Wuhan Virus Watch: CDC Confirms 14th Case of Coronavirus in the U.S.
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Wuhan Virus Watch: CDC Confirms 14th Case of Coronavirus in the U.S.

Wuhan Virus Watch: CDC Confirms 14th Case of Coronavirus in the U.S.

Public health officials in Brazil are preparing for Rio de Janeiro’s famous Carnival.


As of  Thursday, the world has over 60,161 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus reported from 28 countries and territories, with 1,365 deaths.

Reports say 8,243 of those afflicted patients are in critical condition, and 5,756 are confirmed recoveries.

***We will update this post with new information.

In the United States, there are 420 People Under Investigation (PUI) for possible Wuhan coronavirus, distributed in 41 states and territories. Of those, 14 have tested positive (located in six states), 347 have tested negative, and 59 cases have pending diagnosis status.

CDC confirms 14th case of coronavirus in the US

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that one of the quarantined Wuhan evacuees at the Miramar Marine Corps Station has tested positive for COVID-19.

CDC today confirmed another infection with 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States in California. The patient is among a group of people under a federal quarantine order because of their recent return to the U.S. on a State Department-chartered flight that arrived on February 7, 2020.

All people who have been in Hubei Province in the past 14 days are considered at high risk of having been exposed to COVID-19 and subject to a temporary 14-day quarantine. This is the second person at this base who has tested positive for COVID-19. The first and second patients arrived on different planes and were housed in separate facilities; there are no epidemiologic links between them.

According to CDC on-site team lead Dr. Chris Braden, “At this time there is no indication of person-to-person spread of this virus at the quarantine facility, but CDC will carry out a thorough contact investigation as part of its current response strategy to detect and contain any cases of infection with this virus.”

Rio Braces for Coronavirus Risk During its Famous Carnival

Public health officials in Brazil are preparing for Rio de Janeiro’s famous Carnival when well over 1 million visitors pour into the city for Mardi Gras celebrations.

But this year, the job is just a little bit tougher thanks to the new coronavirus that had spread to some 25 countries with the epicenter of the outbreak in Wuhan, China.

In the days leading up to Carnival, which falls Feb. 21 to Feb. 26 this year, Rio officials have been setting up a “city contingency plan,” and training health workers in the metropolis of nearly 7 million people how to identify and contain the new threat.

“It’s worrying because there a lot of people moving around and a lot of tourists coming into the country from all parts of the world,” Patricia Guttman, a municipal health official, told Reuters.

Guttman said the city had freed up some 120 hospital beds that could be used for suspected coronavirus patients.

During Carnival, hundreds of thousands of visitors parade through the sweltering seaside streets of Rio. In practice, many of the celebrations often include a dearth of clothing and a surplus of alcohol, creating a ripe environment for contagious disease.

The 34 Brazilians evacuated from Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, are now being held in quarantine at a military base.

Health experts warn US Congress that coronavirus may hit the US hard in the next few weeks.

Leading health officials are warning Congress that there may be a significant uptick in coronavirus cases nationwide.

“We’re going to start to see those outbreaks emerge sometime in the next two to four weeks,” said Scott Gottlieb, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner. “We should be leaning in very aggressively to try to broaden diagnostic screening right now, particularly in communities where there is a lot of immigration where these efforts could emerge to identify them early enough that they’ll be small enough that we can intervene to prevent — prevent more epidemic spread in this country.”

Gottlieb, one of five panelists who briefed the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday, said although U.S. customs officials blocked some travel and are screening travelers returning from the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus is believed to have originated, they could not have stopped every person with coronavirus from getting into the United States.

“I don’t think we should be planning for the onesie-twosie cases that we’ve been seeing thus far in the United States,” said Asha George, executive director of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. “We have to plan for the possibility that we have thousands of cases, you know.”


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I think its going to be absolute carnage once the true scale of the disaster emerges from China.

    UnCivilServant in reply to mailman. | February 13, 2020 at 11:51 am

    What’s the over/under on this fracturing the ChiCom regime and causing a general collapse? They’re not looking too robust.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to UnCivilServant. | February 13, 2020 at 12:26 pm

      The Chinese regime is on the verge of collapse. And when it does everything you’ve read to date is going to look like a day in the park for the people of China. The regime will neither go quickly or quietly. It will be a total bloodbath. My only hope is that when the Chinese regime does collapse (it’s only a matter of time now) it doesn’t take the rest of the world with it.

