dole out cash, if you find you don’t need it, spend it on (US-made) guns and ammo. Send copies of the receipts to your local (or least favorite) Dem in Congress. Sit back and watch heads explode!
    It would be great thing to do for both local businesses (your local gun stores) and US manufacturers.

      Good idea to buy guns/ammo. Sending the receipts would be considered a credible threat that could land you in jail and possibly strip you of your right to vote, unless of corse you are sending the receipts to a Democrat; that will result in a pass.

Roles are slightly different but Trudeau and the Liberal party are trying to pull a similar stunt in Canada. Parties agreed to pass emergency spending bills to support the corona virus response but in their case the ruling party Liberal party has submitted a bill that would allow them to set and modify all tax law through regulation, absent any say by parliament, through the end of 2021. Additionally they will be bail out, invest in, or guarantee the debt of companies, again without parliament’s approval.

Republicans taking 2/3 of the Senate, majority of the house and the Presidency would allow us to drive a stack thru the hart of the progressive fascists.

1) Remove judges who ignore the law and constitution.
2) Require all states to be shall issue CCW permits, recognize other states CCW permits and remove the states ability to regulate firearms and ammunition.
3) End birthright citizenship for illegals and non-citizens. Make it a felony to illegally enter our country. Make it a felony to provide aid to illegals.

    Milhouse in reply to ConradCA. | March 24, 2020 at 1:08 am

    First of all, getting 2/3 of the senate is not possible. Even in the impossible case that Rs won all 35 senate races this year, that would only get them to 65. And of course it’s not possible to win all 35 races. The best the Rs can hope for is to keep Susan Collins and Corey Gardner, and pick off Doug Jones, Tina Smith, and Gary Peters (I’m being very optimistic here), for a net gain of 3. Mark Warner would be a huge stretch, and even then it only gives us 57 seats. Not even 3/5, let alone 2/3.

    Assuming a solid R majority, though, your #2 might be doable, and might even make it through the courts. But ending birthright citizenship is just flat-out unconstitutional and no majority can change that. The SCOTUS vote would likely be 9-0 against it.

    As for the rest of your #3, that’s already the law. Illegally entering the country is already a felony, and so is aiding someone to do so. Being here illegally is not a felony (or even a crime at all), but entering illegally is.

      gospace in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 2:12 am

      Birthright citizenship for birth tourists was created out of this air by bureaucrats. Illegal immigrants are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, and their children should could not automatically be citizens. A Chinese woman passing through, dropping her kid, and returning to China with the kid, was equally never never “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

      In the Slaughterhouse Case- —a majority of the Supreme Court mentioned in passing that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States”. Not just the children of ministers and consuls, but the children of citizens or subjects of foreign states are excluded from citizenship.

      United States v. Wong Kim Ark doesn’t change that. His parents were resident aliens, or green card holders, though I don’t know if that term was used then. Here legally. As residents. Intending to stay, and owing allegiance to the United States. Illegal immigrants and birth tourists don’t fall into that category. Matter of fact, right now in California, illegal immigrants are by California law exempt from U.S. jurisdiction, with judges and law enforcement forbidden to cooperate with the federal government to exercise jurisdiction over them.

      Under the absolutist birthright citizenship a boatful of 8 month pregnant women could sail from China, anchor in Guam, stay there until all the woman dropped their kids, then sail back, and all the kids would be US citizens without ever having been on US soil, but born in the United States. Wouldn’t be any substantial difference between that and the birth tourism that currently exists where children born here are whisked away back to their real country. With an escape plan given to them by their parents.

        Milhouse in reply to gospace. | March 24, 2020 at 1:59 pm

        Illegal immigrants are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”,

        That is utter BS. If they were not subject to the US’s jurisdiction they would be free to do anything they liked and could not be arrested, tried, or sued. That’s what jurisdiction means.

        In the Slaughterhouse Case- —a majority of the Supreme Court mentioned in passing that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States”. Not just the children of ministers and consuls, but the children of citizens or subjects of foreign states are excluded from citizenship.

