Chris Matthews Out at MSNBC
He and the network have voluntarily agreed to part ways after several controversial comments made last week, including comments critical of Bernie Sanders
Chris Matthews, long-time “Hardball” host is done at MSNBC.
Without any warning, Matthews announced his departure from the network Monday.
From NBC:
Chris Matthews, one of the longest-tenured voices at MSNBC, announced his retirement during Monday’s night’s airing of his talk show, “Hardball.”
Matthews, 74, said he and MSNBC had mutually agreed to part ways. The decision followed a series of events that resulted in criticism of the host’s statements about Bernie Sanders, African-American lawmakers, and comments he had made to female journalists and coworkers.
“I’m retiring,” Matthews said. “This is the last ‘Hardball’ on MSNBC.”
Matthews was due to retire in the near future with the events of the past week playing a factor in the timing of the move, an MSNBC spokesperson said.
Matthews, a former speechwriter for President Jimmy Carter, has hosted “Hardball” on MSNBC since 1999 and remained a centrist voice on the cable news channel’s prime-time programming, which often features commentary that is further to the left.
— Chris Matthews (@HardballChris) March 3, 2020
Am I the only one a little shocked by what just occured on #MSNBC? #ChrisMatthews greets the audience by telling them this would be the last #Hardball. He goes to break and when they come back from commercial Chris is GONE. An understandably shook Steve Kornacki left at the desk.
— Nick Walden Poublon (@NWPinPDX) March 3, 2020
“That was a lot to take in”
Steve Kornacki looks sad and surprised by the news.
#hardball #ChrisMatthews— Loving WeHo ❤️?️?? (@lovingweho) March 3, 2020
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So, was it the harassment complaints or his being mean to Boinie?
I think the metoo was held over his head until he stepped over the Bernie line.
He told a little truth about the Failed Democrat Party……
I saw the headline and I felt this thrill going up my leg.
Now maybe he can keep those creases in his pants.
….. Nah!
Good riddance to rubbish.
All three viewers are dismayed.
It was hilarious the way he stomped off the set in prime time, never to return!!! I almost thought he might do a Budd Dwyer on the air.
I am saddened to be old enough to get that reference.
It happened on a snow day, so every kid in the Philadelphia area was home and saw it live on TV.
Chrissy, dan rather, the clinton’s and the obama’s are planning a new program on cnn…”To Tell The Truth, A Family Comedy.”
I think it is pretty obvious for the past year are so that Chris has fallen off of the wagon and gone under the wheels, which probably has had something to do with it.
“Who loves you, Tingles?”
Such a muckraking hack 🙂
Wait – he starts the show, says it will be his last one, goes to commercial, comes back and there is no Chris?
Honestly, I think that is kind of a funny way to go out.
And it does somehow seem familiar:
I’m not tired of WINNING yet.
Sure Matthews is just collateral damage, but if Hillary had been elected this never would have happened. I’ll take it how ever we can get it.
Now Who’s Next?
I’d like to take credit for this, but I can’t I copied it from another “blog”.
When a tingle turns to a trickle.
more like a tinkle.
He will be not be missed
Asking a co-host off-air whether her breasts are real is not expressing an interest in her breasts. It’s a sly way of saying that she’s dressed like a slut, and invites an equally clever reply.
It’s a good joke because it’s clever, mean and naughty, three points.
If it’s a requirement to dress like a slut, then it’s a joke at the expense of the convention. If it’s not required, then it’s a joke against her.
It’s not, however, sexual harassment. It’s treating her as an equal. It’s a cleverness competition and she has to come up with a reply.
To take it otherwise is to say that women aren’t up to it.
See with crap like this you have to read between the lines.
They’re claiming he’s retiring because of ‘controversial’ comments he made last week. I guarantee he isn’t.
There are pretty much (2) scenarios on the table here:
1) Matthews has a long off-camera history of being crude and sexist, and it was finally the last straw, and a whole bunch of women suddenly lined up to sue the network, so he was unceremoniously fired, and told he could either say goodbye and leave quietly or be publicly fired.
2) Matthews was told he had to apologize and he refused. He was given an ultimatum and basically said, “Fuck you, I quit”.
I consider #1 to be the far more likely option, Matthews is one of those low-key scumbags that has always had a lot of stories floating around about him. There are literally dozens of videos of him falling-down drunk, a LOT of low-level sexual harassment complaints (no rape claims as far as I know but a whole bunch of skeevy comments and grabbing).
The fact that they didn’t even prepare an actual show as a farewell says he this was NOT planned and he is NOT leaving on good terms.
I agree with you on all of that, but it was ALL being kept under the rug by MSNBC execs until Matthews committed the Unforgivable Sin: He said that Burnie winning in Nevada was like the France surrendering to Nazi Germany. And then he said it might be better to just let Trump win if Burnie was the nominee.
THAT’S when all the knives came out! It was obvious this weekend; Matthews has always been the centerpiece of any live election coverage MSNBC does, been that way for many years, but on Saturday night in S.C., where was he? Completely banned from the team. When I saw that, I knew he was on the way out.
And then he said it might be better to just let Trump win if Burnie was the nominee.
OMG, that’s like saying Bernie is worse than literally Hitler. No wonder he had to be purged!
He’s been a sexist pig forever.
What is new is his on target take-downs of Bernie Sanders.
My guess is that he was told he had to walk them back, and refused.
I’m betting that Bernie and Biden don’t give him a thrill up his leg and MSDNC is pissed about it.
I am guessing he has a job offer with Fox.
I wouldn’t be surprised, especially if Bernie somehow manages to win the Dem nom.
Huh. Here I thought his show’s name was a sly reference to a fondness for an alcoholic drink made of gin and rum: .
It turns out that it wasn’t a “Thrill” running down his leg after all.
Please tell me Project Veritas has someone inside MSNBC so we can see what transpired after Chris walked off set.
I’m sure he will be replaced by a black transgender satan worshiping vegan.
So many boxes to check…so little ratings
Hoisted by his own petard.
He rode the wind, and got destroyed by the whirlwind.
One annoying propagandist down. Many more to go.
“… MSNBC since 1999 and remained a centrist voice…”
Mathews was a “centrist voice”???
You would have to be so far left that you literally lived in another galaxy for Mathews to seem “centrist” from your perspective.
Partisan hack loses his platform. Can’t cry over that.
Can he take Maddow with him? Insufferable…
Putting aside the snark for a moment this is not a win for the Left. Matthews was a connection for a lot of people who lean Democrat to something other than commenters like Maddow. They have Brian Williams still but there is still something to be said for your credibility to have older stablished commenters that appear to still be on your side. I think this makes the Left on MSNBC even more isolated when they wack one of the few old White guys that was still around.
Why would the media fire a Bernie critic? Has the DNC suddenly decided to support Sanders?
I’m not happy the woke-adile (Greg Gutfeld’s term as it’s the crocodile every trembling leftist hopes will eat them last) has devoured another victim.
But honestly, how did this geriatric drunk hold down a job at all, anywhere, for the past 20 years? I only watched MSNBC on rare occasions, such as when they kept trying and failing to recall Scott Walker in Wisconsin and when Trump was elected (and I plan on watching when he’s reelected) just to enjoy the looks of shock, horror, and disbelief on the faces of the anchors as they contemplated suicide. And the break-away shots of snowflakes melting down in tears as they realized they failed for the umpteenth time.
There was Matthews, the loudmouth drunk at the end of the bar.
Laura Bassett is now “radioactive”