Biden Promised to Pick a Female Vice President. But Why?

2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden promised to pick a female vice president.

Great, but why? Because she is qualified or simply because of her chromosomes?

Biden said:

Number one, I committed that if I’m elected president and have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts, I’ll appoint the first black woman of the courts. It’s required that they have representation now. It’s long overdue.Secondly, if I’m elected president, my cabinet, my administration will look like the country and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a — I’d pick a woman to be vice president. There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow. I would pick a woman to be my vice president is. Number three, I’m the guy that wrote the domestic violence law. I’m the guy that put in the prohibitions that no one who abuses someone else should be able to own a gun. Period. They should not be able to own a gun.

Wonderful. But I wonder if he will concentrate on the female’s qualifications or just try to appease the left.

Our ancestors fought so females could be equal. They wanted equality, not superiority. They didn’t want people to judge them on their sex.

It’s not very feminist to push people to pick you based on your sex.

It would infuriate me if someone picked or hired me because I’m female. I’d be so insulted if someone chose or appointed me to fill a quota. I’m more than my chromosomes.

You are lame if you pick or don’t pick someone based on their race, sexual orientation, or sex.

The Washington Post already latched onto Biden’s promise because it ran an article about the women possibly on Biden’s shortlist.

The newspaper immediately named Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as a running mate. Biden has praised her since she dropped out of the race in December. In one interview, he said he would consider her for a position in his administration.

Another option is Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). She immediately backed Biden after she dropped out of the race. He believed her endorsement helped him win Minnesota.

WaPo, of course, suggested failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. No list is complete without Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)!

But again, is he doing this because the woman he chooses will have better qualifications than other choices?

If Biden and the left did not make such a big deal about picking a female, then maybe I would believe that he picked her based solely on qualifications.

Then again, Biden and the left can quickly use the sexism card against you as everyone did with failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton if he does not win. If he picks Harris, they can use the sexism and racism cards!

Maybe Biden will go for the trifecta so the left can use the sexism, racism, and homophobe cards.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Feminism, Joe Biden