Lucifer Morningstar | February 13, 2020 at 12:39 pm

According to CDC on-site team lead Dr. Chris Braden, “At this time there is no indication of person-to-person spread of this virus at the quarantine facility, but CDC will carry out a thorough contact investigation as part of its current response strategy to detect and contain any cases of infection with this virus.”

Bullshite. Now that there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the quarantine facility all of the remaining people’s time in quarantine needs to be reset to 0 and they need to be kept for another 14 day period. That’s the only way in which you’ll know if there was “no person-to-person spread of this virus at the quarantine facility”. Absent that officials are taking a big risk of releasing infected people into the general population.

Lucifer Morningstar | February 13, 2020 at 12:46 pm

Leading health officials are warning Congress that there may be a significant uptick in coronavirus cases nationwide.

Wow. That’s amazing. Government officials are finally acknowledging that they don’t have any control whatsoever over COVID-19 entering the United States and that they are preparing for major outbreaks of the disease in this country in the next couple of weeks.

But don’t worry. The only people that will suffer from this disease is the vulgar lower classes. The upper-class elites and government officials will all be safe and protected from the ravages of this disease.

    We do not yet know the limit on the incubation/asymptomatic phase of this disease. At this time, 14 days is a reasonable guess. If that guess is wrong, we may see more infections that have been incubating since before the quarantine went into effect.

    Thus far, first the airlines and then the US government have taken reasonable steps to contain the outbreak, based on the information they had.

    It remains entirely possible that people with asymptomatic or misdiagnosed infections came to the US before screening and quarantine were in place. If that happened, we will see more infections, and that is the temperate warning from the CDC.

    The upside is, asymptomatic/misdiagnosed infections suggest that the disease is quite manageable in the US. Waves of undiagnosed creeping crud are common in the US. It is possible that this disease was in the US for quite some time, already, and remained undiagnosed because nobody was looking for it.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Valerie. | February 13, 2020 at 2:47 pm

      So Valerie, does the CDC pay you to post such tripe and nonsense?

      Please re-read the following article that was linked to in the above post.


      Government officials are telling us that we need to expect to see thousands of cases of COVID-19 across the country in people who were never in China or any other overseas country because they now admit they allowed infected people into the country to travel freely without restrictions.

      As Gottlieb put it so succinctly in the article:

      What we should be worried about isn’t the cases that we know about — it’s the cases we don’t know about. There’s certainly cases we don’t know about.

      ARCHIVED LINK: https://archive.is/K03vG

        “If you can bear to see the truth you’ve spoken
        twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools …”

        No, unlike you, I don’t get paid to post anything. I do have a low tolerance for hysterical nonsense.

        I had a ring-side seat to the HIV epidemic, and the Ebola mess. Asymptomatic, human-to-human transmission is a dangerous and new wrinkle that, if it proves true, will result in a whole lot of new cases. This comes out of a gaming exercise of the type you have been claiming are “proof” of government malfeasance. Oh, well.

        Your incandescent ignorance is so regularly on display, it is clear that you have nothing even remotely resembling a STEM degree or the background to understand the fundamentals of the articles you post.

      The key to the spread will be the hard work of contact tracking as well as the testing for the virus.

      IF you read the reports about each new case (non-Chinese), you can see that many countries are doing a decent job with known cases. See the reports from Singapore. The recent death in Japan of an elderly woman shows that there will be a problem in that country since there does not seem to be reporting of the contact search.

      About testing, I think the “rest of the world” is doing the testing when there appears to be a known connection to China or a previous case. Since it is the cold and flu season here in the US, are doctors and hospitals asking the extra questions about travel, contacts with sick people, etc.

      At some point in time, it should be the standard that there is reporting of the number of people with x number of matching symptoms and those confirmed with the test. At some point in time, a testing lab will be overwhelmed by the number of tests. It is better to report the “suspected” cases as well as the “confirmed” cases.


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A traveler stands on a bridge near a display showing government propaganda in the fight against the COVID-19 viral illness in Beijing, China Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020. China is struggling to restart its economy after the annual Lunar New Year holiday was extended to try to keep people home and contain novel coronavirus. Traffic remained light in Beijing, and many people were still working at home. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

BEIJING (AP) — China on Thursday reported a sharp spike in deaths and infections from a new virus after the hardest-hit province of Hubei applied a new classification system that broadens the scope of diagnoses for the outbreak, which has spread to more than 20 countries.

