WATCH: Schumer Scolds Kamala Harris for Laughing During Press Conference
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WATCH: Schumer Scolds Kamala Harris for Laughing During Press Conference

WATCH: Schumer Scolds Kamala Harris for Laughing During Press Conference


The patriarchy is alive and well in the Senate’s Democrat caucus, apparently. During a press conference on the impeachment side show, Senate

Majority Leader Schumer scolded former Presidential candidate Kamala Harris who was laughing and cutting up in the background.




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CaptScientist | January 31, 2020 at 5:29 pm

chuckles is getting a little testy….he’s not getting his way

Reminds me of the Ron Brown funeral where Clinton was laughing … until he realized he was on camera. He produced some tears in a few seconds. Masterful.

CaptScientist | January 31, 2020 at 8:32 pm

No dinner for you …and straight to bed

I’ve been scolded before….sorry….that’s not a scolding.

Free State Paul | January 31, 2020 at 8:44 pm

I’m embarrassed to admit I once thought she had a good chance of winning the nomination.

After watching her debate performances, however, I’ve decided she’s high all the time.

Butthurt much, Chuckie?

Patriarchy??… Schumer??!!!!

I really think Harris is always stoned.

Was KamelToe hitting on Sherrod Brown?

Violated cardinal rule: don’t be happy during business hours!

Come on Kamala, this whole impeachment thing is supposed to be “solemn and serious!”
Didn’t you get that e-mail?