MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: ‘Democrats Can’t Even Get a Three Car Funeral Organized’
“All night long we’ve used the word viability and I think we have to ask ourselves about the viability of the Iowa caucuses as an institution to start off this decision this country…”

The Democratic Party became a laughingstock late Monday night, even amongst its staunchest supporters, due to the messy Iowa caucuses.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews did not hold back his feelings.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: Trump a winner of Democrat caucus, “Democrats can’t even get a 3 car funeral organized”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 4, 2020
He said:
The guy in the White House is chuckling all night here, showing the Democrats can’t even get a three car funeral organized or whatever you want to call it. I would say to the people of Iowa, ‘Will the last person leaving Des Moines, please turn out the lights?’ This has not been a success.”
All night long we’ve used the word viability and I think we have to ask ourselves about the viability of the Iowa caucuses as an institution to start off this decision this country has to make to find someone to challenge Trump. But also the viability of the Democratic Party. I really think it’s got a problem. Going forward — I saw the Bernie surge there. That’s about a third of the party, but it’s not the party. And if the party gets into a civil war situation sometime this spring going into the summer, we’ve got a real disaster because if Trump isn’t challenged, that’s an historic loss for the country, if he’s not facing a serious challenger, and I wonder about that happening.

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And to think some people believe the governmental bureaucracies can better run our lives. It must be bad when you have Tingles slinging mud 🙂
I really think that there is a Sh*tload of chicanery going on. Must be Trump, Russia, and Ukraine’s fault. 😉
And that Schiff Load of criminality is being done by city, county, state, and Federal bureaucrats of the last 40 years.
Bulldoze and concrete over those agencies.
“I think we have to ask ourselves about the viability of the Iowa caucuses as an institution to start off this decision this country…”
Personally, Tingles, I think they did a great job kicking off the Dem primary process on the national stage.
Well, they have to. This is the first one and it sets the tone. It’s also good for the economy. Supermarkets are running out of popcorn.
Shows just how much CRIME the DNC has to commit to steal from thousands of Iowa citizens to promote their “chosen” post turtle out of 57 candidates.
They did enough crime to steal the Iowa primary away from Hilary in 2008, but there were only a few “viable” Cremocrats running then.
We need to organize popcorn popping! We will need a lot! ??
I just ordered a popcorn maker. One that uses oil and has a built-in stirererer. No air-popped for me, exept when I move house. Air-popped is cheaper that styrofoam pellets and just as dry and springy.
Try this Griz – mix 2 TBsp of melted butter and 2 TBsp of butter infused olive oil and drizzle over the popcorn a little at a time with a dash of truffle salt and gently toss. It usually takes 3-4 rounds of drizzle – salt – toss for us to get good coverage from the 4 TBsp combined butter/oil mix.
It’s wonderful. I still like traditional salted and buttered popcorn of course, the truffle salt and infused olive oil flavoring is a delicious change of pace.
We get our butter infused olive oil from a place called Savory Drizzle in Sequim. They’re on FB. As popular as they are, I’m sure there’s other sources for the stuff. We get the truffle salt from there too, but it’s also on Amazon.
We usually go the olive oil, sea salt with parsley and nutrient yeast. The yeast gives a butter like flavor without the dairy and the olive oil throws in healthy Omega 3s (yes…I do like meat ?)
Don’t forget coconut oil is the Best!
It looks like Russian interference in the Iowa caucus!
I concur! Let’s dump Iowa as the harbinger of victory in national elections!
As if Noo Haahmshah is any better.
A three-car funeral?? My, but we’re being optimistic … that can’t even organize a one-car funeral. Granted, it’s a clown car, and everybody fits inside, and it looks like crap. And if this is how their primaries are run, imagine the shambles the country will be in after a week were they actually to win, what with transgender children vetting cabinet posts and all …
Every damn time you democrats fuck up the Iowa Caucuses you always pull out that idiocy questioning the “viability of the Iowa caucuses”. Just knock it off. If the democrats had any kind of leadership these fuck-ups wouldn’t occur and you wouldn’t look like such jackasses. So just stop with the nonsense. The Iowa Caucuses are here to stay for the foreseeable future.
Oh, and you don’t have anyone to challenge Pres. Trump in any case. Every one of the candidates seeking the nomination are a bust. Biden? Nope. Sanders? Nope. Warren? Nope. Buttigieg? Nope. Yang? Nope Stayer? Nope. You’ve got nobody. Might as well throw in the towel and nominate Mini-Mike Bloomberg. At least he would be able to fund his own campaign. Great Maker, you’re all pathetic.
Methinks Tingles means the viability of Democrats secretly stealing the Iowa caucus votes……..
RE: ” If the democrats had any kind of leadership….”
That would mean they would first have to get rid of their crooks.
Then Dems would have no one left……
So I’m guessing what really happened was Sanders cleaned everyone else’s clock in Iowa and the Dems are in freakout mode. Again.
I’m hoping that if they continue cheating him, that Boinie will go independent. Pull a Ross Perot on the Democrats.
Yes and please!
Oh yeah!
Yes. Bernie was cleaning all their clock faces.
That’s why the traditional Des Moines newspaper poll was deep-sixed but it was leaked that it had Bernie ahead of all the rest.
the comparison to funeral is telling. or maybe it’s just a freudian slip
Or a precognitive statement.
This is what socialism looks like. A cluster … well … you know what fills in the blank.
Not yet! Socialism is usually accompanied by state sponsored genocide.
Ah gee “Tingles”! You were in love with Obama. Have you fallen out of love with other Democrats? Probably not. You’ll get your man or woman crush back on once the Dems have finally thrashed around and named a candidate.
The dems are arguing if the clown car precedes the hearse, or follows it. That’s the holdup.
The hearse and the clown car are the same vehicle.
It’s your party pal. The rest of us already know that.
It’s likely that “historic loss” has a different meaning in this context than he thinks it does.
Considering how easy it is to tally Iowa result by hand, what exactly was the purpose of introducing an app? We can eliminate time savings, accuracy, accuracy. Maybe it was to enhance transparency and accountability? Yeah… that’s it… transparency and accountability (heh heh).
Do you suppose they’ve gone so far left that the Dems can’t find anyone who could do maths among all the socialist freeloaders?
It’s probably that people just can’t tear themselves away from their cell phones anymore so they figured the only hope to control them is to hijack their screens with subliminal messaging.
It’s tough to organize a three-car funeral when the organizers are the ones in the coffin.
I never thought I’d agree with Chris M.
That day has come.
The nomination will be rigged. Bloomberg must have been approached by the party elite. I think he will buy his way into the nomination.