Japan reported its first death, a woman in her 80s who had been hospitalized since early February. She is the third confirmed fatality outside of mainland China, after deaths in the Philippines and Hong Kong.

The new diagnostic approach came on the same day that Hubei and its stricken capital, Wuhan, replaced their top officials in an apparent response to public criticism of how authorities have handled the epidemic.

The death toll in China reached 1,367, up 254 from the previous day. The number of confirmed cases jumped 15,152 to 59,804. The unusually large increases were due to the change in Hubei’s approach.
The total now includes more than 13,000 cases of “clinical diagnosis” in Hubei, which appears to include those based on a doctors’ analysis combined with lung imaging, as opposed to waiting for laboratory test results.

Per local radio, San Antonio has been “gifted” with our first case thanks to the government shipping a bunch of Wutan refugees to Lackland. They may be quarantined, but I keep wondering about all of the medical people who are in contact with them every day.

Lucifer Morningstar | February 13, 2020 at 4:17 pm

We do not yet know the limit on the incubation/asymptomatic phase of this disease. At this time, 14 days is a reasonable guess. If that guess is wrong, we may see more infections that have been incubating since before the quarantine went into effect.

Yes, we do. The minimum is 2 days and the maximum is 14 days. Anything else is pure conjecture. And calling it a “guess” is just not right. Not right at all. (And no, an un-peer reviewed paper posted on a pre-print server claiming 24 days doesn’t count.)

Thus far, first the airlines and then the US government have taken reasonable steps to contain the outbreak, based on the information they had

Reasonable but ultimately ineffective as the US government is now getting ready for an outbreak of COVID-19 in the thousands.

It remains entirely possible that people with asymptomatic or misdiagnosed infections came to the US before screening and quarantine were in place. If that happened, we will see more infections, and that is the temperate warning from the CDC.

If that were the case we’d be seeing a huge uptick in the number of infected/ill right now. Not at some nebulous time two to four weeks in the future. Which is what Gottlieb and the CDC are saying.

The upside is, asymptomatic/misdiagnosed infections suggest that the disease is quite manageable in the US. Waves of undiagnosed creeping crud are common in the US. It is possible that this disease was in the US for quite some time, already, and remained undiagnosed because nobody was looking for it.

The downside is that COVID-19 has gotten into the United States and is becoming established to the point that the government is warning that we’re going to be seeing thousands of cases two to four weeks in the future.

To quarantine or not to quarantine – that is the question. Oh, and for how long?

But the world can always follow North Korea’s method of virus containment – execution!


notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 13, 2020 at 10:39 pm

Anyone know anything about this web site and article author?


Rod Dreher/Plague Pushes China To Breaking Point

“…any and all numbers coming from China are highly suspect – and basically worthless…

Nanjing is now under martial law – for the first time since the Japanese occupation before World War II. He told her about the tanks going down the streets and all the main streets being guarded by men with sub-machine guns. All exits out of the city are now being blocked with layers of concrete blocks. Each family has to designate one person who can go outside 2 times a week – to the nearest store for food and supplies. Anyone caught on the streets without appropriate permission – or not wearing a mask is immediately arrested – and placed in quarantine camps themselves. Anyone who thinks this is all being done just because of a “flu” or “a little virus” really needs to have their head examined.

Her father is in Beijing – and has not been heard from in two weeks….


So far, this virus is proving to be about as infectious and deadly as the common flu. And, medical professionals are finally admitting that there is simply no real means of containing it. Now, in a normal, healthy society with first class, like the US, there should be little problem with the Coronavirus. The fatality rate should be similar to that from the flu. And, no one loses any sleep over that in this country.

Now, we currently have a serious potential pool of victims, who, due to the reduction of their immune systems, due to their lifestyle choices, could contract the disease and seriously overload the healthcare facilities in California, the homeless. The Corona virus, if it makes it to LA, SF and SD might actual clear up the homeless, drug addled population problem and reduce it to manageable levels.

Of course, we will have to listen to all the hand wringing and pearl clutching about this disease being the end of the world as we know it. Just as SARS, the measles spike, Ebola, AIDS, etc., were goiong to destroy civilization.

This is the top concern we have right now.
Coronavirus is a great threat.
It should be #1 story every day.