        That’s an aside in a case that did not focus on that clause at all. Look at the debates on the 14th amendment and on the citizenship law that preceded it and it is very clear from both its supporters’ and opponents’ arguments that it excludes only those who are literally not under the jurisdiction of US law or courts, e.g. those Indians who chose to live outside US law (also known in the constitution as “Indians not taxed”).

        United States v. Wong Kim Ark doesn’t change that. His parents were resident aliens, or green card holders, though I don’t know if that term was used then. Here legally. As residents.

        True but irrelevant. The decision did not rely on the legality of the parents’ residence. Here’s an explicit quote from that decision: ‘This presumption is confirmed by the use of the word “jurisdiction” in the last clause of the same section of the Fourteenth Amendment, which forbids any State to “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” It is impossible to construe the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” in the opening sentence, as less comprehensive than the words “within its jurisdiction” in the concluding sentence of the same section; or to hold that persons “within the jurisdiction” of one of the States of the Union are not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.”‘

        Matter of fact, right now in California, illegal immigrants are by California law exempt from U.S. jurisdiction

        That’s an outright falsehood.

        , with judges and law enforcement forbidden to cooperate with the federal government to exercise jurisdiction over them.

        No Californian official prevents the US from enforcing its laws on illegal immigrants; ICE has a completely free hand in CA as it does everywhere else. CA simply stands on its tenth amendment right to refuse to assist such enforcement, exactly as many states refused to assist federal enforcement of the fugitive slave laws, or of prohibition, or as many local sheriffs refused to assist in enforcing the Brady law. The Supreme Court said state officials were not required to assist federal slave catchers, but could choose to do so unless prohibited by state law.

        Under the absolutist birthright citizenship a boatful of 8 month pregnant women could sail from China, anchor in Guam, stay there until all the woman dropped their kids, then sail back, and all the kids would be US citizens without ever having been on US soil, but born in the United States.

        Guam is not part of the USA. It’s an unincorporated territory.

        Milhouse in reply to gospace. | March 24, 2020 at 3:23 pm

        In the Slaughterhouse Case- —a majority of the Supreme Court mentioned in passing that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States”. Not just the children of ministers and consuls, but the children of citizens or subjects of foreign states are excluded from citizenship.

        To quote directly from Wong Kim Ark, “This was wholly aside from the question in judgment and from the course of reasoning bearing upon that question. It was unsupported by any argument, or by any reference to authorities”.

      Barry Soetoro in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 3:02 am

      “Illegally entering the country is already a felony … .”

      Illegal entry, the first time, is effectively a misdemeanor:

      8 U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien
      or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

      Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

      SeekingRationalThought in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2020 at 1:36 pm

      What the courts have given, the courts can take away.

I don’t think Pelosi and many other Democrats are aware of the fury they are about to unleash in the nation.

I think there will be no fury. Those of our ilk are certainly not surprised by Pelosi -and the Dems – behavior in this instance, as demonstrative of evil as it is, and Dems figure it is worth the try. This attempt by Pelosi – and the Dems – is completely consistent with Rahm Emmanuel’s instruction “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Note–this attempt has not yet failed!!

    Ira in reply to Ira. | March 23, 2020 at 11:49 pm

    Mary Chastain made a similar point earlier today:

    Never let a crisis go to waste! When the government sees an opportunity to obtain more power they take it. Thing is they will never let go once it gets that power.

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi displayed that attitude today with her “Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act.”

Absolutely disgraceful.

The problem with civilization is that its preservation at times requires us to do things that civilized people do not want to do.

    WestRock in reply to Dantzig93101. | March 24, 2020 at 6:39 am

    I think our friend TJ said it best…

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

Nancy is like Capt. Ahab, willing to sacrifice her crew (party) and ship (the people) to kill her enemy (the republic).
I hope things turn out as poorly for her as it did for Ahab.

our house
our house
our house is on fire

we don’t need any water, let the MFer burn.

what we used to chant at Ft Sam in ’92 when some FNG set the fire alarm off so they could sneak in after missing curfew.

i was famous for taking my poncho liner down and napping while the goat rope got un-Fed.

prior service and NO fs left to give. Infantry can sleep *anywhere*

Remember this, everyone: many in the GOP have been looting along with the democrat swamp. They are compromised, and will sell us out instead of being exposed.


