Louisiana Postpones Primary Until June Due to Coronavirus Concerns
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Louisiana Postpones Primary Until June Due to Coronavirus Concerns

Louisiana Postpones Primary Until June Due to Coronavirus Concerns

Louisiana has 33 presumptive positive coronavirus cases.


Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced the state will hold its primary on June 20 instead of April due to coronavirus:

“We can pull off elections after disasters or issues like this but we have to have more time than 30 or 60 days,” he said Friday.

State officials have said they want to keep poll workers—most of whom are elderly—safe during the outbreak.

Kate Bedingfield, deputy campaign manager to former Vice President Joe Biden, said in a statement that voters should go to the polls on Tuesday only if they are not exhibiting symptoms and have not been exposed to the virus. Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio are voting that day.

“If voters are members of an at-risk population, exhibiting symptoms, or have been exposed to a diagnosed case of COVID-19, we encourage them to explore absentee ballots and vote by mail options,” she said in a statement.

Louisiana was one of 11 states scheduled to vote in April.

The media has led its headlines with 33 cases in Louisiana. Actually, as stated in articles, the state only has 33 presumptive positive cases.


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SpaceInvader | March 13, 2020 at 2:37 pm

Things are going to be much worse in a month not better. If they are not held on time they will not be held in public. Based on the actions we are taking it will be two years or more before this might be over.

    Valerie in reply to SpaceInvader. | March 13, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    If we play our cards right, this mess will be DONE in a month. We will know who is still sick, who needs to be quarantined, and the rest will be free to go about their business.

    Then, when (not if) it comes back, we will have better medicines and some vaccines, and far-reduced dependence on China.

SpaceInvader | March 13, 2020 at 2:37 pm

Things are going to be much worse in a month not better. If they are not held on time they will not be held in public. Based on the actions we are taking it will be two years or more before this might be over.

Unprecedented reaction.

    Morning Sunshine in reply to n.n. | March 13, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    it is not a reaction to COVID. It is an attempt to keep Biden out of the public eye as long as they can. Long enough to drown Bernie and then – hopefully – take out Trump before they have to invoke Amendment 25.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 13, 2020 at 3:51 pm

This delay won’t make a difference – because DNC has stole the Nom for Biden, until they slip in their “illegal” dark horse.

2smartforlibs | March 13, 2020 at 4:40 pm

Did your Chinese overlord just win without firing a shot?

To be fair, dems don’t want anymore primary votes. They just want to give it to quid pro joe.
The virus is a great excuse not to let bernie get any kind of leverage. And remember, bernie isn’t a democrat so they if they screw him it’s not a big deal to them.

It’s going to be worse in June.