*UPDATE* Biden Demolishes Sanders in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona Primaries

Illinois and Florida barely closed the polls before declaring former Vice President Joe Biden the winner in their primaries. The same happened in Arizona.

A look at the numbers shows why it was an easy call.

Ohio postponed its primary from today until June 2 due to the coronavirus.

Arizona’s numbers came in at about 11:15 pm ET. With only 2.5% of polls reporting, everyone called the state for Biden, 42.7% to 30.1%.

Will Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) drop out? Some thought he would after Super Tuesday and then Super Tuesday II, but the man will not budge. Something tells me he will stay in.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, an NBC poll showed that Sanders’ supporters may not support the eventual Democratic nominee if he does not win the primary.

Data shows that black and older voters helped Biden in Florida:

Those voting groups supported Biden in high numbers, with more than three-quarters in each backing the former vice president in the primary fight against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.Sunshine State voters who said they preferred a candidate who would unite the country, those who oppose a single payer health care system and voters who want a nominee that can beat Trump also supported Biden on Tuesday.In 2016, Sanders lost Florida to Hillary Clinton. Some groups Sanders performed well with in 2016, such as white men and independents, didn’t follow him in 2020. In 2016, 52% of white men supported Sanders for the nomination while only a quarter did so in 2020 — slightly more than 6 in 10 voting for Biden.In 2020, half of independent Democratic voters in Florida supported Biden for the nomination. That’s a flip from 2016, when 55% of voters in the state backed Sanders.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Florida, Illinois, Joe Biden