For Pelosi, Schumer, et all to stop their sleazy tactics, there must be a downside. Now, there isn’t. The dinosaur media, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party, will provide cover for the foreseeable future. The country will pay, and pay, and pay.

I have gone well beyond hate and into utter loathing.

I don’t think Pelosi and many other Democrats are aware of the fury they are about to unleash in the nation.
1. They don’t care.
2. They don’t know which gender they are.
3. There is so much more.
4. Start the hate because you’re late already.

Kipling has you covered, Professor.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

Break out the tar and feathers. The Democrats are anti American gutless a-holes.

Look for a veto from Trump

    elle in reply to Neo. | March 24, 2020 at 9:57 am

    Isn’t that the point? It is a no lose proposition for the Democrats, is it not? They either get their goodies or they get their headline that Trump vetoed the bill, which they will run 24/7/365 at a million percent.

    They don’t have to worry about re-election because the dead always vote for these ghouls.

Granny Winebox is quite the ghoul. But alas, can’t say what she and Cluster Chuck are trying to do surprises me–remember, these are the people who illegally tried (and continue to try) to overturn an election.

When they believe ends justify means, their sense of absolute moral superiority makes Progressive Democrats dangerous. They worship an ideology that is utterly evil. Hate it we must.

Unknown3rdParty | March 24, 2020 at 9:43 am

Vote. Don’t vote Republican, don’t vote Democrat, don’t vote Independent. Vote ONLY for those who openly espouse supporting the Consitution and Bill of Rights. And tell your friends. Pelosi is simply one of many examples of people still in office due to name recognition, who should have been voted out years ago.

Study your voter guide. Examine it closely. READ IT! Find out what they’ve done, what they’ve participated in, who supports them. If you don’t recognize those supporting the candidate, don’t Google it, look it up on DuckDuckGo. Search for the candidate by name, by location, to see what they’ve done. Know that the Socialists and Communists are working overtime; witness what happened in Virginia, that the Socialists canvassed the poorer parts of the state and got large numbers of them registered, and they voted Democrat.

If the candidates are supported by Socialist front groups, pass on them. If the candidate says that they support the Constitution and adds “but”, pass on the candidate. And if you can be that candidate, do so. But be prepared because you will be attacked for every irrational reason under the sun.

Twenty years ago I attended a conference hosted by a local church. The speaker said “There are some people we need to pray dead”.

I thought those remarks were repulsive at the time.

I don’t any longer.

This is Coup 3.0. Combining national same-day registration and national Vote by Mail is an attempt to subvert the election, the way the Democrats did in California in 2018. It will allow massive numbers of untraceable fraudulent ballots to be issued, marked and delivered in every key battleground state, and since it would be a federal program kicked off by Pelosi’s House it will be a complete cluster-buck in terms of transparency and accountability.

This is how they turned CA pure blue, and how they took all of Colorado, beyond the colleges. This is their hail Mary pass to try and win the next election, by hook or by crook.

This Must Not Stand.

Crazyhorse75 | March 24, 2020 at 2:48 pm

I swear! The house and senate republicans better not give an inch on this bullsh#t. I dont know about everyone else but my hatred of democrats is so strong that I want to see them in physical pain. The dems and their media have shown beyond any doubt, that they are owned by the Chinese. They are traitors and should be treated as such!

The word Demoncrats says it all. They are nothing but a cabal of career criminal extortionist, socialist, anarchist, fascist, communist, baby murderers, perverts, deep state traitors, sycophant fake news syndicate, femi-nazis, environment and climate change wackos, illegal alien sanctuary idiots, and open border morons.

the great kazoo | March 24, 2020 at 6:23 pm

I’m surprised she didn’t add free train rides to the FEMA camps for all Trump supporters and save money by putting us two to a coffin.

Piglosi is a despicable person.
Shame on San Francisco if she gets re-elected.

“It’s getting hard not to hate”

Why bother, they hate us and want us dead or in their detention/reeducation camps. We’re getting ever closer to that spark that will start the conflagration called “2nd American Civil War”. I honestly expect it will start from Leftist violence…