Legal Insurrection Florida ‘Campus Free Speech Tour’ postponed, as universities restrict events
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Legal Insurrection Florida ‘Campus Free Speech Tour’ postponed, as universities restrict events

Legal Insurrection Florida ‘Campus Free Speech Tour’ postponed, as universities restrict events

With campuses discouraging large events, and moving classes to the off-campus virtual world, we faced a logistical problem beyond our control.

Bummer. Our Legal Insurrection Florida tour has to be postponed.

I was scheduled to give lectures on campus free speech on March 24-25-26 at Florida Atantic U., U. Florida, and Florida State. We were going to hold a reader event prior to the March 24 event in Boca Raton.

But the handwriting has been on the wall and growing: an increasing number of campuses are clamping down on large events and campuses increasingly are moving classes to remote access.

That’s what Cornell just announced late this afternoon:

… While there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tompkins County, we must do all we can to minimize future community spread.

Most significantly, we will move to virtual instruction. We are asking faculty to begin that transition now so that after spring break all instruction – for the rest of the semester – will be online. We will be asking all undergraduate students and many professional degree students to leave campus at the start of spring break and to remain at their permanent home residence, completing their semesters remotely. (When essential, we will honor requests for exemptions.) …

We are tightening our policies for group events to prohibit all nonessential events of more than 100 people, on and off campus, even when they include only members of the Cornell community. This excludes classroom teaching through March 27. Additionally, we are strongly discouraging university-sponsored events that bring outside guests to campus; these should occur only with guidance from college leadership.

In other words, go on spring break, and don’t come back until we say it’s all clear. Some colleges and universities aren’t waiting for spring break, they’re sending students home almost immediately.

We received initial indications that this might happen with one or more of the Florida campuses at which I was to lecture.

Now UF is informing professors to take classes online. TV20 has obtained an email sent by the provost to professors at UF encouraging them to start preparing classes to go online for the rest of the semester and some professors at UF tell TV20 they have already transitioned into classes online.

Florida State set in motion a possible switchover for as early as March 23:

Florida State University Provost Sally McRorie today directed the university’s faculty and academic instructors to be ready to shift their courses from traditional campus-based, face-to-face classes to online and other alternate methods of delivery for the remainder of the semester following spring break, if it becomes necessary.

Considering that we had to fly multiple people to multiple locations, and secure a venue for a possible reader reception, it all just seemed very likely not to happen for reasons beyond our control. So we are going to postpone the Florida Tour without waiting for the last shoe to drop.

As of now, Samantha’s appearance at Northeastern University Wednesday night is still on, but N.U. just announced event restrictions, so we’ll see if it happens. If you plan on going, I suggest you check the event page and our event post for updates.


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    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to gonzotx. | March 10, 2020 at 9:56 pm

    You said it!

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | March 10, 2020 at 9:57 pm

      Interest comments from “Fed” up people from around the web….

      TJM says:

      The stock market has been absolutely absurd the last few weeks.
      Thousand point swings each way day after day.
      If it were consistently down, that’d be one thing. If the ups were much smaller than the downs, that would be another.
      Last week we had one of the largest point losses ever followed by the single highest point gain ever.
      I don’t expect rationality from the stock market, but this is Lewis Carrol territory. Send in the Jabberwock.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 10, 2020 at 9:59 pm

If those “universities” didn’t close down every bit of their campuses, cancel all the on-campus classes, and lock themselves down, then all of this is FAKE FAKE FAKE!

Is Cornell refunding unused meal and housing fees since they don’t want the students on campus?

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to buck61. | March 10, 2020 at 11:03 pm

    Psst……. I’ll tell you a secret……. The colleges really don’t want to deal with any students…..They just want their money…..

And 20,000
Died of the flu in the 2019-2020 season

About 20 people, vast majority over 70 have died of the coronavirus

Please tell me again what have they closed because of the flu?

Rumor is Berkeley has a case of coronavirus, so the whole UC system is going remote. Mine is coming home Tuesday. He’s on the quarter system, and has already had one final cancelled. He tested positive for influenza A. He’s sicker than a dog, and in voluntary quarantine.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Cosseted in a protected carefree world; with the right to be utterly obnoxious to conservatives guaranteed; COVAD-19 is a clarion call of utter vulnerability to the heathen of Generation Snowflake.

Students at the University of Dayton did not take kindly to the announcement that they were being kicked out of University housing on very short notice

Amazing how many scientists can’t explain the reason behind school closures, travel restrictions, and event cancellations.

It isn’t preventing people from getting infected, but preventing people from getting infected too fast.