Joe Biden’s Livestreams Have Been a Disaster

Joe Biden has been struggling for visibility lately. The Coronavirus crisis has relegated him to the sidelines as Trump takes front and center on television, sometimes for hours a day.

Biden has turned to live streaming addresses. It has not gone well.

I’m including some clips below. As you’ll see, Biden appears tired, and at times unaware of what he is doing.

It’s very telling that the media is being careful not to criticize his efforts.

Don Gonyea writes at National Public Radio:

Biden Admonishes Trump In New Crisis Campaign ApproachFormer Vice President Joe Biden, the leading Democratic candidate for president, called for a far more urgent and better coordinated response to the coronavirus pandemic from the White House, in his first remarks of a new effort to reach voters while the campaign is essentially on hold.Speaking via livestream from his home in Delaware, Biden said President Trump was slow to recognize and respond to the health crisis, and that the president continues to show a lack of understanding of what needs to be done to address the rapid spread of the virus across the U.S.”President Trump is not to blame for the coronavirus,” Biden said, adding that the president does bear responsibility for the response. “I along with every other American hope he steps up to get this right,” Biden said. He also said that “this isn’t about politics,” given how much is at stake.Biden noted that the president has likened this to war and describes himself as a “wartime president.” “Then start to act like one,” Biden admonished.

Now compare the seriousness of that report with Joe’s performance. In this clip, Biden gestures to someone off-screen at one point, seemingly unaware that we can see his hands.

He seems incapable of holding a train of thought.

He got the name of Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker wrong.

It’s a good thing for Biden that Saturday Night Live has temporarily ceased operations. Not even they could spin this as a positive for Joe.

When Biden isn’t doing these live streams, he is making media appearances. They are not going any better.

Is it any wonder why Bernie Sanders is still hanging around?

NBC News reports:

Sanders camp signals his presidential campaign will go onLacking a meaningful path to the Democratic nomination at a moment when the coronavirus crisis is gripping Washington and the country, Bernie Sanders stepped back from actively campaigning for president over the past week, leading some Democrats to wonder whether he would soon leave the race altogether.But Tuesday, Sanders appeared to signal anew that he is in the race for the long haul: His campaign announced a full organizing effort ahead of New York’s scheduled April 28 primary, and a spokesman said he would participate in a debate with former Vice President Joe Biden — if there is one.”Bernie Sanders is still a candidate for the Democratic nomination,” senior adviser Jeff Weaver told NBC News on Tuesday in response to a question about the New York efforts. “One of the things that means is working to secure votes in future contests.”

Bernie’s people must be just waiting for Biden to implode.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Election, Democrats, Joe Biden